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Just added 2 more to the collection!

Kyra Omega

New member
I stopped off at my usual mom and pop shop where I usually buy my feeders at a decent price and poked around a little while I waited for the owner to be done selling a puppy. I looked into the snake cage and saw a label saying Amel and Anery Corn snake. Amel $120, Anery $70. Being nosey I asked If I could see them. He gladly pulled them out and WOW! The "anery" I think is actually a charcoal and a beaitiful one at that! And I think it is female by its shape. The Amel, which he said he thinks is male, ( which it might be, it is a little overweight so it is hard to tell) is no normal Amel or it is one of the nicest ones I have ever seen! Iy doesn't have any belly checks and has a white belly with a red/orange color over most of it by his tail. His Reds and oranges seem to glow and he has very little white on him.

Now I am super excited, but don't want to pay that much for these snakes. So we get to talking and the guy sees I am really interested and starts to give me the. I'll give you a discount speech. Well after about an hour I worked him down to $130 for the pair!!!!

I'll be picking them up as soon as I get their new homes ready! I will post pics then! Either way I got a Steal even if they are just amel and anery. But I really think they are Charcoal and maybe a dayglow? Not sure But Lovely gentle snakes. Can't wait to show you all pics!!!!:dancer:
I think you mean sunglow, but if its belly is checkerless, then it must be some sort of bloodred.
Here are the bst pics I could get after bringing them home!




Let me know your opinions and guesses!
That is indeed a very beautiful Amel! The other snake does not look like a full corn to me, though. Its eyebrows and head pattern do not look like a corn's to me, and its pattern looks almost like a Motley's but there's something off about it. Then it also has belly checkers, which Motleys don't have. I think it's either a Hybrid or a different species of snake. I'm bad at IDing, but I'm sure someone here will be able to give you a good opinion.
....ummm.....LOOKS like you have a Grey rat snake there...:uhoh:..
Looks just like the two I have...Great snakes though..I love Rats!!.....just sayin'..

That amel is great!...:)

......could be a baby Bairds rat w/no reds.....either way..thats no corn...

ANYONE else feel the same?

Thanks, Manda! I KNEW someone would be quick to help identify! Geeze I'm so embarrassingly bad at those type of things. :nope:

no. Don't worry..thats why we're here right??
I can honestly tell you I am sooooo soooo bad at guessing Corn morphs...
But I have more of a passion for my other New world and Old world rat snakes.....

so if you need anything..feel free to PM..
Even PJ from PJC Reptile can help..she's produced Greys this year and last..and has two HUGE adults..

and I'm sure there are others that can give you any advice on here too:crazy02:

I'm looking forward to seeing more of the both of them!!

Guess I am going back to the pet store tomorrow to see if they will take it back and give me a refund.... It is a nice snake, but I don't want a rat snake :( Unless anyone here wants to buy it for $65 and pickup or pay shipping?
I feel like such a fool. I spent money I shouldn't have thinking I was getting this great deal. A beautiful male amel and a charcoal or anery female. Now I think I want to return both snakes. I trusted this pet owner, his knowlege always panned out.... But now I think I will have to find a new place to buy my feeders from as well.... I don't like getting burned.
Doesn't sound to me like you got burned. Sounds like you thought you got over on the guy, but it turns out you didn't. If the guy isn't a snake expert I wouldn't expect him to know the difference between a grey rat and an anery corn. I think he honestly gave you a good deal on what he thought he had. Mistakes happen. If it were me, I'd nicely explain what you have learned here and ask for a refund, since the snake was mistakenly misrepresented. No sense burning bridges. :grin01:
wasn't trying to pull one over on the guy. I didn't want to buy the snakes because I didn't have the money. He is the one who struck the deals. He is the one that so easily dropped the price with the only words out of my mouth repeatedly being. Sorry, they are really nice snakes but I don't have the money. Looking back he just sounded desperate to get rid of them. That should have been a red flag. * Sigh* Oh well, you live and learn right?
You know that if you keep those and breed them together you'll get frosted corns, right? Yes, they're hybrids, but they can be some of the prettiest hybrids around when selectively bred. I guess if it was me, I'd keep her, awhile. She seems quite nice for a grey rat, from the pics . And by the way, corns are rat snakes. Red rats.
I plan on breeding my male gray rat to my snow corn next year. Then I will keep two hatchlings and raise them up and breed them together. I think that Frosted Amels are really cool looking. Anery and Snows would look cool to.
............a corn snake is a rat snake....Red rat snake.
..I honestly wouldn't contribute to breeding hybrids...Yes they are pretty..
but if someone who doesn't know gets a hold of one and breeds it to one or the other..it will screw with pure bloodlines.

...They are cool. I will say that....but IMO its a bad idea..and I'd stick to one or the other.....just a thought.:shrugs:
(I made this only as a comment to the person who started the thread, and am not looking for feedback on the subject from anyone else..not my intentions to turn this into a debate thread...):nope:

..But Thats a beautiful Grey rat.......haha if I had money crawlin' out my but I'd take him off your hands..but I already have a pair. =)
Good luck in whatever you choose to do...:)

