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Thinking about getting one.


New member
Im thinking about getting a corn snake. Do you know any sites that are good for information? How much do they regulary cost? What do they eat? IS there any breeders in New York ( long island to be exact). Thanks

Wholesale corns usually start at about $8 for normals.

I think Hypo Bloodred Lavenders sell for about $3000

You can find just about anything else somewhere inbetween those prices.

Mice or rats for captive corns.

Mike Panic is in Long Island
Oh okay. Ill feed them feeder mice then. Even though i have so much rodents.. But i love rodents. Soo... Do you have anywhere where i can contact mike
There is a very active Long Island Herp Society - Rich Hume is one of the officers (I think) and is pretty big into corns. And Vin Russo also breeds a bunch of them. You have lots of choices up there.

Consider becoming involved in the herp society and you will have the opportunity to meet lots of helpful and interesting people - you can learn a lot and have fun, too. They also put on a small expo once or twice a year, at a local college, I think. I don't have the contact info available for the group, but you can either Google it, or ask any of the herpers you get in touch with - Mike, Vin, Rich, etc.
Hmm okay thanks. Im trying to do research on them. And its going along smoothley.. They dont seem that expensive. And i have 2 gerbils.. Could they eat gerbil babies? I was just wondering.. id ont think ill feed them the gerbil pinkies unless i get to many. Okay ill message those people.
Gerbils are fine - but they might like them so well that they don't want mice. If you run out, you may have to scent the mice with gerbil scent.

It's great that you are researching BEFORE you buy!

Check out my caresheet here:
http://www.cornutopia.com/Corn Utopia on the Web/- CARE SHEET Cornutopia corn snakes cornsnakes.htm

And check out the FAQ section of this website here:

That will give you a great start. If you want more info, consider my book - you can find more info about it on my site (cornutopia.com).

Any questions not covered on the caresheet or FAQs can probably find a good answer right here on the forum by one of the many members who read it everyday.
I always research before i buy. If i dont its not fair for the corn snake. Okay. ILl check out your caresheets... If i do.. Ill feed them gerbils... Or mice.. I havent decided maybe mice i can keep the corn snake in a 25 gallon tank.. Is that good for a corn snake for its whole life?
Wowthey seem expensive. :sidestep: I guess ill have to save up like 300 dollers. Since the snake itself is 50 dollers.
It really depends on what kind you want.
The cages seem the most costly part to me though.
Ya a 20-25g is good for a corn all life.
But if you get a hatchling you might want to fill it with alot of hides, make it feel secure. Good luck.
Tyty...definitely get Kathy Love's book. They sell it at Petco, or you can get it on her site.

I always tell people that the initial set-up is expensive, but the maintenance is cheap. When you think most people would spend $300 or more on a dog, then add up all the shots, spay/neuter, dog food, leashes, bowls, grooming, etc., its easy to see snakes are probably the least expensive pet you can have, besides fish and hermit crabs.

Go for it! :)
Yea the kit does seem ok, the only thing I would change is the bedding, I just like aspen more than reptibark. But I think some people say its ok.
zwyatt said:

This link will save you alot of headache if you plan on posting more questions. :cheers:

LMAO.. i started that.
But seriously use your questoins and do searches, you will find a ton of info here.. and then post some questions if your still uncertain. I didn't read yoru entire thread but heres the basics

A baby corn can be kept in just about anything bigger than a 10 gallon aquarium as long as you have a secrue fitting lid, but a large one will eventually need about a 20 gallon long

babies start on mice pinkies and you move up from there according to size. Prey should be no more than 1.5 size at their widest point.

you need a heat source, either a lamp or an Under Tank Heater, i like the under tank heater. Just don't stick it directly on, tape it on or stick it to a ceramic tile and set it underneath so you can re use it. Only heat half of the viv... you need about 85 on one side and 75 on the other side. You need a substrate so they don't burn their belly on the glass.. Aspen is the best but you can use paper towels, newspaper, whatever. Just not Cedar or Pine

You need hide boxes, they can be just about anything from a cardboard box to a 50cent taracoda planter. Just make sure its small enough for them to feel secure. ANd put a hide box on teh warm and cold side.. so they can choose between temps.. a papertowel roll along the back of a 10 gallon is great because they can move between the temperature gradient.

You need a heavy water dish big enough for them to get into and not topple over.. you can use like a small butter dish even... but heaver is better

They like to climb but thats not necessary, just make sure you sterilize whatever you put in if you find it in the yard by soaking in bleach water or baking in the oven (make srue you keep an eye on it!!!)

They can be fed usually babies every 5-7 days and adults every 7-10 days but they can go for a longer time without eating.

They also need something rough for when they shed.
also wanted to add that it doesn't have to be expensive, i did buy hides, wate dish, and climbing branch for mine.. but you can really use stuff from around the house for hides and water dish and climbing. but everything i bought, including the snkae was less than $100. Here's a pic.

Thanks alot. How much did the snake cost you... ILl probally use repti bark and then ill switch to aspen. and ill probally breed my own mice. Since i know alot about gerbils and hamsters. Yeah. I am searching alot also..