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Search results

  1. T

    free play online snake image jigsaw puzzles!

    I found a jigsaw puzzle website that has a few snakes. If you need something to distract you from a dysfunctional turkey dinner this season, give it a try: http://www.jpuzzles.com/play-online-snake-d-1.html#player Happy Holidayssssssss. Tracy
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    He's got moxy!

    Go-go is turning out to be one amazing snake. He is a beautiful charcoal, is growing and eating well and calms down after a minute of handling. Calm isn't actually the right word. He no longer acts threatened but he's on the move and very curious! Hence the name Go-go. Just now, I glanced over...
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    Jo the hypo

    He's the gal who started the obssession. She's really friendly now and climbs out of her tank onto my hand.
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    Go-go my charcoal

    This is the charcoal I got from the Kathy Love line through a Gent who did some work for her this summer. Is it just me or is Go-go blushing??? This little guy is so darn cute. Those eyes could melt an iceburg! I named him Go-go cause he NEVER stops. Taking these few clear photos was a fluke...
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    Dammit! Little white thin sliver-type bugs!

    Grrrrrrrrrrr. Thought I'd get all fancy and buy some of that shredded/chipped bark for substrate for a change. Well, I went to feed my corn and while he was in his feeding tub, I went to clean out his viv. I picked up a piece of pooh and there were little, white, thin bugs eating it! I figure...
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    Buying food treats at the Expo

    So I was thinking... Instead of mice, I thought I'd mix it up a bit and get snakies some other prey at the expo. Lizard? What kind? Any suggestions. My cats get food treats and I think my snakes are getting jealous.
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    The Expo is coming! The Expo is coming!

    What should I get to breed with my charcoal? My Miami? My Normal Ball python? Will the incubators be on sale? They better not run out of digital thermometers again. How much should I spend? How much will I spend? How many snakes can I actually handle? How many can I make fit in my house? Do my...
  8. T

    Geek alert: Knitting and crochet patterns for felted snake accessories.

    Okay, I've really lost it now. I was feeling all, "Awe, I love my snake and I want to hold it while I do the dishes." So... I have this purse that I crocheted and felted, (put in the washing machine to shrink on purpose to remove the holes and strengthen the wool). I put snakie in there and put...
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    nutrition: mice vs rats

    What's got more nutritional value for a corn? Rats or mice? I was just told rats. I read on a post here it is mice but rats make corns fat. I'm so confused....
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    is this a good purchase idea? pic included

    For $175 CND I can purchase a 3 year old female miami and a 3 year old female okeetee. They are in good health. I spoke with the owner on the phone and did get a good feeling from her. She answered my questions without any waivering or pause and was quite friendly...
  11. T

    Sugar is dying. Please help me make her comfortable.

    My little blizzard corn, Sugar, is not doing well at all. She's the one who I got about 6 weeks ago who has thrown up every meal since I got her. She regurged about 4-7 days after each meal. I was told to not feed her for 10-14 days to allow for "regurge syndrome" to ease and her gastric juices...
  12. T

    6 mth old corn regurging 4-7 days later - all the time.

    Hi all: I got a baby blizzard not too long ago. She ate fine the first week, kept it down. The last 4 weeks she's eaten, she's thrown up within 4-7 days each time. I fed her last Monday. I've checked her every day to ensure she kept her meal down. She was moving from spot to spot, hide to...
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    sealing home made hides - safe product suggestions?

    Hey all: Thought some may find it interesting to assist in figuring out how to deal with these issues. I'm moving my BPs to a new large acrylic enclosure, 6' x 2' x 2'. It's huge, 1/2" thick acrylic and quite attractive. Has a lid and I believe will hold the temps and humidity well. I'm going...
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    leaving a pinkie in a trap - how long?

    Hi all: As I posted yesterday, one of my new baby blizzards (3 months old) escaped through the side of the tub through the holes I burned in there with a wood burner. I was sure the holes were smaller than her head but I was wrong. I am building traps from large plastic pop bottles. How long...
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    escaped thru .25" hole. how to build a trap anyone?

    I can't believe this. I got 3 hatchlings last week and today one escaped. I had her in a sterilite plastic tub with a slate tile weight (7 lbs) on the lid. I put holes in the tub with a wood burner and I was sure the holes were smaller than her head. Not so. She escaped and I've been looking...
  16. T

    I don't understand where to put the flexwatt in a rack system. Help?

    Hi there: I am going to build a rack this month as I want to breed and collect. (Yes, severe state of denial to think I would only want to keep a few snakes.) So I was searching around the forums here for designs and building ideas and I found this great thread...
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    snakes eating out of our hands - is it okay?

    I saw a picture here of a corn snake eating right from the owner's hand and it seemed really neat so I tried it. First time, and every time since, Josephine eats 2 pinkies out of my hand while sitting on my lap. It's the cutest, coolest thing ever! It's so incredible that she "trusts" me enough...
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    ... and then, the rat suddenly exploded...

    I find feeding time fun. Warming the mice and rats up, checking for their doneness, telling my snakes that din-dins is coming, watching them come alive as they catch a whiff of the scent, etc. It's usually all very relaxing and spiritual. Today was a little different... I feed my ball python a...
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    Would this be enough room for a hatchling?

    HI all. I need some opinions here. I have a tank that is 12 x 24" by 12 " high. I am getting three corn hatchlings soon and I had the idea of dividing one glass tank into three. They sell plastic tracking at Home Depot and I can cut sheets of plexiglass to slide into the tracks which would give...
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    SNAKE DEFIES GRAVITY! AKA: Lock your top.

    Here's Jo out for a midnight "stroll" stuck to the top of her viv, clutching to the screen. She has a 1 mm ledge to cling to at the top and she found it. The remarkable balance, coordination and strength of these beautiful creatures is so evident here. If this isn't an arguement for why to...