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Dad turned my rats "free'


New member
My dear father has Alzheimer's. He decided to 'free' my rats. He took there bins outside and dumped them out. I came down with a load of laundry and I could see the back side of him but could not figure out what he was doing. He then came inside and was saying to himself or maybe to me 'I just don't understand why they won't run away." I go outside and find my rats all sitting around there bins looking very confused. I scoop them up and put them all back. Meanwhile, Dad is now out in the front yard setting the dogs 'free'. The dogs did not sit around like the rats did, they ran off to parts unknown. Took at least 20 minutes to round up the dogs. By the time I got back with the dogs, the rats were 'free' again. Everyone is now safe and sound, including dad. :-offtopic
Oh, sweetheart, I am so sorry. I can't imagine what you are going through, do you have outside help for him? I would think keeping him (and your pets) safe is a full time job. Positive thoughts and good wishes coming your way. (((((hugs)))))
Do you know what would frighten me the most about that? Remember Grey's Anatomy, where Meredith's mother has Alzheimer's, and Meredith wonders if she has inherited the gene, as she watches the progression of the disease in her mother? Yeah, that would scare the CRAP out of me. Fortunately, research is on-going, so hopefully by the time it's _our_ time, they will be able to slow or halt it.

Glad everyone is safe and sound.
On the one hand, I sort of read it in a more positive tone than perhaps was meant. It almost seemed cute in a way (although maybe not the most appropriate wording, my apologies!). Sounds as if your dad was just trying to help - in his own way - the animals. Very strange and confusing illness.

I find it funny how the rats stayed and the dogs left... :p silly things.
Good story.
But sorry you have to go through that, Myca.

Alzheimer's has never turned up in my family. But MS has.

I know a lady whose mother had Alzheimers, and the latter died of natural causes at 90-ish. My friend, her daughter, said very interestingly and objectively that her mother had never been so happy...wakes up in a new world every day...and is/was every day happy as a lark.

The drive to "liberate" perceived captive things is something I have heard of before. Interesting.