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Tokina 100mm f/2.8 macro lens

Rich Z

Staff member
I've been looking at reviews for several different lenses lately, and have seen a bunch of glowing reviews for this particular Tokina lens. I kind of favor actual Nikkor (Nikon) lenses, but there seem to be a few classes where after market brands are actually better than what Nikon is offering. This one appears to be one of them. I have a Nikon 105 f/2.8 micro lens that I've had and used for ages, and have gotten some really good photos from, but from what people are saying, this Tokina lens beats the pants off of the Nikon lens. So, heck, I dunno. Is "good enough", GOOD ENOUGH?

Anyway, I wanted to link this YouTube video here not so much because of the lens review, but at the end of the video the author has a bunch of photos of herps out in the wild that are very well done, and well worth viewing.

BTW, if anyone is interested in picking up this lens, B&H Photo has it on sale through 02-28-2018 for $350.
A higher price point by far, but I am in love with the Sigma 105mm. Probably not great for herping though...focus is a little slow.


After getting through (most of) the video, I'm kinda sad this lens doesn't have an e-mount. :( The Sigma is great for studio work, but the Tokina seems pretty fantastic for being outdoors and on the move.
I'm likely to just stick with my old Nikon 105mm f/2.8 micro lens, as I have been very satisfied with the images I get through it, and I just can't justify spending the money for *maybe* a slight increase in quality. Quite likely I couldn't even see any differences in the images myself anyway.