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My right to bear arms is under fire right now.

If that comparison above by tsst isn't dishonest, and you guys seriously believe that Obama is as bad as Hitler, then your country is in serious trouble.

And you have a responsibility to do more than whinge about it.

The power of the American constitution is in your hands. The founding fathers secured these freedoms not so you could sit around and complain on forums, but to exercise those freedoms, and protect them from oppression.

If this thread is not full of disingenuous liars, then how do you plan to protect these freedoms from the modern Hitler?
What in God's name are you going on about now, Nova? Who said Obama was as bad as Hitler? The only recent comparison I've seen was to Ghandi and MLK. Methinks you just like to stir the puddin.
Actually, I believe that this country IS in serious trouble.

This is a rather interesting display -> http://www.usdebtclock.org/

We are $17 TRILLION dollars in debt right now and going further into debt by the minute with absolutely no feasible way to get out of that hole. What is going to be the eventual outcome of this? Anything pleasant for "the people"? Shouldn't the government be doing something much more constructive about this then having public arguments about raising the debt "ceiling" every few months? Don't they understand what this SHOULD be telling them?

Surely this is not lost on the people in power. I think the harder they push to outlaw guns in private hands the more we should be worrying about WHY that is so important to them.

What worries me quite a bit is a government acting for all the world like there is no tomorrow to have to answer for what they are doing today.
My favorite is how most people seem to think that if only whoever happens to be president was gone, everything would be okay.
What in God's name are you going on about now, Nova? Who said Obama was as bad as Hitler? The only recent comparison I've seen was to Ghandi and MLK. Methinks you just like to stir the puddin.


See above.
If that comparison above by tsst isn't dishonest, and you guys seriously believe that Obama is as bad as Hitler, then your country is in serious trouble.

The difference between Obama and Hitler is that he is killing us much more slowly and indirectly than Hitler. He also doesn't directly intend to kill people- but his warped veiws on how this country should be run has undoubtedly already caused fatalities. But his attacks on our Constitutional rights is much more direct and easier to spot.

And you have a responsibility to do more than whinge about it.

And your suggestions?

The power of the American constitution is in your hands. The founding fathers secured these freedoms not so you could sit around and complain on forums, but to exercise those freedoms, and protect them from oppression.

Unfortunately, although the founding fathers set forth an almost bulletproof Constitution- our freedoms have never been secure. And we certainly don't enjoy the definition of freedom the founding fathers alluded to in the day in present times. They have been slowly and sneakily erroded away from us over the years.

As far as Obama- the best and most and probably all I or anyone else can do is talk about him. Even above the right to bear arms- the founding fathers knew that the freedom of speech is the most important freedom of all. So- why would try to belittle our use of our most powerful and effective tool to counter bad government as lackluster ranting?

I did all I could do to keep Obama from securing a second term. I didn't vote.It didn't matter. At the end of the day- I could have rounded up 500, 000 people to go with me and vote and it wouldn't have made a bit of difference. That's why exposing him for what he is is so important on forums: somewhere else a few votes could have made a difference.

If this thread is not full of disingenuous liars, then how do you plan to protect these freedoms from the modern Hitler?

By putting the right people in office to oppose him at the Congressional and Senatorial levels and exposing him on forums for what he is so that misguided souls who voted him in the first place might possibly realize the error of their ways and not repeat that mistake in the future. Outside of that- all we can do is put pressure on the Congressmen and Senators who support his misguided legislation and posting on forums is almost as effective as direct mail to those people.

So- again....What's your solution-wise guy?

See above.
Seemed pretty simple. Pictures of folks that think we should be able to own guns and pictures of folks that think we shouldn't. You are the one trying to make a strawmanish issue. I never stated he was about to commit genocide or start WWIII. His history has always been anti-gun. Simple notion that the picture fit, granted a hyperbolic way.

Actually, I believe that this country IS in serious trouble.

This is a rather interesting display -> http://www.usdebtclock.org/

We are $17 TRILLION dollars in debt right now and going further into debt by the minute with absolutely no feasible way to get out of that hole. What is going to be the eventual outcome of this? Anything pleasant for "the people"? Shouldn't the government be doing something much more constructive about this then having public arguments about raising the debt "ceiling" every few months? Don't they understand what this SHOULD be telling them?

Surely this is not lost on the people in power. I think the harder they push to outlaw guns in private hands the more we should be worrying about WHY that is so important to them.

What worries me quite a bit is a government acting for all the world like there is no tomorrow to have to answer for what they are doing today.
Read an interesting take months back during some interwebs link jumping. Paraphrasing:
More or less the USA is the lynch pin to a new world order/one world gov. Nobody going to topple us but ourselves. Our elitists have positioned themselves to stay in power so all that's left to do is crash the world economy, which is exactly what happens if the US economy fails. Everything falls like dominos. The restructuring after the fact results in a changed world. 300 million firearms in the hands of 100 million Americans is a major monkey wrench in that soup. Disarming as much as possible is a must.

I know it sounds all conspiracy theory but it made me wonder and stuck in the back of my head since. As you said they have to understand the debt is not sustainable so why are they so eager to continue? :shrugs:
They've already limited the size of the clip, so before they went any further I finally took advantage of my right to bare arms.
They've already limited the size of the clip, so before they went any further I finally took advantage of my right to bare arms.
S&W 15-22. I have one. I bought it to teach son the AR platform. The 15-22 was as close as possible to the function of the AR15. Great little gun. The Plinker brand mags are so so. If you buy extra mags stick with actual S&W.
At least ten assailants attack a group of random people with knives. And your point about guns is...what?
His point is bad people are going to do bad things. I dislike the comparison, personally. But whether law enforcement or armed civilians, someone armed is almost always what ends these spree killings. Of course, this incident might be defined more as terrorism, I know nothing (but what I have read in the last 24 hours) about these separatists or what there motivation was for this tragedy.
Ohhhhhkay. The sky is also blue. Sometimes, anyway (Right now, surprisingly!)

Not sure what that has to do with anything, though.
Ohhhhhkay. The sky is also blue. Sometimes, anyway (Right now, surprisingly!)

Not sure what that has to do with anything, though.
Really. Read the thread title. Our politicians constantly vilify the tool instead of the villain. Our antigun political schemers bank on belief in that vilification teamed with an ill informed populous to institute control under the guise of safety.

As stated ad nauseam people with intent will find a way.
At least ten assailants attack a group of random people with knives. And your point about guns is...what?

REALLY?????? You don't get it? The point is pretty simple- and extremely true and to the point- guns don't kill people- people kill people. ..and here you have a perfect example.

With Texas having a right to carry law now- the same scenario would have been very few dead or wounded innocents and no surviving attackers.......
I am a licensed concealed carrier myself, but I hate to play "if a trained civilian had a gun ----- would have happened," because there are countless variables in a chaotic scenario like this. And, most people (even those with a CHL) aren't carrying a gun every minute of the day, on the way to work, etc. But without a doubt, the data suggest that allowing concealed handgun carry has no negative impact on violent crime, and in most areas rates dropped. Though to be fair, violent crime has dropped nationwide over that last several decades, whether or not looser gun laws are a factor. Scary as the world out there seems, this is the safest time in history to be a human being!