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Washington Survivor Northwest Gater Snake -Thamnophis ordinoides?


New member
I LOVE the garter snakes I find around my house ever since I saw a lil one trying to eat a slug about twice his size. Well last year a large Garter shot out from by the compost pile directly under the lawnmower. I pulled back but it was too late. Two weeks later I am line trimming in another spot and I see another Garter shoot out from the grass I just wacked down. I AM JUST SICK 2 SNAKES IN TWO WEEKS! I caught this one but she was pretty mangled, several nicks along the body and a deep laceration from her vent to tail tip about half way through. Do I put her down or release her to let nature take her course? Quick trip upstairs to the bathroom, spray some Bacitracin and dab some liquid New Skin on her open wounds. I released her and hoped for the best but expected the worst.

LOOK who I just found picking cucumbers in the garden!

Most of her tail is gone and you can see scaring along her body that has healed.

Here you can see her kink where I broke something last year.

Ventral pic

Tail close up of vent

And the best thing is look at what a lovely fatty she is! Felt all kinda lil worms crawling in her. I am Soooo relieved! :dancer:

That is so cool! :) I hit a frog with the lawn mower last year and felt so sick about it. :( He did hop away but I have no idea if he survived. How neat that you were able to get a second chance to see the good you did for that snake.
I m scare to cut the grass on the side of the house I just moved into . And only becausey daughters have caught 3 garter snakes over there already. So we put them in the compost pile and I will mow the long grass in the winter when the garters are dormant.
What a beauty! I'll bet that antibiotic ointment you put on helped wonders.
We're so lucky to have such awesome garters in abundance around here.
What if you just walk through the area they like before you mow, to make sure they aren't around? Glad she made it!
Yowza, I've lived at my current address for over 10yrs and have yet to see any trace of a wild snake. Been hoping to find a DeKays...
That's so awesome, being able to find out later she's such a trooper and you probably saved her life with a little snake first aid :)
What a great story. I have done the same thing - accidentally mowed or weed whacked garters, I do try to mow slow around the pump house where I see them.
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