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First hook-ups for me!!

Really, though, it's only been just over 24 hours, right? She was laying when you came home from Easter dinner?
yes..thats correct....I would guess between 5-7pm...I got home around 7:00ish. correction...Easter dinner was Sat. Nite So she working on 48hrs
You might be able to catch Kathy Love by PM for reassurance/advice. She's usually pretty available. I think her phone number might be on her website, too.
wow!! thats going right to the source...now isn't it?? Not a bad idea though...can't think of why i didnt think of it....
I didn't have time to read all 19 pages, but if she just started laying on April 23, you still have time. I prefer to not bother them too much the first few days. My choice of last resort is aspiration. But it usually takes at least a week, often 2 weeks or more, before the eggs harden and you lose that option.

Here is the order I usually proceed when I suspect egg binding:

First, leave her alone, making sure the nest box is fairly full of fluffy, damp, moss.

If it has been at least 48 hours since the last egg was laid, some gentle exercise climbing, or swimming in warm (make sure it is not too hot!) water may help.

Give that option 24 hours to work. If not, and there is an egg within an inch or two of the cloaca, I try gentle massage, but only with a lubricated probe inserted first (gently go around and around the cloaca, and it will gape open), in contact with the egg, to make sure it is not pushing the oviduct out in front of it (see pages 127 and 138 in my book for details). If you get one out, wait until the next day to see if the next one has been laid or is in position to guide out, too.

If that doesn't work, you can try to aspirate the most distal egg as I describe in the same section of my book. Don't get too aggressive too quickly. You could do more harm than good.

Good luck!
thanks for your input and your time...we're just learning here.

the last one she laid was today 4/25/11...so they are moving.....So...leave her alone...I've heard that plenty these last few days. ok...again..thank you SO much for your time & input.
Kathy's the best! Can you even imagine how many expectant corn mommies she's seen through laying??
The less stress, the better. As long as things keep moving, leave her alone. If things stop for about 48 hours, then consider helping as described above.
Plus- don't be afraid to ask her a question just because she's the Famous Kathy Love. Kathy is the most helpful, comforting, knowledgeable cornsnake breeder there is! I know I still come up with a question for her every now and then, and she's always been there for me!!

here is this house you are the Goddess of cornsnakes!!! You deserve all the compliments you receive kathy. You've be an inspiration to many many people! I applaud you for your passion & your work. And Now that i'm done brown-nosing! (LOL a little never hurts...right?) I'll finish my Fish dinner...then check on my girl....tomorrow :)
Ok....So..since we're waiting for the last 2 to pass....Let's discuss whats on the dockett for next years breedings......... :nope:
A bit off topic, but; Kathy Love is not only generous with her cornsnake information, she has also helped me with diet recommendations. She is awesome.
I'll gladly go off topic to commend kathy Love for her excellent work with cornsnakes & others over the years. Do you think a cornsnake breeder could ever win the Nobel Peace prize? or something of that nature?? she'd get my vote.