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rodent pro

How has your rodentpro experience been

  • Great! Never had problems

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Good just some setbacks

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • Horrible, i would never use them

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • Never used rodent pro

    Votes: 18 50.0%

  • Total voters


New member
I just wanted to know how many people liked rodent pro. Last time i ordered there was alot of poopie in the bag and one mouse split in half. Unforunately i didn;t see that it was split in half until i thawed it so its guts kinda got over the place but anyway... I like rodentpro cuz they're the cheapest but if there is someone close to the same plz post :) thanks
I prefer Big Cheese Rodent Factory.

Chad Martin runs a tight ship at Big Cheese. The folks at Cajun Mice are also fantastic. I'd recommend either.
I just have to chime in and say that I've never had any problems with RodentPro. I have ordered from Big Cheese once, when RodentPro was out of the size I needed, and I wasn't won over. The quality of the mice was no different. The packaging is much better from Big Cheese (vacuum sealed) which is really nice, but the largest size of mice they offer is smaller than what I usually get from RodentPro. That meant not only was I paying more in the first place, but I ended up having to feed some critters 2 mice where before I only needed 1 jumbo one. I will continue buying from RodentPro until I have an experience that makes me change my mind. Just my $0.02.
I used to use Big Cheese years back and then switched to RodentPro because of prices and the ease it was to order online. I didnt have a problem for 2 years and then recently I started receiving smelly, dirty and crushed mice and switched back to Big Cheese.

To RodentPro's credit if you receive an order your unsatisfied with they will replace that order free of charge. But after getting several unsatisfactory order's in a row I just cannot be bothered anymore, So Big Cheese it is.
Not that this is what you did SurfKid, but I thought I had gotten a crappy shipment of mice from rodent pro once. I would have several mice spew their guts after thawing them out (hence I thought they were torn/cut/rotten/etc). Turns out, I was thawing out the mice too much! I place mine in plastic bags and thaw out in warm/hot water. I watch them closer now when feeding time comes. Once I realized my mistake it hasn't been a problem since.

thanks Drizzt, i'll watch more closly next time i thaw my mice. Thats probably what happened cuz they were thawing for a long time...
I have used The Mouse factory for about 4 years now and They are great. The mice are clean and dont smell, they might be a little more expensive but its worth it. Customer service is great. I used rodent pro once when I was stretched for cash, and I was very unsatisfied with the mice. They were frozen bent in half and had mice droppings and urine all over them. Wont go back there again. just my 2cents though.
I couldn't agree more with Brian's statements. Rodent Pro bad, Mouse Factory great.
Reading this and other similar posts, I find it very interesting how each of us decides what is a good mouse.

I personally couldn't care less whether the mice smell (the mousy smell), if they are frozen bent in half, or if there are mouse urine/droppings in the bag. Here's my reasoning: if they smell strongly the snakes will take them with more gusto; bent in half can be remedied after being thawed; droppings/urine on the mice... I see that as something you can't really help unless you kill the mice over a screen so when they urinate and defecate as they die or after they die (it does happen you know) the stuff falls through the screen, but then that doesn't always work. Actually I heard from a local breeder that he almost likes to see droppings with the mice, because he thinks if he sees droppings, the mice must have been packed up as soon as they died (in otherwords, the mice didn't lay around long enough for the droppings to fall to the side) whether he's right or not, I'm not too sure, but I do see his point.

What I do care about is whether the mice smell rotten, if they are dirty, or if they feel too squishy when thawed. Before I found RodentPro (who I love, and will never switch from unless I begin to breed enough of my own mice) I bought from a local guy. The mice from this guy were absolutely disgusting, smelling rotten and almost bursting once thawed, and what's more, I found out later that they were leftovers from some lab, so who knows what horrible things I fed my snakes before the switch to RodentPro.

I personally think RodentPro is great and will always recommend them to others.
I'll add my own vote category: They're ok..good some times, crappy the other. Never consistent.

I'm an ex-RodentPro'er and I got sick of the dirty appearance of the mice and the unusual shapes that I'd have to manually bend back in order for the snakes to eat.

The last order I placed with RodentPro was horrendous by my personal standards. And when I opened a bag and thawed them, my snakes wouldn't eat them. The bellies were gelatinous looking and feeling (like when you find a rotten mouse), several would split open when thawing in luke-warm water, and the urine smell while thawing would stink up the entire kitchen.

I don't mind a few urine spots or turds, but when the bag of mice looks like it had been peppered woth coarse pepper, that's a bit much for me. I understand everything can't be perfect, but with Big Cheese they're as near to perfect as what I raise here at home.

I primarily raise most of my feeders, but when I'm running low for any reason I'll use my frozen supply from BCRF. I don't mind paying extra when I know that my snakes will eat their mice. I also like the fact of the vacuum packing. Saves me from having to do it myself. And since I feed mostly live or pre-killed that I raise, I like to make sure that what frozen that I do order, lasts for a while in the freezer without freezer-burn damage.

Just do a simple search for Rodent Pro, and you'll come up with a lot of reading material. If you like the price, stay with them. But I prefer quality over price. Sure, Rodent Pro is easy to order from. But with BCRF I can e-mail them a "custom" order and they will fulfill it. My last order I stated I wanted the smallest pinks they could get with full milk bellies, and I got it. I also state I want the largest adults they can give me, and I get it. All it takes is a little chit-chat back and forth and you feel you're dealing with real people.

With Rodent Pro, I never got a reply within a couple of days. And being only 30 miles from Rodent Pro, they wouldn't let me pick it up in person and save $60 in shipping and handling. =/

As Kevin said, they will replace an order if you thought you received bad quality rodents. But why receive bad product in the first place? Now you just have more mice than you needed, and still have the bad bag. If they'd send out good stuff in the beginning, we wouldn't be still talking about it a year or so later.

I'm sure they're busier than a one-armed paper hanger..but maybe that's the problem? Got too big and forgot what quality was? I dunno. If I worked there I'd be more concerned with what I was shipping out. Word of mouth is a powerful tool in this business (reptiles and rodents). A few bad comments can hurt business I'm sure. If the product was as impeccable as it could be, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Maybe it's just me...but I love BCRF. They're courteous and great to deal with one-on-one, and the product is the best I've received from a feeder supplier. So unless Rodent Pro really turns my head again, with BCRF I'll stay.

Once again my rather length $.03..
Just to clarify... I do not mind if there are "some" droppings and urine in the bag, This is to be expected and cannot be dealt with 100% to start with... But when they are decorated in urine and feces along with all sorts of other foreign material (dirty or clean wood shavings, human(?) hair etc), Well, That is just unacceptable. For the record it seemed, in my experience with them anyway, That the larger the mouse the dirtier it was. Hopper's seemed clean enough most of the time, jumbo adults, Forget about it. I really don't understand it either because I used them for a long time and they were fantastic. It wasn't just a matter of saving money or ease of use, (though that is/was a factor), RodentPro was great all around. But it has changed...

Now... The smell... I can deal with a mousy smell. What else is a mouse supposed to smell like? Well I'll tell you what it's not supposed to smell like. Death. They shouldn't be discolored, slimy, hair falling out of their bodies and they just shouldn't smell like they have been out in the sun for several days.

I hope I'm not coming off like I'm bashing RodentPro. That is not my intent. I'm just stating my experience with them over the past few years. I understand that others have great experiences with them to this very day. Kudos. I wish I got the same wonderful mice sent to me.

If the same becomes true with BCRF in the future I'll probably end up looking for another source again. But right now the mice are huge, All sizes, clean, Smell like they should. And to be honest, As a suprise, my past few orders with BCRF have been anywhere from $2 to $5 less than RodentPro. Don't ask me why, It's not something I expected but that's how it has been. Go figure.
Wow! I've never had any problems with RodentPro like what you guys are talking about, but the last time I ordered was in Dec 2003. Has it just been in the past few months that they've gotten bad? I wrote that huge reply above praising them, but if they've changed that much just recently, maybe I should change my tune. I usually buy about 250 mice per order, so that would definitley suck if I got that many and they ended up being bad.
My last 2 orders from RodentPro were in March 2004 and June 2004. I usually order around 500 mice of sorted sizes at a time.

As I said, Not all the mice are as stated above, But more then there should be. I think I had around 300 jumbo mice that I "learned to live with" from the first order and then 200 hopper mice from the second order that were less than desirable.

All the pinky mice I've ever ordered seemed to be fine, however almost all of them are legless and/or missing tails. But at least ya have a bunch of small "parts" at the bottom of the bag for those really small hatchlings! heh.

Funny thing is I just lived with this and didn't think much of it until I seen another thread regarding RodentPro here a few months back. In that thread there were alot of people having the same problems. If I remember correctly Kevin from RodentPro was informed of the thread and came here and apologized and asked anyone with a problem to email him and he'd get replacements out to them. That's exactly what I did, And he replaced them. They were clean, smelled as they should and although a tad bit small were "OK" in my book.

But after that I decided to switch anyway...
Rodent Pro.....NO! Used them twice beginning of last year. Both orders the mice were dirty with mouse droopings stuck ALL over in their fur, they smelled like urine and were very yellowish colored and had bedding stuck all over them and I am VERY careful not to have anything on my mice that could cause an impaction so I had to clean many of them off before I could feed them out. It was a very dspleasing thing to do and I was very, very displeased with their product to say the least.

I DO care if there is droppings, urine and bedding "decorating" the food I want to feed to my snakes.

I switched to Big Cheese after that second shipment form Rodent Pro and have not looked back. The mice come vacumn packed, are clean with only the very occasional dropping on one or two and no bedding attached. To me it is well worth the little extra it costs for them as oppossed to Rodent Pro.
Just some pics I posted a long time ago when I started a rant about Rodent Pro after placing my then, last order, with them.

Rodent Pro weaned rats:

Weaned rats I raised and froze:

See the difference? Mine are much cleaner, and I don't have to stretch them out after thawing so the snakes can eat them. If some think the mice are bad, their rats are worse hands down.

Rodent Pro rat pinks:

Who in their right mind would want to buy those, let alone eat them? They look like they've been bit and whatnot. And you can see the missing limbs and tails.

I apologize for not having a comparison picture of my own frozen rat pinks, but I never had any left to freeze. I always raised them up for fuzzies up to weanlings.

But here is a picture of Big Cheese mice pinks and hoppers:

And here is a picture of my own homegrown mice pinks from newborns to 5 days:

Yes, BCRF pinks do come in "bricks" but I don't see a downside to that. They come apart very easily, and I think it helps keep the limbs and tails from breaking off in the handling process.

Every order I've gotten from them the mice are not in weird shapes, its like they place them in the bags as though they were packaging it for themselves. This last order, they were arranged in rows so the mice were all straight in orientation. Very convenient and helpful.

From every local person I've talked to that knew or has dealt with Kevin from Rodent Pro, almost every one of them say he got too big in his britches to care about what went out the door. I'll agree, that's just hearsay, but a lot of people on here have noticed the quality of the product decline in recent months/years. Now see..if Kevin would have given me an application for employment, y'all would be getting better product cause I'd see to it. J/K =P