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takin a dip?


New member
So i've heard from multiple people on here that some corns like to swim and that it can help when the snake is getting ready to shed. My question is, can *hatchlings* swim? or only mature snakes? Mine is a little over a month old and I dont want to put him in a bin of water unless it's safe. Also, if it is safe, what temps should the water be at and how much water should be in the bin? thanks all :)
I'm sure hatchlings can swim, instinctively. However, they are small and get out of breath and tire easily, as well as are easily frightened. I would not have a hatchling go swimming. However, if the hatchling likes to take a dip in his water bowl, it would not worry me at all.
I just had to soak a few hatchlings out of my last clutch. They were only a week old at the time. I put them in a tub that had about 1/2 inch of water that is luke warm and only kept them in there for only 10mins so they didn't get to worn out and the water didn't cool off to much.
Warm water (80F or so) is what I use; I put an inch or so of water in a tub and put a wash cloth in one side, add enough water to go over the wash cloth a bit, and add the snake. They can swim or hunker down on the cloth if they want.