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  • Kathy,
    I am Jim Godfrey with Palmetto Reptiles. I bought an Okeetee from you in 2000 or maybe 1999. I am the guy who brought the strange greenish ratsnake morph I found to Raleigh in 2006 or 7. Memory is fuzzy. Lol. I got an amel Emory's from you there. Your rep to my post about the belittling of the poster who wanted to trade for a baby corn is cherished. I know I can't stop such spiteful, self righteous posts, but I can expose them for what they are, that being a black eye for the hobby we love. I want people to know there are still people who act as such and not a pack of ankle nipping chihuahuas aimed at belittling innocent posters. I am humbled that you noticed much less appreciated what I said. Hope all is well with you and your family.

    Jim Godfrey
    hi kathy i was wondering if u still had any nutribac for sale or can recommend a good site for me to get some i want to have it just incase there r any problems in the future better safe than sorry i just want the best for my babies
    Hey Kathy? I have a really quick question. There's a local guy selling baby corns & hybrids and he says that one or two of them are possibly Okeetee Love. Could you possibly take a look the pictures and see what you think? If you aren't busy, of course! Link is here
    Hello Kathy, thanks for accepting my friend request. I am new to corn snakes and hope to learn a lot from this website.
    Hello Kathy thanks for being on my friends list I really like what you say on this site alot of great advise. :)
    Thank you Kathy. I value your opinion. I don't own a camera and use my cell phone to take pictures so they don't always come out well. I have a few on my phone but haven't figured out how to get them onto my computer. lol Anyway I've been getting advice from Christen and she speeks highly of you. I can't wait to meet you at the expo and am looking forward to seeing your babies. I understand that your hatchlings are as good as gold.
    Hi Kathy, My name is Kim and I'm the person with Frank. I took pictures of him on feeding day but only 1 came out and it's a bit blurry. Still, would you mind looking at it and see if you can tell what breed he is? I'm just learning how to work this site so his picture is my avatar.
    Okay, you've got my attention.

    What exactly is "amel sulfur stripe"? I tried googling it and just couldn't find anything that seemed relevant. I found "sulfer", "hypo sulfer", and just plain ol "amel".

    Where you moving to? Last I checked you were trying to sell your gorgeous estate still. :D
    I'll keep an eye on him though! He looks promising as carrying the bloodred gene or being the "poor man's" bloodred. xDD
    Hey Kathy, I was looking at some of your corns for sale, and I noticed this guy (link.)

    Is this a normal corn with motley patterning? It looks kinda like a bloodred!
    Hi! I recently (couple days ago) put in a request to join the LGBT group and never heard anything. Just wanted to say hi and hope to talk to you all in the forum. Thanks Steve Noel
    Hi! I have an Ultramel Charcoal female hatched on 7-26-09. At this point she is showing no yellow(from caratenoids). my understanding is that Ultramels are prone to show yellow. so,would you know of anyone who has an adult male blizzard with no yellow for sale? perhaps i could line breed to breed out the yellow in the blizzard morph. thoughts?? i know it's a long shot....but what the heck.
    I will try that thanks! I wanted to stick w/ Creamsicles, & when I saw a pic of the frosted one....I fell in love! Lol
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