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New red-tailed green rat snake.


New member
Been awhile since I've haunted this forum lol

Anyway I did a little snake swapping today, and traded my rather bitey cal king for this lovely new rat snake. I was originally going to get a red tail boa, but this guy caught my eye at the last minute lol

This guy is captive bred and very tame, I have no issues reaching in to touch him or handle him, aside from some minor flightiness.

his only real issue is a small kink in his spine, a birth defect according to the guy who gave him to me, I don't plan on breeding him and he is otherwise healthy so I didn't think it was a big deal.

I have him set up in a 29g tank right now, but I was wondering what else I could do for him, if anyone has any experience with these guys I'd love to hear your input =3



Thanks guys, I just had someone tell me his colors looked "shopped", I guess his greens are just epic lol

Some time later in the year I have plans for an old dresser that's sitting in my basement, should make a great habitat conversion for this guy since it's like 4ft tall. Hopefully I can manage such a project =3
Thanks again everyone =3

And yes he does have blue on the sides of his tongue.

I'm looking up paludarium setups, I think he would benefit from the in creased humidity and live plants, but I'm still deciding, it wouldn't happen for a while anyway.
a small update, he has found his favorite hiding spot in the center of the tank. don't see him move much or leave the area really, so much for their display qualities lol

he does love mice though, and takes them once I leave the room, I was pretty worried he'd only take chicks, but that doesn't seem to be the case at all =3

I may give him a paper towel tube to curl up in, seems like he would enjoy that kind of thing, and ought be more apt to explore.

Sorry about the dust and such, flash is awful sometimes T_T

I thought the red-tailed rats needed higher humidity.....Does the aspen hold up to repeated spraying? I love the colors of these guys...just one more species I have no room for :(
@MegF The aspen is OK, it seems to hold up well enough, once he's done digesting his meal from last night I will give him some cypress mulch and see how that goes.

So far the humidity is around 50% give or take. I hear a great deal of conflicting info about where it needs to be though, everything from 80% and lower = death, and that 50-60% is just fine for these guys with an increase when they go blue. I am thinking about ghetto rigging a spare humidifier (those fogging systems are not cheap) but I'm not sure how that would really work well yet.
I heard that 70%-80% is about what the average should be and that's what my buddy kept his at for the most part. I don't like fogging systems myself. They tend to grow bacteria in the lines and people start relying on them for the humidity instead of themselves. I use the time I mist my snakes at night to observe them, see how they are acting and if there's any problems lurking. I have thought about getting a room humidifier for my snake room since everything there now (excluding the last clutch of corn hatchlings) are tropical snakes and require higher humidity. Winter is especially hard as far as sheds since the air becomes so dry.
Tell me about it, I cant wait till spring and the humidity comes back (did I just say that for real?). I still spray him quite a bit, it just doesn't seem to hang around very long in this winter air.

On the bright side he has become more active so I'm glad to see that, even if he's not using his branches much yet.
That has got to be the most amazing looking snake I have ever seen. Reason GREEN is my favorite colour. I would LOVE to have one of them, impossible to find in Canada I bet.
I got a great photo of him tonight after I redid his cage, new cypress bedding, much larger/wider water dish, and I redid the foliage to offer more cover.


I guess he thinks he's a lol snake, all I can imagine is him saying "Oh Hai there!" x3

The rearranged setup seems to be working well, especially since he didn't just flee for cover like he always does when I have put him back before, no decent read on the humidity yet though, I will be giving him a humid box until I can get it worked out.