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Whats the deal!

Hypancistrus really couldn't have made a better point in regards to owning terms, and being courageously open about her beliefs. Whenever I hear people say the "F" word, "N" word, "R" word, or other, I think about how easy these words become acceptable to say. .....................

There is no more important issues in the world today than equality. Whether it's women covered in sheets in the middle east, or civil rights right here in America, we cannot fight any war with conviction without solving these most simple of crisis's. I never even liked the term "tolerance" in school, but it will do. I think acceptance is better, as though we should just tolerate minority groups. At least tolerance isn't filled with hate and prejudice, but acceptance is understanding that we are ALL equal in every way.
Please understand I had seen these words on the site already, you may find where intere sting. I apologize again for having used one of them.
Some of you just don't get it. That's fine with me. Keep the blinders one and continue with your narrow-minded way of thinking. I see what is potentially coming, even if you don't. Others see it as well. I pray that things turn around, but people like you virtually guarantee that it won't, and for that, I am truly sorry. Perhaps in time, you too will see it, but it will be too late.
Some of you just don't get it. That's fine with me. Keep the blinders one and continue with your narrow-minded way of thinking. I see what is potentially coming, even if you don't. Others see it as well. I pray that things turn around, but people like you virtually guarantee that it won't, and for that, I am truly sorry. Perhaps in time, you too will see it, but it will be too late.
In that case Susan, please enlighten me. I would really like to know why you think it's acceptable to want to lynch your president and to state so publically on a corn snake site? And whether you refuse to see the connotations, inciting lynching of an african american is never going to sit aesily here either, IMO.
I'm not very sensitive in any way so when I hear the word lynching I don't automatically think of a black person...sorry but african american means you were born in Africa and moved to America and just an FYI white people live in Africa too. I wonder how they feel about this term? We are too culturally sensitive IMO and obviouly not in everyone else's but, everyone should not assume when one uses a term that offends them the other person meant it offensively. I don't like the N word or the F word, but lynching does mean hanged and set on fire not black person hanged and set on fire.:)
It amazes me that a moderator of this great forum can make comments that she did and still retain being a moderator. As was stated before by a very well respected member, there is a loss of respect by many of us. I don't think there is a snake she could produce now that would make me want to purchase anything from her in the future. Even though she does have some beautiful snakes.
If you all think her comments just pertain to the president then it is YOU who are living with blinders on. Racism and intolerance of others usually go hand in hand. They may not admit it, but it's there within them. All of what has come out in this thread has really saddened me and I just hope and pray that we can all go beyond what was said and be the happy friendly community we have been in the past.
I'm not very sensitive in any way so when I hear the word lynching I don't automatically think of a black person...sorry but african american means you were born in Africa and moved to America and just an FYI white people live in Africa too. I wonder how they feel about this term? We are too culturally sensitive IMO and obviouly not in everyone else's but, everyone should not assume when one uses a term that offends them the other person meant it offensively. I don't like the N word or the F word, but lynching does mean hanged and set on fire not black person hanged and set on fire.:)
I have no idea what the present culturally accepted term is then, my brother in law is Nigerian and prefers to be called 'black', his teenage son who calls himself a Nigerian, my former sister-in-law is from Bermuda and prefers 'afro-american' and for her daughters (my nieces) to be referred to as 'black', even though the youngest girl resembles me the most out of our family with the same colour skin as me and eyes exactly the same shade of blue and hair as blonde as mine was at her age. I just generally go along with whatever people prefer to refer to themselves as, including my anglo-indian niece who's proud of both her Indian and English heritage. I'm a mixed race mongrel part Romany anyway and refer to myself as a 'pikey', which is in a way reclaiming the derogative term applied to that side of my family.
Janine I wasn't trying to be rude just point out any term can be taken the wrong way. Some are just obvious like the F and N words though on your side of the pond a F is a smoke right? I haven't ever used any of these words and have a family that represents every color of the rainbow literally, I have dated inside and out of my race, and honestly still don't get why lynching is considered a racist term. Someone enlighten me maybe its too early and I'm slow.
Typical of a liberal to see a term only as racial. The definition says nothing about race and lynchings have been performed on and by every race, creed and color throughout history around the world:

Socialist/communist leaders that are "voted" into power have a tendency to remain there. We often call them dictators. Sometimes, the only way to get rid of them is to kill them without due process of law. The fact that Obama is black was only an added bonus to my comment, but not the reason behind it. And in my personal opinion, I don't classify Obama with African Americans (or whatever the current politically correct term is for today). I place him with the Al Qaeda terrorists.

There are always 2 sides to everything. It all depends upon which side is the "winner". To some, our founding fathers are heroes. To others, they are traitors. It may come to pass that what I have posted on this forum will lead to my execution. Some will consider it due justice for a traitor. Some will consider it a travesty of justice. None of that matters to me. What DOES matter is how God judges my words and my actions, and I am confident in what that judgment will be.
Here you go danielle.
Oh well... the added bonus part is a little sketchy but still did Susan explain her intent just in case we've miscontrued this?
Janine I wasn't trying to be rude just point out any term can be taken the wrong way. Some are just obvious like the F and N words though on your side of the pond a F is a smoke right? I haven't ever used any of these words and have a family that represents every color of the rainbow literally, I have dated inside and out of my race, and honestly still don't get why lynching is considered a racist term. Someone enlighten me maybe its too early and I'm slow.
I didn't take you as rude at all. In fact my part-Nigerian nephew and my boys would make an outsider's ears curl up with their liberal use of the 'n' word and 'honky' when they are kidding around, because my eldest boy's hair has grown into a blonde 'fro he's been claimed as a 'white 'n'' by his cousin. However it would be a totally different matter if my boys heard the 'n' word used as a hostile term against their cousin. Language being so fluid, context and intent mean just as much as the actual words spoken.
I didn't take you as rude at all. In fact my part-Nigerian nephew and my boys would make an outsider's ears curl up with their liberal use of the 'n' word and 'honky' when they are kidding around, because my eldest boy's hair has grown into a blonde 'fro he's been claimed as a 'white 'n'' by his cousin. However it would be a totally different matter if my boys heard the 'n' word used as a hostile term against their cousin. Language being so fluid, context and intent mean just as much as the actual words spoken.

J9, Can I ask you why it is alright for them to use those words amongst each other and yet be offended when others use the same words towards them?
I personally find those words very offensive and never understood why it was alright for a black person to use the N word when talking to a friend and yet find it offensive when others use it towards them?
I"m just trying to become enlightened here and not trying to offend anyone of any race.
On that note it is the intent. Whats up my N amongst black people is a term of endearment, but when one says look at the N the meaning of the same word becomes quite different.
So, your saying that I could say "what's up my N friend" to my partner at work and he shouldn't be offended by it? I'm tellin ya if I did that I'd be HR'S office so fast my head would spin.
I'm sorry I just don't see how it can be right to say certain words in any context.
J9, Can I ask you why it is alright for them to use those words amongst each other and yet be offended when others use the same words towards them?
I personally find those words very offensive and never understood why it was alright for a black person to use the N word when talking to a friend and yet find it offensive when others use it towards them?
I"m just trying to become enlightened here and not trying to offend anyone of any race.
I have no idea except to again cite the context and intent behind the words which changes the impact of them amongst friends. I suppose because they are happy within their own skins? Having all grown up in an extended family and with close friends of different races and sexualities they really don't make much of a deal about it all. Seeing as their father has been largely absent by his choice the closest male role models my boys have had have been their Nigerian uncle and two of my male gay best friends, so I would think by default they're comfortable with situations that might faze teens from a more conventional background.
I hate HR,lol but yes if you are that close to someone and they know your intent society says its okay. My best friend Donovon is black and calls me his favorite white girl greeting me with whats up white girl I greet him back with my nothing black boy and its all in good spirits and friendship. Tone, body language, and intent can make most all words positive or negative.
So, your saying that I could say "what's up my N friend" to my partner at work and he shouldn't be offended by it? I'm tellin ya if I did that I'd be HR'S office so fast my head would spin.
I'm sorry I just don't see how it can be right to say certain words in any context.
That would depend entirely on your relationship with that person, though. I'd never accept (or give out) the level of insulting epithets that pass between myself and some of my close friends with a stranger.
I guess I"ll just leave it because I just don't understand how it can be alright use it at all if you don't want it used towards you, no matter what the intent or context of such a word is used. But I do want to thank you both for trying to explain it to me.
Just chiming in here from my past experience... Where you live could also have something to do with what's acceptable or not. When I lived on a military base in Korea as a kid, it was perfectly acceptable to use the word "honkey" amongst my "white" friends. BUT when my father was transfered to Ft. Bragg, NC, it was NOT... and I almost found out the hard way.

Needless to say, I don't use ANY of those words now... LOL.
Got this in an email last night:

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazingthat
during themad cow epidemic our government could track
a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right
to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington?
And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are
unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around
our country.Maybe we should give each of them a cow.


They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for
Iraq... Why don't we just give them ours? It was
written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for
over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore.


The real reason that we can't have theTen
Commandmentsposted in a courthouse or Congress is this --
you cannot post 'Thou Shalt NotSteal' 'ThouShalt Not
Commit Adultery' and 'Thou Shall NotLie' in a building full
of lawyers, judges andpoliticians.... it creates ahostile work
