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Unusual question about a Playstation console


New member
So this is a weird question for a snake forum, but I've tried Gamer forums and the people there are very arrogant and less-than-helpful. So here goes...

I've recently got into collecting "retro" or "classic" game consoles. I have always kept my original game consoles, including a 1989 Nintendo and a '93 Sega Genesis, and all their games, and have played them on and off since they were given to me decades ago. Found out that you can now get a lot of the older consoles for really good prices at thrift stores and online, so I've been building a little collection of them.

At a thrift store last weekend, I found a Playstation 1 console with a power cord and grungy, battered controller for $10. I figured what the heck, $10 is okay, and I bought it. Took it home, cleaned it up, ordered two "new" controllers and an A/V cord along with three games.

All the stuff arrived piece by piece this week, with the controllers coming today. I hooked it all up, put in Spyro the Dragon, and hit power. It powered on and came to a memory card/CD player screen. I don't have a memory card yet, but I figured there must be a way to play without one since my Dreamcast and other systems allows it.

The controllers are not moving the icon around very well. The up/down/over arrows don't seem to move it at all. I've tried both controllers, and neither one has worked well enough to move me beyond this screen. So the question is-- is it the controllers or the system, or a little bit of both? I can return the controllers to the guy on ebay if it's them. I just have a tough time believing someone would ship TWO bad controllers. These things are usually pretty durable.

If anyone has any thoughts, I'd greatly appreciate it... as I said, I posted on a Gamer board and the only reply I got was someone laughing at me for getting "ripped off" paying $10 for a PS1. :realhot:
What if you took your whole setup into a local used game store and asked them to help you troubleshoot it with working equipment?
Sorry about your troubles... BUT, IMHO, it sounds like it might be the console... Does it do the same thing when using the 2nd player?

Try to find a friend with another console (that you know works) and try plugging the controllers into that one... I'd almost bet that the controllers would work on that "working" system. If you don't have a friend with a console, try asking if you could do that at that local used game store (there's gotta be one around you). Either way, you'll find out if it is the console or the controllers. Good luck to ya!!!
I'm not sure if it would fix the problem or not, but you can try taking a canister of compressed air to the console. You can also try opening up the case and taking a look to see if anything looks fried, but I wouldn't suggest it if you've never done anything like that before.

If it's the controllers, then you might be SOL on them. You can get them cheap enough at an EBgames or Microplay though, so it's not too bad.
I hate to say it, but I'm pretty sure its the console itself. My daughters had something similar happen to their ps2. They tried several different games and none worked past the memory card screen. I know it sucks, but hopefully you'll be able to return it for you money or a different console.
That should be just a controller issue. Try using compressed air on the port you plug the controller cord into and on the controller buttons.
I asked my experts (my children) and they say if some of the buttons on the controller work but not others, it probably the controller. Since you've tried two controllers, it might be the connection between the controllers and the console. You don't need a memory card to play. Have you tried any of the other games as that could be an issue also. That's all the help I can offer.
Well I ended up purchasing a used PS2 package this weekend at the local flea market. The controllers for the PS1 worked just fine on that, as did the games. So apparently it's the console. The thrift store I got it from has a no returns policy, so I took the liberty of pulling it apart and trying a few things with it while following online instructions, to no avail. I'm not too bummed about it-- the inner workings are kind of cool, and I'm only out $10.

On the PS2 now, it's saying the memory card that came with it is no good. I was able to delete all the previous players games off it, but it's refusing to allow me to save. Not sure, again, if this is just that card or the system, but I am leaning towards the card. If/when my job ever pays me, I'm going to pick up another card at the local VG store to see if a new one solves the issue... I'm chomping at the bit in the meantime, because Spyro the dragon is REALLY cool but I can't bring myself to go too far without being able to save. :headbang:

Thanks for all the suggestions though!