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I'm so angry! D:<


New member
So, I've been looking recently for a female Bloodred for my boyfriend for Christmas. He's proven himself as a good keeper and handler and he wanted more than anything for a female blood. So I start my look and come across the perfect ones here on this site; bloodred het lav females who would pair PERFECTLY with my Opal male in a few years.

The breeder seems great at first, promising he'll get me pics so I can choose her and plays them up. One weeks goes by without any contact. I try contacting them a few times, just to see what the situation is, and then today, I finally get an email that tells me that they sold all their females.

Sound perfectly fine, right? Not when I was the FIRST person to contact them about the snakes and have been trying to get ahold of them for a WEEK. Now he has nothing for me and I can't find anything close for the same price and now I'm out of the perfect present.

What kind of breeder doesn't stay in contact with people they are selling to? This is just ridiculous. URRRRGH. Sorry for the rant, but I am just so frustrated and angry that they didn't contact me then went behind me to sell them all then say in their email that he didn't want to tell me why he did it.

:angry01: UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURGH. I am crying because of this jerk.

If anyone had anything that I could buy, I'd be eternally grateful.

Once again, sorry for the rant. :sobstory:
I'm sorry that happened! I wish I had a bloodred female for you- all I have is six males!! You could post in Cornsnakes wanted to see if you can find one- it shouldn't be too difficult. Just off the top of my head people you could try would be Carol, Susan, Danny dwyn127, Jim Godfrey, maybe Jeff Mohr mohrsnakes, maybe zorro, maybe Sean Niland at VMS Herps, and most likely Don Soderberg at South Mountain Reptiles.
Argh! Darn your boys Nanci! Why couldn't one of them be a little girl?! Thank you though. I contacted Danny and I'm waiting for a response.

I'm trying to get ANYTHING before it gets too cold to ship the poor babies.
Everybody on that list has good snakes, so if you get one from any of them you will be happy! I have bought from Carol, Susan, Danny, Jeff & Zorro. Don Soderberg & Sean Niland are bigtime breeders with great reputations. I don't see how you can go wrong with any of them. Good luck!
If you ship Hold For Pickup, you have a lot more leeway with shipping temps than when the snake is riding around in the truck being delivered.
Nanci named plenty of good people. Don S. (SMR) and Rob S. (Bayou Reptiles) still have all kinds of stuff. LOL. Bloodred and other stuff.
As I mentioned in the PM, contact Brent at Dakota Corns (Drizzt80) as he has female bloodreds and even a female lavender bloodred listed as being available on his website.
Here she is...

These pictures were taken Sept 18. I'll try to take some outdoor shots if you're interested.


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