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Getting tired of it...

Once I get over a little shyness in public, I tend to generally win most people over.. Because I choose not to be arguementive.. Gees, go figure.. Some of the posts I come across have an obvious, arguementive sense about them.. Even in this thread, some of the people that have stayed put, are trying to argue, and this does not build the community spirit.

Slam the brakes on right here and right now. Threads like this one. are going to do one of two things.. Invite and possible incite people, or drive away and incite people.. Personal responsibility people, for your actions and reactions people.. Are you seeing this yet?

Step, your generalization about people being immature because they have choosen to participate in another forum is just wrong.. Personally, that is insulting as well as pretty damn snotty... You are owed much more flack for that statement, and it is statements like those that makes good forums uninviting. Sure thats your right to have an opinion, but it is my right to have very little regard for someone who chooses to incite the fight rather than try to cool it..

Sadly, it is threads like this that tend to disgust me the most, when the fingers are pointing here and there.. Why does it cause great concern that there is another forum up? Why are people so up tight that they point a finger that way, when they happen to be pointing three back at themselves??? Get grip people, and start accepting personally responsibility for what comes out of your mouth or keyboards..

Honestly, these kind of threads do little good for the group here. If anything, it divides people more.. :wavey:

Regards.. Tim of T and J
TandJ said:
Step, your generalization about people being immature because they have choosen to participate in another forum is just wrong.. Personally, that is insulting as well as pretty damn snotty... You are owed much more flack for that statement, and it is statements like those that makes good forums uninviting. Sure thats your right to have an opinion, but it is my right to have very little regard for someone who chooses to incite the fight rather than try to cool it..

Firstly, it's Stef & not step.

Secondly, I believe it is extremely immature what some individuals have done. Period. Here is a good example a fit that was thrown here: http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?p=365523#post365523

As for the "flack" you think I'm owed, bring it. :rolleyes:

TandJ said:
Why does it cause great concern that there is another forum up?

I don't believe that it's that the other forum is such a concern. As I said, many reptile forums have come & gone before. But it is disappointing how some members have handled themselves and how some members aren't contributing to this forum like they used to. That is of course there choice, but it does not stop the disappointment.

TandJ said:
Get grip people, and start accepting personally responsibility for what comes out of your mouth or keyboards.

I have no problem accepting responsibility for what I'm saying. I am saying what I'm saying, and that is my opinion.
Steph mumbled along with..

I don't believe that it's that the other forum is such a concern. As I said, many reptile forums have come & gone before. .

Oh apparently it is, because you choose to mention it.. Apparently I must be immature because I indeed participate there.. Indeed young lady, your selfcentered snotatude, is generally uncalled for, and I called you out on it and you seem to think it is your right to act like that, even if you come off insulting and insinuating that people are lower than you because they post else wheres...

But it is disappointing how some members have handled themselves and how some members aren't contributing to this forum like they used to. That is of course there choice, but it does not stop the disappointment

Throwing stones at glass houses might do you a big favour .. Use your own advice, and realize maybe you might have contributed to the departure of some of members simply by your right to voice your very own and special opinion... Go ahead and tear my posts completely apart, I could care less, but it does you no good to do so, and only adds more value to my point indeed..

Regards.. Tim of T and J
OK, Tim.....gotta call you on some things, my friend.....

TandJ said:
Once I get over a little shyness in public, I tend to generally win most people over.. Because I choose not to be arguementive
this flies in the face of reason, or at the very least, civility, when it's followed up with....

TandJ said:
Step, your generalization about people being immature because they have choosen to participate in another forum is just wrong.. Personally, that is insulting as well as pretty damn snotty... You are owed much more flack for that statement
So, you choose not to be argumentative, and then refer to someone's attitude as "snotty" and claim they're "owed much more flack"?

Sounds rather argumentative, from where I sit.

Then, when Steph responds to the points (and not the person), you respond with:

TandJ said:
Steph mumbled along with..
And finally, when you attempt to declare yourself the winner with:

TandJ said:
I could care less, but it does you no good to do so, and only adds more value to my point indeed..
....you're doing more to your credibility than to hers.

I don't necessarily agree with Steph and her perspective. But I certainly don't agree with the manner in which you've attempted to present your points.

You'll need to call a glazier for your glass house, in my opinion.

TandJ said:
Oh apparently it is, because you choose to mention it.. Apparently I must be immature because I indeed participate there.. Indeed young lady, your selfcentered snotatude, is generally uncalled for, and I called you out on it and you seem to think it is your right to act like that, even if you come off insulting and insinuating that people are lower than you because they post else wheres...

Actually, sweetcakes, I didn't bring it up. Was I the originator of the thread? I've known about it for quite a while, but figured until it was brought up by someone else, I was keeping my opinions to myself.

Way to put words in my mouth. You're so awesome. :rolleyes: Please point out where I made any of those statements. Maybe you should reread all of my posts in this thread? Maybe then you'll get it.

I also don't believe you called me out on anything. The only thing you provided was text that I did not say.

TandJ said:
Use your own advice, and realize maybe you might have contributed to the departure of some of members simply by your right to voice your very own and special opinion...

O yes...I'm sure it's all my fault that people were making a big stink in the chatroom (which I'm never in)...I'm sure it's all my fault that someone threw a temper tantrum because there was a new Canadian personal forum purchased. :rolleyes:

TandJ said:
and only adds more value to my point indeed..

What point? :rolleyes:
Now that I look this, I realize something.. This has indeed become a waste of my time, getting drawn into the debate of ego.. Screw it, I need to slam on my brakes here.. Indeed I realize I have been manipulated by anothers ego, and it just becomes as pointless as banging my head against the wall... :headbang:

Enough is enough.. I am through with this..

Tim of T and J
jazzgeek said:
I don't necessarily agree with Steph and her perspective. But I certainly don't agree with the manner in which you've attempted to present your points.

Thank you, Jazz.

I respect your opinion that you do not agree with me and have said so in this manner. :) That goes much farther then assuming things and putting words on others mouths. :dancer:

I do understand that some people do not agree with my opinion on this matter (though I do know others do, because I've received plenty of Karma for it), and that is fine. But please don't try to argue with me about my opinion, you aren't going to change it.
And in the same vein.....

blckkat said:
Actually, sweetcakes....

[quote-blckkat]You're so awesome. :rolleyes: [/quote].....which is nothing but sarcasm and condescension, is unnecessary. No points made, no information to ponder.

Recess is over. Let's get back to corns and/or more general, and not ad hominem, tomfoolery.

TandJ said:
Indeed I realize I have been manipulated by anothers ego, and it just becomes as pointless as banging my head against the wall...

Tim, I'm sorry if I made you feel that I was manipulating you...That in fact was not my intention. Nor was I pointing fingers at anyone (including you). I stated my opinion, explained why I felt that way, and that should have been it.

Please stop banging your head on the wall. :)
Blckkat, you raise a lot of good points too. Interesting debate you guys. Sorry to hear this board isn't as fun for everyone as it was before.
SnakeNbake said:
Blckkat, you raise a lot of good points too. Interesting debate you guys. Sorry to hear this board isn't as fun for everyone as it was before.
I having fun seeing people post pictures of Jazz in his underoos. So I am not sure what everyone is talking about.. :shrugs:
SnakeNbake said:
Sorry to hear this board isn't as fun for everyone as it was before.

I wouldn't say it isn't as "fun" as it was. Maybe not as active. But as it's been said, it is the slow time of the year. It'll pick up (w/ or w/o the drama). :)
Damn it..

Damn you Dale, pointing out that I am being a hypocrite.. We might be on to something here.. *lol* Might be the whole point I was making from my original post in the thread.. :shrugs:

Steph, we are not going to see eye to eye on it.. Simply put.. It is pointless and waste of my time to express my perspective .. It defeats my ideas and purpose for even being in the forums.. Enough is enough, I owe it to myself and the forum all together to just stop... Ah well..

Tim of T and J
blckkat said:
You can not deny that some people are on the "other forum" just because they threw a fit and refuse to post here anymore.

Even if some members kept up there dual forums here and "there," they aren't posting the same information in this one, where more people frequent. I would like to keep up on the ACR, but I can't now. I would like to keep up with Carol's, CCCorns & others breeding plans for 2007, but I can't now. :shrugs:
In all fairness, you not visiting the other site could be seen as "throwing a fit" just as much as those who choose not to come here. Being around longer and having more members does not obligate people to put their best efforts here. I don't wish to make this personal, I have nothing against you and respect your right to your opinion, but since I was mentioned I thought I'd tell my side of the story. I can't tell you why others left although I feel I have a good grasp on what they have told me. I CAN tell you some reasons why I am not as active here. The easiest explaination is that I'm just "in the mood" for that atmosphere more often than I am this one, but there is more to it so I'll be honest about it. But before we get there, I will say that my breeding plans will be posted here as soon as I have the list ready. I probably should be doing that now, but I decided to write this post instead.
I think Dean's comments here are just perfect, I wish I could rep him a million times over in this thread, but I just don't find enough good posts here to spread enough around:
Poke a frog with a live electrode, and you can call the response a fit, or you can just call it a response. If an organism, even a thinking, rational one moves away from an undesirable stimulus, what does it say about the organism? :shrugs:
I'm really having a hard time finding words for how I feel, so I just filled an entire page with with an illustration of how I see things. Now looking at it I don't think it needs to be posted, but it did help me get a grip (albeit my grip) on the situation. We can argue all day on whether someone's actions were reasonable or not and at the end of the day all you have are two opinions.
I don't consider myself a "great", but I have been here a long time and have put untold hours into trying to help "build" this site. I've been here since this site was SMALLER than the Source is now. I've seen people come and go, and I also saw a select group that stayed year after year, 99% of the time adding a wealth of knowledge to help this site prosper. Post upon post of information that worked towards the progression of the hobby. Spending hours collecting info that would best help us learn about keeping and breeding our snakes. I saw people spend years building GREAT reputations. Does that mean new people aren't "great"? Absolutely not, but it is true that they haven't put in the hours, thought and posts to earn the reputation....yet. Any of these new ones are welcome to do just that.
Unfortunately, I also saw these reputations that were built up over years, be smashed to pieces over a couple of days of desperate immaturity. Any attempt these people made of explaining themselves was labeled as trying to "justify the behavior". Really no one was justifying anything, there is a difference between justifying and explaining. When these folks tried to explain they had just got to their wits end and lost it, their years of work and contributions here didn't even earn a listening unjudging ear. EVERYTHING they did from there on out was accused of being motivated purely by immaturity. And how ironic.... it's still happening! It really bothers me how easily years of reputation were thrown down the toilet after a couple of days of immature behavior. The whole situation left them "damned if they do, damned if they don't". 1% of inarguably unacceptable behavior wiped out 99% of good citizenship.
Where am I? I didn't participate in the "horrific" actions that took place in the chat logs, but I did leave chat after trolls had overrun it. I was offended by another post made stating that people left chat because they were.... guess..... the...... word...... immature. I'm really getting sick of that word and it definitely strikes a nerve with me here.
On a different note, when you see just how quick and easy it is to loose your reputation here, you just don't have the same gusto in maintaining it. Throw together a bunch of people who have lost their gusto in maintaining their reputation and you see what you have here. To some people giving up on having a reputation will cause them to be nasty, and others like myself have no desire to cause trouble for the site, but also no longer have a desire to spend valueable time building something up that is so easily taken away.
I still enjoy stopping by and helping out when I can but doing so is now in a different place on my priority list, and I don't think having cornsnakes.com #1 on your priority list is a requirement here. Just like Rich, I have many things on the burner and it's a personal choice which one you will give attention to first.