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36 Gallon Bowfront Terrarium


New member
I was at the local reptile show today, getting mice for my snakes, when I found this tank for $10, I couldn't pass it up lol

I've gussied it up a bit, but I'm not sure what I want to keep in it yet. Any ideas? I have UTH, but I don't know if it would get hot enough to reach above the soil. and I don't want to dry the plants out with a heat bulb.
I'm thinking something with legs, as I already have 7 snakes. I'd also like something that isn't prone to escape, I'm still trying to get a lid for this thing and it looks like glass is my only option right now, all I have is a light from an old busted 37g.

Great deal! Leopard geckos are really cool. If you are artsy you could make a really nice background/rock formation to utilize all that space. I'm actually going to be doing that soon for my guy in a 35 gallon I just got for $5. I found a way to make them pretty cheap and nice/natural looking. If you don't want to keep the plants and everything you can always get a turtle. :) Turtles are the best. They have such great personalities. He would fit in that tank for a year or 2. There are so many choices. It really depends what you are interested in :)
Yeah I was thinking I'd make some rock ledges and add some vines, it has a center brace though, so making a BG without dismantling the entire thing would be a pain, might just be better to get a paper BG at this point.

Also geckos had crossed my mind, but not leopards, I was hoping for something arboreal.
Fire skinks are pretty cool. I'd imagine an adult would fit in that. Fire salamanders and Mandarin newts look neat as well. But I don't think any of those animals are arboreal.

Sugar gliders are kind of neat. I'd imagine you could house one or more in there. And I'm pretty sure they're climbers.
No way sugar gliders are totally out, they have very specialized care needs I can't meet right now.

I had considered some exotic anoles, but getting a hold of them is the hard part.
Fire skinks are pretty cool. I'd imagine an adult would fit in that. Fire salamanders and Mandarin newts look neat as well. But I don't think any of those animals are arboreal.

Sugar gliders are kind of neat. I'd imagine you could house one or more in there. And I'm pretty sure they're climbers.

Glass enclosures are very, very, VERY poorly suited for sugar gliders. I really strongly advise against that. As the owner of four sugar gliders, I have to admit that my eyeball started twitching when I read that.

They are very neat critters, don't get me wrong, but please please PLEASE don't put them in a tank like that!

Fire skinks are pretty awesome looking, though. I'd be tempted. :p

How about a chameleon? (I'll admit I know virtually nothing about chameleons. LOL!)

PS: Nice find on the viv! :D
Yeah, right now I'm leaning towards a pair of either skunk, tokay or crested geckos, or perhaps a few whites tree frogs.
Crested geckos would be my recommendation as well. That size tank would handily house two adult female cresteds. You could probably do as many as 3, though that would be a little tighter.
Cresties where my first thought, once it has more decor. You're lucky to have gotten such a good deal on the tank!
I was told by a tiny breeder that they house tree frogs with their cresties peacefully, thought I'd mention it for you to look into, but as I am by NO means an expert, please research before running with it.
Well I'm really leaning towards cresties right now, they seem perfect, and my husband already decided on the name "Prickly Pete" for one of them XD
Getting a few shouldn't be too difficult either.

I'm looking for magnets to make ledges and vines. is the water bowl better on the floor or on a ledge for these guys?

Also found some old rocks I'm not using in my 55 Amazon tank anymore. I think they look pretty good =3

oooh, I like it. from my research on cresties, you can just put the water on the floor. you should always provide it just in case, though they will mainly drink the water droplets on the decorations from the misting. They also sell cute bowl holders that look like tree shelf fungus.
I always keep a fairly large water bowl on the ground, it also helps with humidity. If you are going to house several together, I suggest having several small feeding stations around the cage, ideally one not really visible from the other, though that can be hard to arrange. That cuts down on the possibility of a dominant crested from guarding the food and bullying the others away from it. I suggest this forum, the info is good, it's fairly active and the site owner is great to buy supplies from. I get about half my supplies from him.
Thanks for the link, I love those ledges, lots of good info too =3

Another Update, I spent a looooong time running around today looking for various supplies, and found pretty much nothing.
So I ended up going to petsmart to get a 30" glass canopy, and using some screen and glue to cover the rest of the tank. I think it's going to work out better this way, also about $40 cheaper. Seriously, $60 for a bow front lid? That's madness.

Also got a BG so it doesn't look so Blah. I wanted stacked stones, but they were sold out of that one.

I'm pretty much killing time waiting on glue to dry at this point lol I'll post a pic of the lid once it's done =3
