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Urgent Situation I Think


New member
Hello, I haven't been around for a while, I have moved to college, but only 10 minutes from my house so I come home to check on Jag every couple of days. I also set up a camera to watch her and have people trained in taking care of her. She also just got a clean bill of health from her yearly vet visit and he knows that I am not home everyday.

Anyways, today I come home to hang out with her and I notice that there are two very tiny dots of what I think are blood around her vent. Also, there appears to be white mucus visible through her vent when her tail bends back. I am very, very upset right now and I do not know if this is an emergency or not.

And as I am typing this, she just pooped and peed all over my floor. She had not eaten for 7 days though and this was her second poop this week. Usually her second poop is on day 4 though, not day 7. And she strained when she pooped. Was she just constipated? There was no blood in the poop. And her behavior is totally normal, she was very alert, climbing all over me. I am just so so nervous because it is stressful enough not being with her every day.

Do you think she is okay? Right now she is in a holding bin because of course before this happened I was doing a total substrate change.

I left Jag alone in a holding bin for about 15 minutes while I thoroughly cleaned out her viv. I checked her vent and it looks totally normal now, and she is still acting normal. Has this situation ever happened before to anyone (the slight blood and then the straining to poop)? It really scared me.
Though I've not seen this in corn snakes, I have some similar experience with what you describe in green tree pythons. Back in 2004 I bought a male Jayapura from Keith Sibert. In order to get the male I had to agree (for free) to taking on his clutchmate, a female that was born with a spinal kink just before her vent. Kinking, particularly that low in GTPs, can be problematic when it comes to bowel movements. My remedy for her was to feed smaller meals but still on a typical 10 day schedule. Even then I knew it wasn't a matter of if, but a matter of when I'd start dealing with problems given GTPs can be known to hold a BM for weeks.

She decided to do a long hold and that's what started a downward spiral for her. Holding her BM for about 2 weeks, she finally pooped after a short soaking. She'd held quite a bit in and the strain resulted in her prolapsing. I'd keep her for about another year after her initial prolapse, taking her to the vet total of 5 times, with the 3rd and 4th resulting in a single purse-string suture to help hold in her rectum and the 5th time she got 2 sutures, one on each side of the vent. I lost her after the 5th procedure, about 2 weeks later while she was getting her daily soak.

All that running through your mind now, I DOUBT that's what is leading up to what you've described - partly. Another culprit to rectal prolapse in GTPs is dehydration, which can lead to straining to poop. Similar can happen in other snake species, and even us. We may not prolapse, but we can cause mild tearing around our rectum and sphincter from straining to find out who #2 works for. This can also cause some mild bleeding.

I'm more inclined to think this might be the case, that she might be a little dehydrated, even with water available. Even then, I wouldn't worry much. Do keep an eye on her, but I wouldn't obsess about it. If you can, to make observing a little easier, use a paper towel or butcher's paper substrate for maybe the next week or 2, just to monitor for any possible blood smears around any mouse-flavored tootsie rolls. I'd provide a water bowl large enough for her to fully soak, if not doing so already, and also provide a hide box with some dampened long-grain sphagnum moss or coconut fiber (aka forest bed, plantation soil, etc) to help keep her hydrated.
:eek1:Hiya Jag! How ya been?

Been wondering where you were, as you were a regular regular when I first delurked (or unlurked, not sure what the correct term is anymore, nor do I really care) and became somewhat of a regular myself - on & off - since at least the Springtime.

In any event, now that you've explained where you've been (glad you are having a constructive reason for not being around!) and we all know YOU'RE OK, hopefully someone better able to will explain what's happening to your little sneaky one, if anything IS happening, that is.

You mention that she's "straining" while pooping, but how do you know she's actually straining unless you've actually been lucky enough to catch her taking a dump multiple times. Might just be the way she takes a dump! I would think in any adult reptile that will defecate or evacuate a mixture of poop & urates, that there may be a little bottlenecking at the vent (YUCKY POO, how the HELL am I thinking of this while I have my morning coffee?) which just may be a normal physical manifestation of, for lack of a more technical term, taking a dump! (Ya ever wonder why it's called TAKING a dump and not LEAVING a dump, which would be more a more accurate description of what's happening?). I mean, while I have been fortunate enough to have NEVER (yet, anyway) been pooped on by my corn snakes, I HAVE been nearby or close enough to have heard them a couple of times. While I was cleaning out Bozo's cage last month, I actually thought I heard him break wind and when I turned to look, I notice he had not only pooped, but actually SPRAYED it on the wall of the tub he was in, like he was pissed off or something! May have been upset at having been disturbed from under one of his hides, as he is usually disturbed only in the evenings during the week when I pick him up to hold him or every OTHER weekend, when he's fed! Bozo is a little bit of a porker at around 900 grams, which also may have something to do with the way he poops, but I will say that although it didn't seem like he STRAINED, he didn't just lift his tail and evacuate! It was definitely a FORCED action, as he lifted his tail and shot it across the wall of the tub!

In terms of the blood around her vent, that and what you say appears like mucous would be more reasons for concern. Did she recently shed? Even if she did, that would make me concerned enough to probably take her to a vet. But I wouldn't worry myself into a frenzy. The keepers and parents of sneaky ones can be a worrisome bunch! Which, to me, just speaks to how much love we have for our pets, who are like family members to some of us!!! Believe me, I do understand. Which is even why it's MORE important to get her checked by a vet. God forbid you discover later on that she might have something that could have been taken care of if it were treated in time and you didn't! To me, that's just a confirmation of the need to see a vet, barring the rare and improbable possibility that someone with more experience or knowledge than Nanci will chime in soon!

(I doubt there are even a FEW who can attest to being THAT experienced or knowledgeable!!! Just sayin'.)

In any case, I understand that your education should take precedence over this forum, but do ya think you could keep us updated now that we are also worried and concerned about you and your little sneaky one?).

Now that my morning coffee is totally swishing around in my OWN stomach as if I was ready to hurl, I think I should go now! :eek1:

Nice hearin' from ya!!!
First to answer some questions, I did watch Jag poop so that is how I know it seemed strained. I decided to push her next feed up a couple of days so I will now be feeding her tomorrow, and will definitely check in frequently for the next couple of days. Behavior wise she seems totally fine, and she is definitely drinking. She has no signs of dehydration (ie. Tenting skin, sunken eyes). A fecal is a good idea. She recently had her yearly physical and all seemed well but I'll call the vet on Monday about doing a stool check. Thanks everyone!
Another Update: So I just was able to handle Jag for a little while myself and did a thorough check of her vent. It looks totally normal, but if I VERY gently bend her tail backwards, it sort of seems like there is a white dot of mucous in there or something. Of course, Jag is being very fidgety so it is hard to get a good pic (but I am glad she is fidgety since that means she is her normal level of active still!). She has fresh water and a humid hide at all times, but she hasn't been using the humid hide in a while (not really due for a shed for several more weeks though).

I was going to feed her today since I skipped last week's feeding because issues with the vent. Now, I am thinking I won't feed her until I can talk to her vet tomorrow because if there is an issue, I don't want food in the system to be complicating issues.

I have attached a pic of the vent also. First thing tomorrow morning I will call the vet and I can email them this pic too. Also, when I am not bending her tail back, her vent looks totally normal. I have more pics if anyone wants more, but the rest are blurrier, little worm won't stay still!

Has anyone seen anything like in the pic? Or can suggest anything before I can talk to my vet?



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Another Update: So I just was able to handle Jag for a little while myself and did a thorough check of her vent. It looks totally normal, but if I VERY gently bend her tail backwards, it sort of seems like there is a white dot of mucous in there or something. Of course, Jag is being very fidgety so it is hard to get a good pic (but I am glad she is fidgety since that means she is her normal level of active still!). She has fresh water and a humid hide at all times, but she hasn't been using the humid hide in a while (not really due for a shed for several more weeks though).

I was going to feed her today since I skipped last week's feeding because issues with the vent. Now, I am thinking I won't feed her until I can talk to her vet tomorrow because if there is an issue, I don't want food in the system to be complicating issues.

I have attached a pic of the vent also. First thing tomorrow morning I will call the vet and I can email them this pic too. Also, when I am not bending her tail back, her vent looks totally normal. I have more pics if anyone wants more, but the rest are blurrier, little worm won't stay still!

Has anyone seen anything like in the pic? Or can suggest anything before I can talk to my vet?


From that picture it actually looks like it's just a part of her checkered pigment, or a facsimile thereof. Unless the composition of that white component of the inside of her vent LOOKS like it's made of something other than what the rest of it is made of, which is not discernable from viewing the photograph alone, then I wouldn't be that concerned. Is it possible to get a well-focused pic of the same area? I know that this is stressful, for both you AND your snake, so just asking. I understand if it's not practical to actually do it. I think that is where the expertise of a competent reptile vet cannot be compared. Wish I could be more helpful in determining what, if anything, is wrong with your little sneaky one. But at the very LEAST, it's NOT like you are ignoring the potential problem!
Thanks axis1! I have checked on Jag every couple of hours and she is acting totally normal, just chilling in the warm hide with her snout sticking out. I just took her out again to try to get a better picture, which she did not like at all! I got a clearer-ish one, but am worried that everytime I am bending her to get a pic I am irritating it even more, so this is the best pic for now. It is now a little red around the area (visible in pic) and there is what looks like a white glob in her vent, its really hard to see though, because I don't want to open it too much and hurt her.

Also, I left a message with my vet and they are usually really responsive so I should here back first thing tomorrow.


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That white thing does look like something that shouldn't be there. I wonder if it is a very hard, compacted mass of urates? I suppose such a thing could be brought on by dehydration. Maybe if this is the case it's blocking her up, making her strain to pass faeces? Alternatively, if the blob looks moist/liquid, perhaps it's puss from an infection? Or it could even be a growth she has...

Basically all I can say is that it doesn't look right. I think asking the vet was the right call - hopefully they'll know what's up :)
I've been following but silent because I just don't know. All I can do is send good wishes to you and Jag. Glad you are seeing the vet. All my best in the meantime.
Thanks DollysMom!

Now I am just anxiously awaiting a Monday morning call back from my vet! Of course, if things seem worse, I will just call the emergency number but for right now Jag is acting totally normal so I am just keeping a very close eye on her.
Thanks axis1! I have checked on Jag every couple of hours and she is acting totally normal, just chilling in the warm hide with her snout sticking out. I just took her out again to try to get a better picture, which she did not like at all! I got a clearer-ish one, but am worried that everytime I am bending her to get a pic I am irritating it even more, so this is the best pic for now. It is now a little red around the area (visible in pic) and there is what looks like a white glob in her vent, its really hard to see though, because I don't want to open it too much and hurt her.

Also, I left a message with my vet and they are usually really responsive so I should here back first thing tomorrow.

While it does appear to be something there that shouldn't be, it is probably better NOT to ruminate on what it MAY be, because besides just making you CRAZY ANXIOUS & NERVOUS, it won't do you any good and won't get your little sneaky one seen any quicker to wring your hands. Thankfully, she is NOT in any apparent pain or discomfort and it very well might be nothing serious or life-threatening, in which case you will have burnt out some serious neurons from worrying so much.

So rather than make a problem, or worry about one, where there ISN'T one yet (you'll cross that bridge if and when you get there!), just chill for the evening and night, keep a calm eye on her, and wait till you speak with your vet, which is the best and most rational next step, in my opinion, that is.

You and your little sneaky one will be in my thoughts and prayers! Hope you have a restful night.
Nanci - I was doing a lot of research last night and that came up a couple of times, that sometimes those can get clogged.

Anyways, I heard back from my vet this morning and I was able to email them a picture and some history and I am waiting to here back. But it does not seem like I need to urgently take Jag in right away. Just waiting to hear back from the vet in response to the email, but Jag seems to be doing totally fine. Hopefully, this is nothing, I just get very nervous with my little worm! Thanks for everyone's support - I love being a part of this community!
I definitely understand your being anxious for Jag. Hang in there. You have lots of friends here pulling for you!
I just went back and read everything. Is there a chance that your girl may not be a girl? If she had been attempting to push something out, possibly the white substance you saw, and was incorrectly sexed, maybe the 2 red dots you saw were the ends of hemipenes? Or it could be clogged glands. Just thought I'd throw in another hypothesis! I hope the vet gets back to you soon. I think we'd all breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Jag is in the clear.
Newest Update: Heard from my vet last night, who could not tell exactly what it was from the pic, but agreed it was worth investigating. I took the next available appointment (Thursday morning). I feel a little better though because if he thought it was an emergency he obviously would have dropped me into an emergency slot today.

Anyways, Jag is doing great still. Just chilling out - normal level of activity. Maybe slightly suppressed but that's normal considering she hasn't eaten for almost 3 weeks. I just haven't wanted to feed her in case the food would irritate her when defecating and now I can't feed her because we have an adventure to the vet in 2 days. But her body condition seems great, I haven't weighed her in a couple weeks but it definitely seems stable. Still no signs of dehydration or any odd behavior.

Thanks everyone for all of the support!