Had to kick in, Crypto...
No quarantine will not promise anything. Have you ever washed water dishes with the same utensil? EVER? Have you ever took an uneaten rodent from one box and passed to another? Have you ever accidentally switched water dishes? If the answer is yes to any of the above, you have facilitated means for Crypto infection.
Crypto is HARD to diagnose… the current methods are inaccurate at best.
Crypto is HIGHLY resilient(by highly I mean nigh unaffected) to Chlorine, Bleach, Alcohol.
The only way to kill it is via ammonia at 10% and exposure to it for 8 hours… another method is steam cleaning… continued exposure to the sun…
I would know, I lost a good deal of my collection to Crypto, and have sent fecal samples of every single animal I owned.
The popular assumption is that up to 50-60% of the Leopard Geckos in the hobby are Crypto positive. God only knows how what’s the ratio for snakes… I’d say… getting close to that.
It infects easily, the snake can be a carrier without you knowing about it for years… even for their entire lives.
I have 3 Crypto positive animals I keep in another room… I use latex(single use) gloves which I throw after every use, single use water dishes, I steam clean their viv once a month or so. They don’t show a SINGLE symptom- and have been in infected status for well over 6 months.
I clean their viv-things in an entirely different sink.
So… there are no promises, the routine quarantine means absolutely squat when dealing with Cryptosporidium.