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We finally got our snake


New member
So I would like to present Zelda. :dancer:

We got her from Kathy this morning at Repticon. We were there first thing when the doors opened. Kathy is very nice and went through all of the snakes that she had brought up with us. It is kind of funny because my daughter had been SURE that she wanted and orange/red/black corn snake, but when it was time to pick her selection SHOCKED me. She choose a snow corn snake, because you know they have so much orange/red/black LOL. Anyways we are thrilled that today was finally our big day and our snake is very cute. I only snapped one pic before we put her in her home, and my very responsible daughter was even reprimanding me for it, "Mommy the book says we have to leave her alone for 3 days and 3 nights." So we put the bedding from her cup into her hides 1/2 in the warm hide and 1/2 in the cool hide. Even though she has only been here for about an hour she has already cruised her whole tank and she has even climbed up the warm sides wires so she could test out the lid to the tank. Anyways now to the important part the pics!!!


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Aww my first snake was a snow, and I dig the name! The first one though.... I hope you have a cage big enough for.
Yay, congratulations! Cute little snake and I love the name, too! Your girls are so cute! I pray that if I have daughters (I really want sons) that they'll be as cool as yours!
I don't think your ready for the first one... unless your full of hot air.

The snow looks pretty and I'm glady your sharing this with your daughter.
My daughter picked the name Zelda she is a big time fan of Zelda so I had a feeling that would be the snakes name. My husband is working on making a tri force tank decoration, but it will be a while before he has time to do that because right now he is making me shelves. We have been getting ready for this day for a while and have had our tank all set up and ready for 2 weeks now because I wanted to make sure we could get the right temps and everything before we brought a snake home. We are really happy that the day has finally come, and having the chance to get a snake from Kathy was pretty cool.
Congrats!! How exciting! Tell your daughters that Zelda is a fabulous name and I'm happy to hear they'll be such good reptile keepers in the future. :D
Nice when you can meet up with CS.com people also.

It was really nice to meet Kathy today, she is so nice. My kids were actually kind of shy today because we read Kathy's book, so to them she is like a famous person. Tomorrow several people from here are going to be there so we are going back tomorrow to meet them and so some shopping.

Pepper right now my daughter is playing A link to the Past so our soundtrack is like this

What an adorable little snake, and to get to meet Kathy too! What a great start to keeping corns.
Congratulations, Dinah. And adorable girls. Great mom, that you can participate in this learning experience with them.
What an adorable little snake, and to get to meet Kathy too! What a great start to keeping corns.

We are really hoping to minimize problems by having gotten ready ahead of time, by following the advice given by those who know more than us, and by getting our snake from somebody as great as Kathy. Having an animal is enough of an unknown all by itself no reason to make things harder on ourselves.

Congratulations, Dinah. And adorable girls. Great mom, that you can participate in this learning experience with them.

Thank you, Aeris the snake owner is on the right she is 7 and Celes is on the left looking at me instead of Daddy who was taking the picture LOL she is 4 1/2.
Congratulations Dinah and Aeris!!! That a very pretty little Snow you have there :)

Dinah, don't you just love it when kids know EXACTLY what they want and end up choosing something totally the opposite :laugh:

Oh and just thought I'd mention, you have two adorable looking daughters!
Awww cute snake and kids!! Congrats Zelda will be the first of many,lol but don't get that first one in the pic he looks like he'll need a big cage and human prey:D
VERY cute kids!

Nice snake too.

I am soooo wicked jealous of you right now...meeting Kathy AND Nanci!!!
Well, August is comingggggggggggggggggggggg :)