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Don't have a snake? Here is your chance.


New member
I am down to just a few normal corn snakes. They are some of the prettiest normals I have hatched and may be red factor. So here is the deal instead of taking these last few babies down to the local pet store I would much rather know that these babies are becoming cherished pets. I also find my heart breaking for those that have bought a snake from a box pet store just to loose it shortly later.

So I am going to give these babies away to a few people who are looking for their first snake or if you did have your first snake and it passed away also please contact me.

What do you need to do?

1) Willing to pay my flat rate shipping fee of $45. That is right I am going to eat part of the shipping fees for a free snake. I figure this would put the fee for the snake right about what you would pay for one at the pet store.

2) This must be your first snake or if you had one before that past away due to no fault of your own that is ok as well.

3) You must be at least 18 years old or I would need to speak with your parents prior to receiving the snake. This is simply because I want to make sure that your parents know you are bring a snake into the house and because in order to pick up your new snake from FedEx you need to show a valid ID being over 18.

4) Send me an email at [email protected]. Tell me a little about you, your living situation, your set up, etc.

Fine print: Snake will be shipped to your local FedEx staffed location. I will not knowing ship a snake to an area that corn snakes are not allowed. So please know your local laws. I also have the right to refuse sale to anyone for any reason. My snakes are always cherished pets before breeders and I expect the new owners to feel the same way.

Here is an example of what these cuties look like. I look forward to hearing from you. Nothing is more exciting than getting your first snake and I love being part of that.

What as awesome idea :)

I lost my first corn snake shortly after I got her. I got her from a local pet store and she was evidently in poor health. It was heartbreaking to loose her.

I have since gotten a new snake that is doing very well. So I can't take one of your beauties. But I love what you are doing.
Thank you both! I can't really take that much credit for it. I believe it was Bob that did same thing similar to this a year or two ago and thought it was a fantastic way to get new corn snake owners a quality healthy pet. So when I got down to just a handful of babies I thought I would do the same thing with the remainder of the babies.
Christen, wow that's amazing of you. your always a great person to come to for help and on top of that you go out of your way to make others happy.. and dont take credit even when you deserve it! I wish their were more people like you in the world. :eek:

this made me smile..
Well again Thank you all. I am not alone with the desire to make sure that everyone's first pet a healthy one. Another breeder has come forward to say he would help with this mission. Which is wonderful since I just have a few babies left. The more future snake lovers we can positively impact as a community the better.
Wow, that is so nice of you. If I hadn't already agreed to buy a snake from another member, you would have definitely heard from me.
I have plenty of anery's, and a few snows and a ghost. I'd be willing to help out with this, especially for folks on the east coast who could save a few bucks on shipping. Great idea to start new keepers off right, Christen. :)