Let me Explain
I was just informed of this thread, and thought it best to register and explain these snakes..
I purchased this pair from Louise Stevens @ Bayou Reptiles.. Yes, the are the same ones that were in Tinley Park.. They were at that show.. Louise explained to me a little about these.
First off, Bayou Reptiles have an adult pair, maybe trio of these snakes.. WHEN I SAID THEY WERE GENETIC DARRIN,,i meant when bred together, all babies come out looking like the parents.. THE PICTURE IS CRAPPY, I KNOW. WE ARE WORKING ON FIXING THAT AS WE SPEAK!!!
From what Louise has told me, they have bred this color into a Ghost, Pastel, Anery and i believe one other, and have not come up with anything.. The colors on these guys are definately a bluish color.. Nowhere in my ad did i say they were a Sky Blue, or Royal Blue, did I??
Once again, Louise informed me that she had shown these snakes to Kathy Love, and Kathy proceeded to advise her on what other color morphs to try and breed it to.. Everything she suggested, they had already tried..
I did not say THAT I HAD PERSONALLY TALKED WITH KATHY.. Louise even told me that Kathy had taken pictures of them..
As i said, I AM GOING SOLELY ON THE INFO GIVEN TO ME BY THE BREEDER. I have had one member on here email me, and i gave him Louise's email addy to talk with her himself..
I am under the impression he will post his findings on here after he talks with Louise..
What bothers me most about this thread is we are a business with a solid reputation.. Why in the hell would we try to sell an imitation morph?? I was 100%%%% honest in my ad about what the breeder had told me.. I have done several shows with them, and I have ABSOLUTELY no reason to doubt what they are saying..
As far as ChaosKat's comment, please read the thread on the BOI entitled Golden Serpent 2000 Inquiry..
She had absolutely no proof to back up her allegations, furthermore, she stated she had these snakes for 9-10 MONTHS before anything happened to them... HUH???
She complained that the snakes were screwed up, with cyst's on them, yet she has no proof to back up that she even got snakes that looked as bad as she said..
She stated she emailed us about it, NO PROOF..
I thought that with all the crooks and con-artist's that are in this business today, someone's good reputation would stand on its own, but I guess not..
I would have really appreciated if someone other than ONE person would have emailed me to ask about them.. Then maybe we could have cleared this up..
I guess thats just a LITTLE to much to ask from some people..