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escape!!! HELP!


New member
HEY ALL so I went to check the water and stuff and my 1 and a half year old female charcoal is gone... Tore the entire room apart to find her with no luck. my house is pretty big, i checked all the rooms on that floor thoroughly with no luck either. any ideas? im tweaking out here. thanks
ummm well I am sure others on here might have a better idea but perhaps put some of her food out and watch. or look in places that are warm in your house (behind radiator, refrigerator.. things like that).

Hopefully you find her soon.. she will come hunting when she's hungry.. hopefully she didn't get out of your house.
will snakes go upstairs, she's not terribly big so i feel as if going upstairs would be a challenge for her? any thoughts?
I believe she could since they can climb. Check anyway. how long has it been since you noticed she's gone?
Yeap, she's had time to move around a good bit.

Definitely check upstairs. They can climb pretty well. Look anywhere warm and places that are tight enough she can hide really well.

Luckily she'll get hungry and come out looking for food.
What I did was ...

I put a heat mat on the floor near the viv and near a wall with her favourite hide and a mouse.

I didn't even have a chance to put the mouse in the hide before she came out and of course she was only like 6 feet away haha.

She could have been out for 24 hours so she had a chance to move, but didn't.

Check all warm places around the viv and close by, I hear a lot of people find them in the bathroom.

I'd set up a lot of hides near the walls and check them every so often.
A year and a half huh? It will be able to climb stairs well and i would use the search option on the site and search for "bottle trap", your corn may be the perfect size for it. Being in Duluth i hope your corn didn't get outside... Definitely check by anything hot, fridge, water heater, furnace. I would put a heat mat (or wrap hand warmers in a dry wash cloth so they don't get too hot and set them in the hide) out with a hide on it in at least 2 rooms on each floor that would be easily accessible for the snake. you can put flour on the floor in places that you may think it may be and see if it leaves any trails. If you use the search on the site you will find lots of good tips and tricks, good luck.

Oh and i would MAKE SURE IT"S NOT IN THE VIV (to prevent a real escape if it is still in there lol) and if you have really made sure that it is not in there, then leave the top off and keep the viv operating like normal, maybe it will miss its home :)
And don't give up hope. I've had several escapes now, and found them all within a few days except for one who was on safari for several weeks (an adult) and wasn't even dehydrated when recovered. I think Pebbles was drinking from the cat water bowl! Of course, at about 950 gms, Pebbles looks like something that could eat a cat, so the cats would have steered clear. ;)
still no luck. put up bottle traps and sticky traps all baited w/ fuzzies or pinkies and still no luck. I tore the room with the vivs apart the day she went missing, gonna do it again tonight. are house is pretty cold and we have wood floors so she will be limited on where she can be hiding. If i go get a couple heat mats and place them around the house w/ hides, how will she locate them? she would have to stumble upon them by chance i guess? I've heard a lot of success stories of people finding their missing corns, im sure between the six roommates here someone is bound to stumble upon her. Not giving up.
Put them near walls since it's more likely they'd go down walls then wander into the middle of the room since it's such an open space.
I believe a corn would have to stumble upon the mats, they do not have the heat pits that other snakes have. which is why i mentioned the flour, if you could narrow down where it is at or if you had some reassurance that it's still in the house it would make it a bit easier..
She should be able to survive at least a few months, especially if she has water, or if she goes somewhere cool and brumates. Keep looking at night. Look along the walls. Look under everything along the walls.
One of my babies has gotten out on me twice, so far. It's been right before feeding day, both times, so my theory is that she gets hungry & decides to go looking for her own food. LOL
I have found her both times, on a different floor in my house. The snake room is on the 2nd floor, & both times she has shown up on the main floor. The first time she was crawing across the floor, the same evening I discovered her missing. The most recent time, she was out for a week, & with as cold as it's been, I was afraid I wouldn't see her again. I found her on the main floor, near a door I rarely use. I was about to move the towel I have across the bottom, to go outside to get a bin of snow for my ferrets to play in, & I saw her curled up under the towel. She might have been drawn to the heat from the wood stove nearby.
Don't give up hope, most of the time, they are found. :)