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Could my Snake be Dying???

I am out there, easily found.
And I have many ebil plans involving Lori.....
I am going to go to Daytona next summer, see....and I plan on giving her a huge hug!!
Squish her I will!!
(and Robbie, Nanci, Tony, Katie, Dean, Tim and anyone else unlucky enough to cross my path!!)

Oh noes! Whatever shall we do! :D
Emily I do not dislike you like Fred said not agreeing with someone does not equate to hating them; it just means we share a difference of opinion. Your views on things right now have a lot to do with your age- you'd be amazed how gray the world becomes as you age:)
Emily I do not dislike you like Fred said not agreeing with someone does not equate to hating them; it just means we share a difference of opinion. Your views on things right now have a lot to do with your age- you'd be amazed how gray the world becomes as you age:)
Got that right... you should see my hair... starting to be "salt-&-pepper". Even got white hairs on my facial hairs now... I'll REALLY start to worry when I get white hairs on my chest, arms and legs... LOL.
I'm so worried about someone finding out who I am that I use a fake name and swipe someone else's ham radio call sign for my avatar. That way, if someone goes to qrz.com and looks up AC5UA, they'll be fooled into thinking that I'm Glen Morehead and live in Austin, and will never know that I'm Delroy Finsterbean (any other early Mad Magazine fans out there?) and live in North Zulch. Hah ha ha haaaah!
Hmmmmm.... can anyone say, "Naive" or "wet behind the ears" or "D'oh!"?

Emily, whenever you're on the internet you're "exposed" to a certain extent and for most of us, there isn't really anything we can do about it. Part of the nature of the beast.

You'll also have to remember that just because someone disagrees with you on a post or thread or topic, doesn't mean that they HATE you or even DISLIKE you. Some, shall I say, "shallow" people might take it to that extent, but I think that "most" folks simply disagree and might even disagree passionately. That, should not, in your mind, equate to hatred for you.

Even IF someone did hate you because of a post/thread/whatever... that shouldn't affect you personally because they're in no way shape or form able to affect you any more than you allow them to. There are folks on this very thread who have disagreed with me in the past (and maybe even NOW), but we're cordial, compliment each other when appropriate and even are each others' "friends list". And that is OKAY. It's the internet, we're a community, we're not clones of each other.

Don't take things so personally, Emily. Respect other people's right/ability to have a different opinion than your own. That's what you expect them to do for you, isn't it? Then offer the same to them.

PASSION controlled is what truly makes the world work. PASSION uncontrolled is the reason the world is in the state it is in.
I use the 'famous' UK forum where people have all out fights with name calling and threats, but when we meet up it's all forgotten, and friendships form.
Internet relationships are weird as we cannot see faces and cannot hear the sarcasm, wit, intonation of the voice, so it's easy to mis read the replies. After meeting up you can relate the voice and person to the posts and they take on a different meaning....

Got that right... you should see my hair... starting to be "salt-&-pepper". Even got white hairs on my facial hairs now... I'll REALLY start to worry when I get white hairs on my chest, arms and legs... LOL.
I already got them, thank you. :fullauto:
They are not the ones to worry about Fred..... It's when the ones in the middle start to grey out I'm worrying about.;)
I've got those grey hairs on my chest, too. Glad to hear I'm not the only one. :grin01:

Oh and Beth....I'm not skeered of your "ebil" hugs. Bring em! ;)
Is is hugging pandas time now?

Internet relationships are weird as we cannot see faces and cannot hear the sarcasm, wit, intonation of the voice, so it's easy to mis read the replies. After meeting up you can relate the voice and person to the posts and they take on a different meaning....
Ain't that the truth!!! Met up with a few people who liked me on a tarantula forum.... I haven't heard from them since.... :( ROFLOL!

They are not the ones to worry about Fred..... It's when the ones in the middle start to grey out I'm worrying about.;)
GREAT... another thing to watch out for! You gotta be kidding me! ;)

I've got those grey hairs on my chest, too. Glad to hear I'm not the only one. :grin01:
:eek: :eek1: :eek: :eek1:
Uhhhhh... Hi, Lori! :D
Got that right... you should see my hair... starting to be "salt-&-pepper". Even got white hairs on my facial hairs now... I'll REALLY start to worry when I get white hairs on my chest, arms and legs... LOL.

I can post pictures of my salting-and-peppering chest and belly hair, if that'd help!
Since I dragged this thread off this direction, the concept of using "toyboy" and me in the same thought had me giggling almost to the point of barfing. 52-year-old fat white guy as toyboy! Lesley was at least polite about the idea - she laughed and left the room!
Since I dragged this thread off this direction, the concept of using "toyboy" and me in the same thought had me giggling almost to the point of barfing. 52-year-old fat white guy as toyboy! Lesley was at least polite about the idea - she laughed and left the room!

You would be SHOCKED if you knew what thoughts lurked in the minds of cougars......SHOCKED, I tell ya!