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Mystery goo...


New member
please tell me this is not what i think it is.

so anyway, murdoc has been kinda antsy lately, usually he's very laid back. so i take him out of his cage and felt some wetness on my hand. i thought it was musk but i couldn't smell anything. so i take a look and see this....



i was holding lydia earlier today, and i guess he could still smell her on me? no doubt he can smell her all day, her cage is just a foot or two above his :shrugs:
I've never actually seen "it," but if I had to guess what it looked like, based on experience with other species, that would be it.

Sperm plug.. Lovely, you have been spooged on... *lol*

Regards.. Tim of T and J
Aaaactuuuuuaaalllyyyy, I believe that may be a sperm plug. Nice sized one at that! Your boy did find you attractive enough to "prepare" himself so-to-speak. I recall reading somewhere that somebody put some sperm plug material under a microscope and not only didn't see viable sperm, but didn't see any dead ones either. :shrugs:

Here's a post I put up a week or so ago:

And here's what sperm spillage looks like after the fact:

If Zee ever does that to me, I'm going to choke him. So far, he just does the creepy mating dance. PINEAPPLE!

ahahaha your snake blew his load on you, lol i wouldn't be sure how to take that as a compliment or as an insult or just be confused as why your snake did that to a human...
darn, clicked the reply button by mistake.


tanner i guess my king is in preovulatory shed, i didn't think she was old enough. but i've never had a reponse like this from him before, i guess thats whats got him all hot and bothered.

anywho i guess this will just be something else i can weird out my friends and future inlaws with lol
tanner123 said:
ahahaha your snake blew his load on you, lol i wouldn't be sure how to take that as a compliment or as an insult or just be confused as why your snake did that to a human...
Just to clarify, and because I'm picky that way when it comes to the use of 'terminology', he actually didn't "blow his load". . . Check out my links above and you can see what "blowing his load" would have looked like . . . :)

I guess sperm plugs are sort of analogous to pre-ejaculate. Isn't that something real that happens before ejaculation? Cornsnakes eject sperm plugs first. It makes me wonder why they're there. I don't know if this is mentioned in cornsnake books, because I have none as of yet. But why do they have them? Is the sperm going to leak out if they don't have sperm plugs? Usually, in other taxa (bugs, birds, primates) sperm plugs are something the male leaves behind in the female to prevent other males from gaining access, not something he gets rid of before he's even started.
Why do I always open these threads? Seriously. I know what's coming, I know I don't want to see, and yet I can't NOT click on the thread.

I'm sure you enjoyed the *cough* bonding experience. ;)
Nanci said:
If Zee ever does that to me, I'm going to choke him. So far, he just does the creepy mating dance. PINEAPPLE!

Takes a shot...

You guys should see adult burmese sperm plugs... :eek1:
desertanimal said:
I guess sperm plugs are sort of analogous to pre-ejaculate. Isn't that something real that happens before ejaculation? Cornsnakes eject sperm plugs first. It makes me wonder why they're there. I don't know if this is mentioned in cornsnake books, because I have none as of yet. But why do they have them? Is the sperm going to leak out if they don't have sperm plugs? Usually, in other taxa (bugs, birds, primates) sperm plugs are something the male leaves behind in the female to prevent other males from gaining access, not something he gets rid of before he's even started.

Maybe its to kep bacteria/infection out?
Do snakes always shed/lose/whatever their sperm plugs, or _could_ it some (most?) of the time end up in the female, like it does in other animals?
