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Our new friend Kyle maybe Kylee


New member
So I have already learned so much from reading previous posts. I decide to pop Kyle this evening. Either Kyle is Kylee, or I'm doing it wrong; just urine a fecal matter. I didn't like how much it stressed Kyle, ugh, Kylee out so I just let her calm down a bit and into the hide she went. I wish there was a kind soul close by who could show me how/ help me test for myself.:sobstory:
It's best to first practice on confirmed males. It's very easy for a beginner to "pop" snakes as female that are actually male. Even the pros can't always do it! I've had several "she's" end up being male!
Oh, good deal. I would really like to know what they are. I dont intend on breeding them anytime soon so I dont know that we would ever know. Do they every expose their hemipenes as adults without a breeder around
no, you won't ever see a males hemipines, without him actually breeding,
BUT one trick I have found that does work is checking a shed..

it depends on how big your snake is and weather or not you have a perfect in tact shed.
but if you do have one, you check out there ventral scale, I have knowtised that if its a confirmed male you'll actually see two little spots of blood, from where his skin shed on his hemipines ..

I honestly only have two confirmed males so I know that the spots show up on their sheds. but if you can get a good shed definitely try and look for it!

a side from that, I honestly wouldn't try popping the little Guy/girl again, as you really risk hurting them if its done immproperly.. better to be safe than sorry!

best of luck! :eek:
Awesome! That's great advice. I'll do that when if they give us a good shed. I really didn't want to hurt they at all so I probably was being at too gently. As soon as he got unsettled I quite, which probably wasn't a very thorough examination. Thank you.

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no problem!

this is just something that I have seen on my snakes sheds, but ill let you know their TINY when dealing with hatchlings sheds, I didn't knowtis it until my snake was about as thick as a marker, BUT you can see them on a hatchlings shed you just have to know what to look for.
I disagree about the hemipenes! I've had a couple males do it once, and I have one who does it frequently. He was mis-sexed, so I guess he's overcompensating now :)
lol nanci, what did you mean by some males do it once? and one that does it frequently?

do you mean you can't always tell from the shed skin, or am I missunderstanding you. lol

I was told that though not 100% accurate most females wont leave blood spots on their sheds... but I could of miss read it! :eek:
I disagree about the hemipenes! I've had a couple males do it once, and I have one who does it frequently. He was mis-sexed, so I guess he's overcompensating now :)

Maybe you should by him a sportscar hide:roflmao:
I meant I've had male cornsnakes flash me their hemipenes several times. Raven is the one who does it often.

Kyle had his first shed with us tonight. I walked by the cage to shut the house down and there it was! One very clean piece. I posted it here because on the vent the are two red dots. So I am assuming those are from the hemipenes?

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congratulations on your first shed, and a perfect one at that!

yeah. I would say he's a boy! lol I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure it doesn't show up on a females shed...