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Walter Smith
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    2.5 Lava Blood het Amel $125
    5.6 Blood het Amel Lava $85
    4.1 Fire het PS Lava $100
    5.2 PS/B het Amel Lava $85
    1.0 Lava Blood het Anery $125
    0.1 Ice Blood $150

    STRIPED SUNKISSED (Stargazer Free)
    10.5 Striped Sunkissed Lava het Snow $250
    3.5 Anery Striped het Amel Lava Sunkissed $125
    2.5 Striped het Snow Lava Sunkissed $100
    2.2 Striped Snow Sunkissed het Lava $300
    1.0 Striped Snow het Sunkissed Lava $150
    1.0 Amel Sunkissed het Striped Ice $100
    1.2 Honey ph Amel Striped Lava$150
    1.0 Butter Sunkissed ph Striped Lava $175
    1.1 het Honey ph $50
    0.1 Amel Sunkissed ph Striped Lava $125
    0.1 Sunkissed het Caramel ph Striped Amel Lava $85
    0.1 Butter het Sunkissed ph Striped Lava $75
    1.0 Caramel het Sunkissed ph $50
    1.1 Butter Sunkissed ph $125
    0.1 Butter het Sunkissed ph $85
    1.0 Amel Lava het Honey ph $85
    1.0 Striped Topaz ph $300
    1,3 Striped Lava ph Snow $125
    0.1 Amel Lava Striped ph Anery$150
    1.2 Amel Lava Motley ph Striped Anery$150
    5.7 Lava Motley ph Striped Snow $125
    4.5 Ice Motley ph Striped Amel $150
    2.0 Snow Lava Motley ph Striped $175
    0.1 Striped Ice$250
    1.0 Amel Sunkissed Lava $200
    0.1 Sunkissed Lava $150

    3.0 Topaz Tessera ph Amel Sunkissed $300
    4.1 Lava Tessera ph Butter Sunkissed$125
    0.1 Butter Lava Tessera ph Sunkissed$400
    0.4 Blue Tessera het Striped OR Motley $150
    0.1 Blue het Striped OR Motley$75
    1.0 Blue Motley ph Striped $85
    0.1 Lava Sunkissed Tessera $300
    0.1 Amel Lava Sukissed Tessera $250
    [email protected]
    Guess what, I got a weirdo snake on my hands... I need expert help, she is not in very good shape... please look in the morph area and let me know what you think regarding what she is, and how her skin looks like... she's a hot mess :( owner surrender at work..
    Walter, I've twice tried to send you a private message here regarding your yearling butter corns, and I don't see them in my email. Did the messages get through?
    Your inbox is set up not to receive messages? At least that's the error I get when I tried to reply.
    Hello, Walter. I'm hopeful that you have young corn snakes for sale, and that you just haven't had time to update your website. Is that the case? I just want a pet snake, and corn snakes seem to be the best bet. But, I don't want to rush into anything. I know you folks selectively breed for color. Do you know if anyone selectively breeds corns for size? Short adults to short adults?
    Aozora, no I will not. I will be heading to the Memphis Repticon in August then the Columbia Repticon in November. I won't be back at the Dixie Show until Sept.
    Cornbreadandmilk, I got your email AND sent a reply. This time it seemed to go through from my end seeing I didn't get a "undeliverable" notice back.
    Walter, hoping you see this since I seem incapable of emailing you. is it acceptable to send you my name, address, the snakes id and cash directly through paypal?
    Hello I would like to inquire about a two headed snake. They say your the guy to go to. How much would one cost? Lol congrats on that one Walter.
    Good deal, glad to hear she has gotten going. I sometimes wish I had the time to deal with stubborn feeders, but am always glad to work out great deals to someone who can take the time to work with them. It's much better than the cold alternative, if you know what I mean?

    Glad to hear the others are doing well. Thanks for the update !!
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