Oh you mean one of these??
Oh wait thats my black rat..why make a black corn when you can have a black rat?
I was nominated for the VP spot in my local BSU. We joke about chicken and watermelon all the time; people who can't learn to laugh at themselves have very miserable lives.Wade,
Let me start by saying that I, for the most part, find your humor quite funny and I get a good chuckle out of it from time to time but this post was not called for nor funny for that matter. I found it quite offensive and very derogatory. If I were a black member of this forum I would probably feel as though that were a personal attack against me. I found your post was in very poor taste and this forum would have been better off without it. Your post was aggressively racist and I feel that CS.com has no room for such behavior. I hope you can respect how I feel about your post and think about how others might have felt as well. I ask you, can you please keep your racist jokes/posts to yourself as I for one would prefer not to see them. Keep in mind that all of the members of CS.com all have one thing in common, Corn Snakes. As everyone knows, Corn Snakes come in all different colors and they don't seem to mind. Please don't feel that I dislike you because that wouldn't be true. I just feel that this last post was unnecessary and uncalled for. I hope you can understand and respect how I feel.
I was nominated for the VP spot in my local BSU. We joke about chicken and watermelon all the time; people who can't learn to laugh at themselves have very miserable lives.
I was nominated for the VP spot in my local BSU. We joke about chicken and watermelon all the time; people who can't learn to laugh at themselves have very miserable lives.
If you mean separating 'in-house' joking from derogatory racial stereotyping, ok, but I know I won't laugh along if I'm hearing a joke demeaning to me. I'm from Romany/gypsy blood. We're stereotyped as a thieving, dirty, feckless race, with the term 'Pikey' used as an insult. In my family we'll use the term about each other in jokes, but I can't say there'd be the same result if an outsider was using the term about one of us.I was nominated for the VP spot in my local BSU. We joke about chicken and watermelon all the time; people who can't learn to laugh at themselves have very miserable lives.
We're stereotyped as a thieving, dirty, feckless race,
i didn't know until fairly recently that saying you got "gypped" (as in ripped off) was a derogatory comment to those of gypsy descent
I think I could pull off an act like that, especially if I bring Rosie and Merlin along for authenticity!OT..
I think we need to pitch in to get J9 a nice crystally ball and a booth... I bet you could make a killing in Hollywierd.. errr Hollywood.. It would be absolutely novel, a real gypsy!, toss in a few shots of Jager and we could have an actually typsy gypsy... I can see it.. dash board typsy gypsys.. Oh girl, we are going to get you infamous! *LOL* Now thats funny!
FOR SALE: One Typsy Gypsy Dash Board Bobble Head.. Goes by the name of J9.. A little saucey and a lot of fun.. Gaurenteed to keep you entertained for hours on those long road trips!
Regards.. Tim of T and J