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Introducing Duckey - '05 Royal!


-M.P. Stafford
Duckey was a freebie. I never had any intentions (heard that before haven't ya?) of getting a Royal but he was in good shape and came with a tank. So I figured what the hell.

He's been fed live his whole life, but took the F/T Hopper last night like a champ. Now that I know he'll eat F/T, I do believe I'll have to get him something a little larger maybe. Not too sure, though, as I'm not a Ball guy.

He weighed in at 268 grams - would that be fairly normal for a 2 year old Royal? Seemed a tad small/light to me.

Also, does anyone know if he's any special morph? Or just a classic BP?

Anyway, I took a bunch of pictures, but I'm really horrible at it. So, these are the best ones I had.



He looks sweet! I know nothing about BPs, though. But he's very pretty and cute!

He's gorgeous! My royal is around 2 and a half years old and he weighs well over 500 grams (and I weighed him some 2/3 months ago... he's probably more than that now.) He eats extra large mice or small/medium rats.

Yours looks like a normal to me. He looks a lot like mine. ;)
Plissken said:
He's gorgeous! My royal is around 2 and a half years old and he weighs well over 500 grams (and I weighed him some 2/3 months ago... he's probably more than that now.) He eats extra large mice or small/medium rats.

Yours looks like a normal to me. He looks a lot like mine. ;)

Yikes! I figured he was small, but I didn't realize he might be that far off the desired weight. I assumed he'd be smaller than normal, though, as the people I took him from were feeding him pinkies still.

Yea...my '06 BP is around 290 or more...haven't weighed her recently, and she takes medium rat hoppers or jumbo adult mice.

Pretty BP, though. Looking pretty good...I'm sure with good care, yours will catch up soon. Mine was also a rescue from horrible conditions, and she caught up to where she was supposed to be within a couple months...
Wow, your lucky to have gotten him Matt! He looks great and I'm sure you'll get him to size soon.
Matthew said:
Yikes! I figured he was small, but I didn't realize he might be that far off the desired weight. I assumed he'd be smaller than normal, though, as the people I took him from were feeding him pinkies still.


Of course no two snakes are going to be the exact same weight, but yours definetly looks a little underweight. They can handle bigger prey than you might think. Aim to be offering him something about the same size around as the thickest part of his body.
Those folds of skin that you see where he "bends" is what you will notice disappearing, first. Before he gains any actual size, he will fill out and bulk up. From the pictures you've posted, he appears to be slightly underweight, and possibly slightly dehydrated, but with proper care, should catch up soon. If I showed you before and after pictures of my rescued BP, you wouldn't believe it was the same animal...

I would feed him 1 appropriately sized prey item every 5-6 days until he "fills out", and then go to a 8-10 day feeding schedule. When I first brought my girl home she was so malnourished that I fed her an adult mouse every 4 days until she bulked up and filled out. She is now on a 10 day feeding schedule, and is a happy and healthy little "sausage snake".

Good Luck!
My 06 male pastel royal was over 600 grams in March, so yours is extremely small for his age. But thats probably due to him being fed live on and off for so long. Or maybe my royals just grow like pigs!?

Nice new addition though, I would deffinatley switch him to rats to pack the fat on him.