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double chinned corn


New member
dang, my amel got fat fast. Now she has kind of a comical double chin, but I don't how to make her lose weight. I have cut down on her feeding, but for the rest i'm confused. Snake arobics in order? :dancer:
Ya I think some serious cardio might be the answer. Perhaps some treadmill time might do her some good.
Diet and Exercise! Works for ANY creature. Some snake exercise suggestions: swimming and tree climbing. Both of these should be done with human supervision and make sure whatever is being climbed (doesn't necessarily HAVE to be a tree) isn't too large to prevent snake extraction.
hey funny you actually started a thread about this.
my 5 yr old female, Skitzy is kinda fat, i actually thought she was pregnant so i fed her more. damn! now she really is fat. i ended up taking her to the vet for a check-up as i was worried about her, lol, i dont make her climb trees because of parasites and whatever else is on those things. but swimming. yes! i recommend swimming, so far shes lost an ounce, go Skitzy!
anyways my point actually is she has a triple chin thing going on, its looks kinda horrendus too.
oh and ive cut her food down now to one big mouse every fortnight.
good luck with yours
Cutting down to one mouse a fortnight and a larger, taller viv with climbing branches and shelves, did it for my guy. He used to get hungry after eight to ten days and went into hunting mode, which meant he climbed all over the place and got himself some serious exercise. It was a slow old job, so be prepared to be patient. I reckon it took me two years to get him to a more acceptable size once he' reached about 30% overweight (guesstimate).