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I am going to miss my caramel frap.

I deleted all the Starbucks apps off my phone. I think I am going to see if they have a customer service e-mail.
Why yes, they do!

Dear Starbucks,

I don't know why whether a person is _legally_ carrying a gun should be of concern to you. You do realize it is people carrying illegally, with criminal intent, who would be the potential troublemakers in your stores, right? Not the law-abiding citizens. Your anti-gun policy only alienates the lawfully-armed citizens, and solves a non-problem. Additionally, how many people will now feel unsafe entering your establishment, since we all know the unlawfully-armed bad guys aren't going to abide by your wish for people to not bring guns into Starbucks? I myself will be patronizing other coffee shops who don't have a political agenda.
LOL They seem to be taking a stand directly on the fence. No outright ban and won't ask you to leave but they don't want you to be armed.

On a side note, though I very much support the right to do so, I never understood open carry. IMHO you give away most of your tactical advantage in most situations. I would rather a criminal didn't know I had my firearm that way I decide if and when to act.
LOL They seem to be taking a stand directly on the fence. No outright ban and won't ask you to leave but they don't want you to be armed.

No, they are taking a [liberal] side because it seems PC, but they don't want to lose the business of the vast majority of American citizens who support the second amendment [despite what the press wants you to believe/is pushing you toward]. I guess they (Starbucks) aren't paying attention to Colorado, or even the House of Representatives (who apparently ARE paying attention to Colorado!!)
On a side note, though I very much support the right to do so, I never understood open carry. IMHO you give away most of your tactical advantage in most situations. I would rather a criminal didn't know I had my firearm that way I decide if and when to act.

So if you're the bad guy and you walk into Dunkin' Donuts to rob the place, and see a bunch of people casually drinking their strawberry shortcake elixir of the gods, guns on their hips, would you take a chance, or go next door to Starbucks with their GUNS AREN'T WELCOME HERE sign, with absolutely no armed (openly, anyway) customers?
So if you're the bad guy and you walk into Dunkin' Donuts to rob the place, and see a bunch of people casually drinking their strawberry shortcake elixir of the gods, guns on their hips, would you take a chance, or go next door to Starbucks with their GUNS AREN'T WELCOME HERE sign, with absolutely no armed (openly, anyway) customers?
I am thinking more along the lines of I am stirring coffee at the Dunkin' when three armed guys rush in. There I am coffee in hand with gun in plain sight with the sign on my chest saying shoot me first as I am the only one capable of stopping your payday. But if it is concealed I choose when I make a move.

In a group of open carry guys, it might be a different story. I just don't see many open carrys here unless it's an organized event.
You know I don't open carry for that reason. I just don't feel everyone needs to know I am carrying and what. Not to mention you do get judged. People just assume you are a bad person because you have a gun.
But some would argue that seeing normal people open carrying teaches people unfamiliar with guns (who aren't prejudging) that everyday people carry guns, not just criminals.
But some would argue that seeing normal people open carrying teaches people unfamiliar with guns (who aren't prejudging) that everyday people carry guns, not just criminals.
It can help if people around you are open minded. It could backfire if you get the one jerk that calls 911 saying there is a guy with a gun at Starbucks and they show up and ask a bunch of questions. Then the same folks that may have seen as the everyday person now sees a person being questioned by police. It's a call you have to make based on the situation you are carrying into and the people around you.

Not an easy decision either way. May I ask do you open carry Nanci?
I plain do not feel comfortable around guns. At all. In any way. It doesn't matter who has them. I sit far away from freakin' cops because guns make me that nervous.

Also, seeing 'normal' people with guns wouldn't relieve that anxiety at all... because normal people can get stressed, or angry, and make a bloody stupid decision because they happen to have it there.
It is not legal in Florida. There is a group on campus, though, Students for Open Carry or something, that has an Empty Holster day about twice a year.
I plain do not feel comfortable around guns. At all. In any way. It doesn't matter who has them. I sit far away from freakin' cops because guns make me that nervous.

Also, seeing 'normal' people with guns wouldn't relieve that anxiety at all... because normal people can get stressed, or angry, and make a bloody stupid decision because they happen to have it there.
What about spoons or road signs or sun glasses or #2 pencils? All inanimate objects just as a firearm is.

Perhaps you meant to say 'people make you nervous'? I am with you there. People in general make me nervous too.
It is not legal in Florida. There is a group on campus, though, Students for Open Carry or something, that has an Empty Holster day about twice a year.
It is legal in Ohio, though I just almost never see it. What is nice about open carry being legal is that if by some chance your conceal is exposed you are still not breaking the law.

edit: By the way I loaded iOS7 last night. I like it so far.
Nope. It's guns.

Because a spoon thrown at me, or a pencil, or sunglasses isn't going to have a good chance of killing me. A road sign might, but it also couldn't be thrown very far. And if person A was throwing a spoon at person B, the odds of me at 40 feet behind person B getting hit with the spoon with any force is almost nill. But a bullet can travel a very very long distance and still do incredible damage.

*edit to add*

Look, I'm not saying this to be all "RAWR GUNS BAD". However, guns are not magically harmless and the 'normal' people who carry them are not automatically trustworthy.

I do NOT want guns banned from everyone. I DO want extra assurances that they are going to responsible people

Also, telling me what I am, and am not, actually afraid of is rude. I *have* thought this through. It took 6 months for me to allow my housemate to bring a gun into the condo and that was when he had a locked safe to keep it in at pretty much all times. And he respected my fear. He does airsoft battles all the time, and he treats those with the same respect a 'real' gun deserves because he knows those can be damaging as well. He has certain phrases that he uses to let me know when it is safe to come upstairs while the airsoft rifles are out.

But I'm still happier knowing that the gun is not within easy access.
Nope. It's guns.

Because a spoon thrown at me, or a pencil, or sunglasses isn't going to have a good chance of killing me. A road sign might, but it also couldn't be thrown very far. And if person A was throwing a spoon at person B, the odds of me at 40 feet behind person B getting hit with the spoon with any force is almost nill. But a bullet can travel a very very long distance and still do incredible damage.
But a spoon or sunglasses or a road sign won't throw itself just as a firearm won't shoot itself. Seemingly you are talking about a persons actions but assigning it to the inanimate object?

For some levity it reminded me of this toon about the media doing similar.
Who is more likely to kill you:

A person wielding a spoon at you.

A person wielding a gun at you.

The answer is, of course, the person with the GUN. Because the gun has more lethal capability than a spoon. I'd be willing to grapple with the spoon-person.
*edit to add*

Look, I'm not saying this to be all "RAWR GUNS BAD". However, guns are not magically harmless and the 'normal' people who carry them are not automatically trustworthy.

I do NOT want guns banned from everyone. I DO want extra assurances that they are going to responsible people

Also, telling me what I am, and am not, actually afraid of is rude. I *have* thought this through. It took 6 months for me to allow my housemate to bring a gun into the condo and that was when he had a locked safe to keep it in at pretty much all times. And he respected my fear. He does airsoft battles all the time, and he treats those with the same respect a 'real' gun deserves because he knows those can be damaging as well. He has certain phrases that he uses to let me know when it is safe to come upstairs while the airsoft rifles are out.

But I'm still happier knowing that the gun is not within easy access.
I apologize. It was not my intent to be rude. Understanding a phobia is not always easy for someone not afflicted by it.
Thankyou tsst. I appreciate the apology.

I sometimes wonder if that fear of guns was part of why the cop didn't believe me when he came to interview after my stalker attempted to break into the house. Being 2 feet from him had me borderline panic and made it very hard to concentrate on telling him what happened.
I don't have a gun and I have no interest in having a gun. That is my right.

But I also feel that if someone legally has a gun they have just as much right as I do to go to a coffee shop.

Seems silly to say no guns but not enforce it. The wishy washy-ness of it doesn't settle well for me. They are alienating some of their clients for doing something completely legal.

wow, just wow.