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Can or do they REALLY, actively dislike some people?

I'm just curious, because my husband gets bitten by my snakes constantly. Heck, even Colorado, the most chill cornsnake I've ever known, strikes at him when he comes near! Ditto with my Mexican Nightsnake, which is right up there in the "calm" and "friendly" department. And just the other day, my Black Milksnake, who is the friendliest snake on the planet, struck at him through the plexi window on her viv....

I hypothesize that my husband must "smell" frightened of them (which he is), and that they're tasting whatever scent he's giving off, and responding to it. Normally, I'd just think that they are frightened of him, and so strike out, but they don't do the same with me, except, very occasionally, one of the babies.

Just curious, because I asked him to bring out one of my snakes for a couple of quick shots for another thread, and the snake bit him multiple times before he even got him to me. However, once he was in my hands, he never rattled, struck, or looked or acted either aggressive or overly frightened (he isn't handled all that much, so he's a bit flighty). And yet my husband gets this reaction from all of my snakes, over and over and over again. I just don't get it.

So, any opinions? DO some people just bring out the worst in snakes, no matter how benign that person's intentions when interacting with snakes? My husband is certain that they just plain don't like him! We both feed them, so it's not strictly that, and we both handle all of the snakes, including the baby hatelings, so I don't think that's the reason, either. We both remove snakes from their tubs/vivs, or stick our hands in there on about an equal basis, and I don't get the reaction from them that Z does. In other words, I don't get bitten or rattled at (usually).
Well based on watching people hold my snakes at shows, the snake seems to sense it when the person is nervous and act more flighty - relaxed handler = relaxed snake. And I have seen them react when someone wears perfume or cologne, or a type of soap or something? But I have never seen several snakes take a dislike to one person (except me, lol)
I don't know...My Cali King was awful for her original owner, who is not afraid of snakes and always handled her gently. She's lovely with me, but when Bill checks in on her she musks and strikes!! She has _no_ reason to behave like that. No one else ever handles her, so I have nothing to compare it to, but she is one of my very favorite snakes!
That's interesting, Nancy. I'm thinking about my MBK who I rehomed because he always musked me and acted panic-stricken when I held him. I should check with the guy I gave him to, and see if he's getting a different reaction than the one I had.

I just feel sorry for Z. He is the gentlest soul on the planet, and our dogs absolutely adore him. Horses will come from all the way across a field to get him to stroke their velvety noses. His Blue Front Amazon and his Severe Macaw think he's the bee's knees. But the snakes? I don't know what it is with him and them, but whatever it is doesn't seem to working like it does with birds and mammals. I don't know why, and I hate to see my big, brave and gentle husband brought to his knees with fear by a tiny hateling or an otherwise friendly and gentle adult snake.
I don't have any input other than your husband is a keeper. He helps you with the snakes even though he is a little fearful of them. My husband has no fear in fact he is the one that got me interested in snake and he doesn't help at all. Maybe he needs a deodorant change. :shrugs:
I don't have any input other than your husband is a keeper. He helps you with the snakes even though he is a little fearful of them. My husband has no fear in fact he is the one that got me interested in snake and he doesn't help at all. Maybe he needs a deodorant change. :shrugs:

LOL! Maybe he should start wearing some, then, you mean? Z doesn't use anti-perspirant or deodorant. Maybe that's the problem--he's too smelly? *grins*

And, yes, he IS a keeper! I don't know what I'd do without him. In my eyes, he's absolute perfection :).
There were some particular colognes and scents that were thought to contain specific pheramones, which triggered a fear response in snakes. I think CK1 was an example.

Perhaps a change of toiletries might not be so far off the mark?

I know that mine hate it when I cook with or eat garlic - I always have to wear gloves with a couple of them, for a day or two afterwards. I don't know if it's just because the residual smell is so strong that it masks "my" smell to the point that they don't "recognise" me.
LOL! Maybe he should start wearing some, then, you mean? Z doesn't use anti-perspirant or deodorant. Maybe that's the problem--he's too smelly? *grins*

I suppose a change could help.. at least something to try! I'm not sure if that would work though. I gave a snake to my friend Chris once, who doesn't believe in wearing anti-perspirant or deodorant ( The roommate of the person who owns Rainer actually!), and he had no problems in how his snake reacted to him.

Unfortunately maybe Mr. Z isn't a snake person! It takes a very special person from what I understand to care for birds properly. Perhaps he's expecting too much and getting nervous, and the snake is picking up on it.

When my friends want to handle my snakes it can be hit or miss sometimes. It can also be an eye opener. Sometimes certain snakes who are just fine for me will become a bit flighty when someone new is handling them. I'm not sure how much of this is the other person being anxious, or the snake being anxious because it's not in its familiar owner's hands.

Of course there are people who are just really really nervous, and the snake definitely picks up on that, but no matter how nervous my snakes have gotten while being held by a guest, I have NEVER witnessed one of my friends being bit. Perhaps it's because i always supervise and would never let things get that far. It just seems wierd that Z is getting SUCH a strong reaction from them!
(Ps to Nanci: now days more often than not I can bring out Lova and have no problems whoever it is!!)

One time the tables were turned though. This might be interesting for your case. During my first few years of snake keeping I kept a Honduran Milk Snake. He musked on me and bit me all the time. One of my friends came over to see the snakes, and this particular guy was a very strong and silent type. I didn't warn him that the Milk Snake was aggressive. With out expecting a bite, he reached in there, held the snake, and then put it back.. all without any kind of incident!

Okay, onto what I think could be the solution. I'm assuming all of the snakes are yours. I wonder what would happen if Z had his own (Nectarine or Apricot!!) baby snake to raise. I know snakes don't bond to their humans the same way birds do, but I think there is at least some kind of recognition that goes on. If he raised the snake from a tiny hatchling (where their bites are nothing if they even do bite) to a mature snake, hopefully if he held it frequently enough he would have confidence with that snake. Maybe that could raise his confidence in other situations as well.

The only other good solution I see is to wear gloves!! Good luck to Mr. Z!!!
I wonder about this, too. I know a guy who works at a reptile store and he gets bitten by everything, but when I hold the same snakes that bit him they're always tame. I can't imagine my garter snake biting anything (he doesn't even strike at food), but apparently he bit this guy a few times while he was in the shop. I guess some people are just tasty to snakes?
My personal snake in our collection doesn't seem to like my oldest boy. He has his one snake and helps all the time with feeding and handling. He even comes with me to shows or education expos to talk about and handle snakes. But this one snake in our collection strikes at him all the time. The other day he took it out to handle him and Houdini (the snake) slithered up his wrist and bit him in the bicep. And yet that snake has never even attempted to bite anyone. And if truth be told I am the most fearful one in the house with the snakes, and yet I am the only one who has never been bit.