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Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster...

Graham...thanks for the insight and glad you are okay.

On a slightly political note....

I wonder if the "Drill baby, Drill" slogan will be uttered in the future?

This current issue may change the viewpoint of many a person...or at least it will if the media tells us it should.
Well I think that no matter what people feel about drilling or Halliburton or BP or what have you, I think that us coastal folks should stick together, especially since we share so many similar issues. My husband and I are "celebrating" the oil spill the same we celebrate all of our other disasters, with a hurricane party.....so Rich, Capt Bogart, Mike, Strange Cargo, Buzzard, and any other gulf coast state folks that I may have missed the Tequila and Jager are on me!
What Strange Cargo & Wilomn miss is that SC can be a totally upright, honest, hardworking, dedicated guy, supervised by good guys, but the top 1-5 executives of Halliburton could be scum anyway. So the focus shouldn't be on SC who is reporting the facts at the level he works at. He can see up & down a couple levels, and what he sees is good people working hard, trying to extract energy while protecting the environment. Wilomn attacks him when if anyone needs attacking, it's the very tippy-top of the energy industry, not decent folks like SC.
What Strange Cargo & Wilomn miss is that SC can be a totally upright, honest, hardworking, dedicated guy, supervised by good guys, but the top 1-5 executives of Halliburton could be scum anyway. So the focus shouldn't be on SC who is reporting the facts at the level he works at. He can see up & down a couple levels, and what he sees is good people working hard, trying to extract energy while protecting the environment. Wilomn attacks him when if anyone needs attacking, it's the very tippy-top of the energy industry, not decent folks like SC.

I believe that Wilomn has stated, at least twice, that this is NOT about any specific poster in this thread. He is aware of this fact.

The whole hellofaguy and alcohol consumption thing was supposed to bring that home.

I'm sure it is just as you have said, which is what I was getting at.

But, this whole haliburton mess again, I mean, seriously, these guys screw up so often. Were these also no bid contracts or did someone else lose out to them? See what I mean?
If I misread you wilomn, I apologize. There is something very wrong in American industry, but every day I see ordinary people who act in ethical ways even though maybe the top bosses in their industries don't, so I may well have misread you.
If I misread you wilomn, I apologize. There is something very wrong in American industry, but every day I see ordinary people who act in ethical ways even though maybe the top bosses in their industries don't, so I may well have misread you.

Yeah, I think that's what happened.

I'm not singling out anyone, much less a member here.

Of all the gas companies out there, Arco, a BP subsidiary, is the one I do the most business with. I've been loyal to them for years. So it's not even about BP for me.

It's just that if this is, once again, shoddy workmanship, how many chances do you give someone? How many bazillion dollar screw ups before you tell them no more?

But no, not saying anything negative about anyone, not even wade.
IS this the first time this has happened on a haliburton maintained platform? If not, what number is THIS one?

Just to clear this up for everyone.....

Halliburton does NOT own drilling rigs or production platforms.... simple... period.

It was NOT on production platform... it was a Deepwater Drilling Rig owned by TRANSOCEAN (not halliburton).

BP was the company contractor that RENTED the rig & crew from Transocean. The transocean crews do regular drilling and rig maintanence jobs. Halliburton hands did the cementing for the job. MI did the mud engineering. and so on-- probably 10- 12 other 3rd party speciality contractors to do the specialized jobs.

Dang, for those so against oil companies & drilling, I hope y'all boycott the petroleum industry and refrain from using gas (driving your cars, mowing yoru lawns, etc), don't use ANY plastics (since plastics come from petroleum), no natural gas, etc.
It's just that if this is, once again, shoddy workmanship, how many chances do you give someone? How many bazillion dollar screw ups before you tell them no more?

This is what bothers me the most. "Shoddy worksmanship" ????? Most of the time (especially the block we're drilling in ...and the one the deepwater horizon sunk in) you cannot predict what mother natures has in store when you drill into a formation. There are sooooooo many factors- many out of our control- that play into drilling a well. People aren't out here doing half-a$$ work.... they're doing everything 100% "by the books" with teh top of the line equipment. Each step we do out here is reviewed by our respected company offices...sit down meetings between the different companies...safety meetings...etc. There is no Shoddy Workmanship- we're all professionals who've went to schools/training/certifications to do our various jobs.


I'm out. I'm just not going to waste anymore time on this thread- these conspiracy theories, far fetched malinformend lies, bum information, etc are nothing more than that...
Feel free to prove me wrong. I'd actually like that. It won't happen, but a guy can dream, can't he?

You see, it's not about me at all. I don't have the answer, I don't know how to fix this. What I do know, and you know it too, is that these bastards have lied before. They've lied about some pretty serious stuff.

This is pretty serious. What do you think Mexico and Central America are going to have to say about this when it hits their beaches? What if it does wrap around Fla.?

How many times has this happened before?

Okay name how many times that an oil spill of this magnitude has happened in the Gulf of Mexico.... Show your sources or shut your hole. I enjoyed SC take on what is going on in the gulf. Having a inside look into what really happens on those rigs has helped me understand to, an extent, of what really goes on. You sit over there in California and hug a tree or something, we'll live in the real world.
Wilomn, I would like to repeat what Buzzard has said. You have been very outspoken with lots of theories of wrong doing and corruption and greed. I have yet to see you produce a single fact. You want to blame someone and everyone. You keep saying it has happened many times in the past. I have asked you several times to point to a fact. If you really think the sky is falling show me a piece.
You know, when some of you post, the IQ of this thread is smaller than it was before you posted. You know who you are.

I have never ONCE said haliburton owned the well. Those of you who ASS umed I had need to practice your reading comprehension.

haliburton worked on the well 20 hours before this problem.

Now I'll ask once again, how many times has a well that haliburton has worked on, NOT OWNED, had this problem?

Is this the first? Not from what I've gleaned. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

So, Water Tester, you're there, you seem like a good guy, an honest guy, how many times has this happened to haliburton serviced wells?
Wes, tell us please, how many times?

How many times have you had gay sex, from what I have heard it is often. My sources say you troll the streets looking for young men. I have heard you pull the wings off of flies and throw kittens in water.

When are you going to stop beating your wife. How many times are we supposed to allow you to do that. When is somebody going to do something about your relationship with your dog?

My sources tell me you are seriously one sick puppy. I've heard all about you. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

Don't confuse me with any actual facts.
Wes, you keep coming back with snappy responses. As passionate as you obviously are about this subject I would think you could relate one fact for us. You have bad mouthed almost everyone on the planet. Why can't you point to something that actually happened?

My statement above is every bit as valid as any of yours have been. As you said before, prove me wrong.
Wes, you keep coming back with snappy responses. As passionate as you obviously are about this subject I would think you could relate one fact for us. You have bad mouthed almost everyone on the planet. Why can't you point to something that actually happened?

My statement above is every bit as valid as any of yours have been. As you said before, prove me wrong.

For a bit of clarity in this oily mess, just who, besides you, do you, think I have badmouthed? (and really, that wasn't even bad mouthing but I know you're a sensitive kind of guy)
Please continue this discussion WITHOUT the personal pissing duels, please.