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OMG what are those popping up?!

I would love to get my hands on one of these guys one day. I want to try a little experiment with them and another morph that I am particularly fond of.
I think the pattern looks so clean because of the smaller scales (more pixels) and because of the somewhat different shape they have (rectangular).

You know how to contact me outcast :)
Update on the amel '11 female, she weighs 28 grams now:

Nah, though she eats very well she is the smallest of my keepers, weighing only 54 grams May 28. But indeed, no baby anymore :) The weird thing is, both the male and the female look larger than they actually weigh. The male looks easily like an over 150 gram snake but only weighed 128 gram May 28. Maybe their scales make them look larger...
These micros are really cool... I love being able to read an older thread from the beginning and get updates as I go! Are these around in the states at all now (as mentioned)? I haven't seen any myself!
Photo taken today


Close up:


He only weighed 96 grams last December, did not weigh him today but he is large enough to breed I think.

The amel girl is in blue, so no pics of her today.

WOW!! I missed this update! He's gorgeous!
(I forget, is Tara the only one in the states who has these now?)
Oh my gosh!
I just read this front to back, and I woke my dogs squealing when it proved out as genetic!!!
Seriously, you ROCK!!
Have they featured these in any of the corn genetics books?
How COOL are they!!!
Did you breed any micros this year?
Hi Kate, nice to see you are so excited :) I did do nothing for it by the way, they just popped up :p I hope they will be included in The cornsnake genetics manual by Chuck Pritzel but yesterday I read that there won't be a new one this year and maybe not even next year so I am too late for that most probably :(
Eh, one of these guys on the board will make another genetics book even if he doesn't, don't fret too much.
I just think it's a really fascinating genetic discovery. It's one thing for the skin to change color patterns. It's another for scale size and shape to be completely altered!
And fluke or not, a lot of people on the board told you it was an incubation issue, and not genetic, you took the time to test it out regardless of that!
I'm only sad the founding daddy isn't here to be pampered for his bringing about micros!
Yeah, I miss him, he was a very nice snake to own :) I did know it was not an incubation issue, they were so perfect and there were two of them, their whole bodies were covered the same way, they were too identical to be incubation related!

So far I harvested 13 babies from the first clutch, all perfectly fine and with nice sharp, fine and regular patterns :) I really think that goes along with the gene, even if it is only het.

And you know, I have some great news: the other clutch, the proving clutch, started pipping this afternoon!!!! YAY !!!! Three are showing noses, all normal colored but no idea yet if they are micro's... have to go to bed but can't wait till the morning!!!
And you know, I have some great news: the other clutch, the proving clutch, started pipping this afternoon!!!! YAY !!!! Three are showing noses, all normal colored but no idea yet if they are micro's... have to go to bed but can't wait till the morning!!!

Omg omg omg!! I'm freaking out with excitement!! XD I can't imagine how you will be able to sleep at all!!! Come on babies! Hatch hatch hatch!!! :D