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Now this is a Hungry Corn!!


New member
I recently got this new Snow Corn, this is the first time I've fed it...I bought four fuzzies, two for my new snow, and two for my GF's Creamsickle Corn. I feed them together, but apart, on a blanket. The creamsickle took it's first prey and so did the Snow. The snow gulped his first down and went back to where I had the other two and wrapped up BOTH the others at the same time before I even knew it had 'em both.

I managed to get one away from the snow for the creamsickle, but not until I got some pics first!!


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I can hear him now, in Daffy Duck's voice,..."They're mine! All mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!"
That reminded me of a pic I saw once where someone's Gray Banded King got into the pile of pinks. It had nine coiled up. There were pink parts poking out of every coil. Talk about eyes being larger than ones stomach.
It looks like he's saying, "Don't go anywhere....I'll be right with you!" what a little piggy indeed!
How funny! we have a Longnose female that was WC. She's taking live pinks, thankfully.. we had just fed her, but she refused to take her eyes off of us.. we noticd her tail start to coil around the pinky and constrict, while her eyes never left us! It was very neat to watch, almost like her tail had a mind of it's own... she may be too scared to eat, but darnit, her tail was HUNGRY! lmao Nice pics!

Can you say "eyes a bit bigger than your stomach?"


He'd latch one, coil it, then look up for another. Strike mouse 2, coil it, look up for another, and so on. I think he'd have attempted to coil 100 if I had had them at the time. ;)
Hi Connie...can you post the pic of the group shot of your ravenous hatchlings you posted at one time. that was a great picture. i am sure whoever likes these cool pics would love to see that one again! LOL

P.S. it was a real pleasure to meet you in Daytona!

you say you were bowing down to Don...well i felt i should bow to you and chuck. LOL
and say..."we're not worthy" in my best wayne and garth voice. LOL
I have an adult female who would eat mice til their came her non-existent ears and another that can't eat more than one mouse a week without regurging (I tried offering her a rat pup five days later and it came back up). What's up with that?
yeah....you knew exactly the one i wanted. LOL look at those little beasts did you have them fasting or something. LOL
Heh, nope. They're just their mother's kids. She's a beast. Should name her pac man, since she'll come across the cage mouth open for a meal.
WOW Hurley those pictures are amazing!! I'd be scared in case they all went for the same one! Ever had a "Lady and the Tramp eating spaghetti" scenario? :)
Heh, no. They were separate for feeding, I just put them together while they were constricting like mad for the photo. It was like picking up ball pythons, they were too intent on constricting their meals to notice.
:eek1: Brave!! Anyway, it's still a fantastic photo. Looks like Tormoni's snake will be a contender for the Most Greedy award someday.
I have these 4 yearling girls on the same feed schedule and they're all the same age but look at the difference in size! The photos a month or so old. This is how I feed them most of the time. I get one to latch on and then transfer it to the tub, then the next, then the next until they're all happily swallowing...then as they finish...they get moved back home again. Seems to work rather well for me..no 'Lady and the Tramp' situations!

LOL Princess, I wish I could get mine to eat mice that size! They are lazy and wont eat hoppers yet, though they'll take 2 fuzzies a week no problem. Except my jungle girl who is taking 2 hoppers and looking for more.............Snakes...who can live with them.....who can live without them?? ROFL