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Need Some Questions Answered...


Amel Love
Hey everyone!!

Super excited to be a first time snake owner. Although it seems I have done extensive research and planning...I'm still running into some problems.
I think I'm just being a maniac concerned momma, but since Tessa is a rescue snake, I want her to be happy and healthy!

So, heating. Right now it's summer here, but the temperature can fall quite a bit at night. The under-tank heater I put under Tessa's tank was making beneath the substrate 100+ degrees! NO!!! Freaked out and immediately unplugged it. The overall online consensus is that the warm side of the tank should be about 83-85 degrees, and the cool side should be 70-75 degrees. Now, can anyone give me some tips on how to achieve that? It seems I'm going to need a thermostat for this heating pad, as it generates WAY TOO MUCH HEAT! Anyone have any success stories with thermostats? I know I'm going to need both a lamp and a pad once winter sets in, but right now I'm just trying to make it so her temperature will stop fluctuating so much! I just need some reassurance I'm at least attempting to do something right, and maybe a quick solution so she can finish her shed successfully without any problems (which I'm worrying about too!!) But I know the heat primarily is an important thing to tackle.

Thanks so much, I'm really hoping to become a part of this wonderful community

You won't need a lamp during winter. As long as the glass over the UTH stays at 85 degrees and your snake can reach it, it will be fine so long as you don't let your house drop into the 40s.

Pretty much everyone here uses thermostats.
What I'm understanding from this is it essentially doesn't matter what the cool side of the tank is at? During the winter, while I'm not home or at night, the thermostat for the house will be at 58. Now in the summer, the cool side will generally remain the house temp, 70-75.... So what's most important is getting the heating pad regulated to 85, correct?
I use the same Hydrofarm thermostat that many of the members here recommend. However, and I don't know if this is just Canada or everywhere, I just bought 2 new ones for my new hatchlings that are coming and they have been re-branded as Jumpstart. It seems that they have a target temperature as opposed to a target range now. Not sure if it'll make any difference.
Would you recommend getting a second UTH and thermostat for the cool side, to keep at around 72, and then the original UTH with thermostat around for the warm side, 86?
Then I guess the middle will be some random mix of the two? lol
I wouldn't. Any reasonable room temperature at the cool side should be fine. If the viv's big enough you could put a hide in the middle heat gradient. I find when my house is cold the snakes just use their warm hides more.