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what is he?


New member
This is my hatchling.
Can anyone tell me what he is?
The photo has made him look a bit more orange than i think he is. He does seem to be more orange/brown at the head end, getting duller towards the tail.


  • dave 002.jpg
    dave 002.jpg
    108.5 KB · Views: 144
i dont no i got some normals and that does not look like one to me. could you get a lighter picture of the head and body of the snake.
i edited the picture a little for you. see if anyone can make it out


  • snake.jpg
    36.2 KB · Views: 102
thanx for the edit,but i think he looks more orange than that!
anyone else got any more ideas or is it looking like a normal?
so is the snake bright orange and a dark brown and a ligh brown? or a bright orange a dark red and a light brown with black borders?

or something totally differnt.

and yeah i can see how you could think its a normal now i think about it. it would be interesting to see some more photos though.
ok another pic.still not that good, i'm afraid. this one is a bit dark.
he's not bright, bright orange,but def orange, fading to a very pale orange/brown at the tail. his dark patches are a dark brown at the mo. they looked black 5 or 6 days ago but are dark brown now. i know that the colour can change dramatically in the first year and i'm not really worried what he is, just interseted. to me, he is just gorgeous.


  • dave 004.jpg
    dave 004.jpg
    112.7 KB · Views: 79
gunner said:
he's not bright, bright orange,but def orange, fading to a very pale orange/brown at the tail. his dark patches are a dark brown at the mo. they looked black 5 or 6 days ago but are dark brown now. i know that the colour can change dramatically in the first year and i'm not really worried what he is, just interseted.

He definately looks normal to me. Many normals have very faint and washed out oranges/reds when they first hatch. But each shed reveals a little more orange until before too long you have one heck of a snake! Yours, I'm sure, will do the same. Something I did with my 2nd corn was take a picture after each shed for the first year. It's amazing to look back and see how much she changed

to me, he is just gorgeous.

That's all that matters :)
does the corn look anything like this in the light?


this corn is a normal and is aorund 3 mounths old.
yeah she does look like a very nice corn anyway i forgot to say that in the last post hope my picture might help you out. and happy snake keeping.
yeah could be a normal then probily is actually by that discription. anyway its a lovely looking snake. a little hint for yeah when its sunny go out side with the corn and take some pics use macro mode with flash off. normaly get some good shots that way ;)

then you can show off the snake in all its glory :)
Bubbles said:
yeah could be a normal then probily is actually by that discription. anyway its a lovely looking snake. a little hint for yeah when its sunny go out side with the corn and take some pics use macro mode with flash off. normaly get some good shots that way ;)

then you can show off the snake in all its glory :)

Bubbles, i've only just figured out how to use the camera, let alone all this 'macro mode' stuff :)
the only macro i know is a cash and carry :grin01:
Any more suggestions as to what he is?? And if he is a 'normal' does that mean he'll end up vey red and orange?
nope just coz its a normal wont mean it wil go bright orange and stuff. some of them change some of them dont the chances are it will get lighter. the browns will become lighter most probily and the oranges may aswell. i figerd this one out when that snake above changed form that color to a birght bright red and orange someone told me some change alot and some dont change that much.