zwyatt said:
This link will save you alot of headache if you plan on posting more questions. :cheers:
LMAO.. i started that.
But seriously use your questoins and do searches, you will find a ton of info here.. and then post some questions if your still uncertain. I didn't read yoru entire thread but heres the basics
A baby corn can be kept in just about anything bigger than a 10 gallon aquarium as long as you have a secrue fitting lid, but a large one will eventually need about a 20 gallon long
babies start on mice pinkies and you move up from there according to size. Prey should be no more than 1.5 size at their widest point.
you need a heat source, either a lamp or an Under Tank Heater, i like the under tank heater. Just don't stick it directly on, tape it on or stick it to a ceramic tile and set it underneath so you can re use it. Only heat half of the viv... you need about 85 on one side and 75 on the other side. You need a substrate so they don't burn their belly on the glass.. Aspen is the best but you can use paper towels, newspaper, whatever. Just not Cedar or Pine
You need hide boxes, they can be just about anything from a cardboard box to a 50cent taracoda planter. Just make sure its small enough for them to feel secure. ANd put a hide box on teh warm and cold side.. so they can choose between temps.. a papertowel roll along the back of a 10 gallon is great because they can move between the temperature gradient.
You need a heavy water dish big enough for them to get into and not topple over.. you can use like a small butter dish even... but heaver is better
They like to climb but thats not necessary, just make sure you sterilize whatever you put in if you find it in the yard by soaking in bleach water or baking in the oven (make srue you keep an eye on it!!!)
They can be fed usually babies every 5-7 days and adults every 7-10 days but they can go for a longer time without eating.
They also need something rough for when they shed.