Perhaps because you asked me if I knew what over qualified is with a tone. So I'm sorry, I do think we are all over, I don't know, upset, defensive; I know I am. It is great you help your family. I live in a senior mobil home park so there are a lot of people less fortunate then we are, which isn't much. Dinah upset me because she can't live on $275.00 a week, we live on $1600.00 a month. We are educated, just didn't have the luck of jobs with good retirement well any. I guess like you I am pushed to my limit with this. I do feel sorry for your Aunt, I couldn't believe the news here last night when they talked about letting older teachers go, that is total BS.
The do I know what over-qualified is, hit home, I was a TA at a University for Philosophy and Logic, that ended when funds dried up. Luckily I had a knee re-placement which left me almost unable to walk. For a brief time I did cut fabric for minimum wage though.