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On the subject of supposedly blue corns...

I saw those too... and I don't see the "blue" either. They look like anery motleys to me.

I've dealt with the people who placed that ad.. and had troubles with them before.

I always get myself into trouble over issues like these, so I am going to go way overboard on trying not to jump to conclusions on this. HOWEVER . . . statements like this one just kill me!

"As of yet, they are not sure what actually produces the "blue", but it is genetic..."

Huh? You have no idea WHAT causes the "blue," but you're SURE it's genetic????

Also ... "Kathy Love actually looked at these and could not figure it out..."

It may very well be that Kathy has actually seen some of these animals. It may even be true that she thought they were somewhat different in their appearance. It might even be the case that she did not know what they were. I would be really interested to know whether they actually got Kathy's permission to use her name and reputation as a sideways selling point!

If so, more power to them! If not, they ought to be ashamed!


I don't see it either. I would think that if you wanted to represent your product you would get the best pics to show them off.:confused: Those pics don't show me anything different or blue about those animals.

Name dropping for a selling point is tacky, in my opinion. If your giving credit where credit is due thats another matter. Know your animals and stand on your own when you represent them:D

I hope I'm not sounding too mean but there are so many ripoffs out there.:angry01:
I wonder if these are related to the other "blue motleys" I've heard of. I saw some "blue motleys" at the Tinley Park show. I don't get where the word "blue" comes from, because I didn't see anything "blue" about them even when I was up close and staring at them.

I still think it would be nice if people would apply the "10 foot test" before using a color as a name. If corns were all anerythristic, I'm sure there'd be "orange" morphs and "red" morphs by now, too.

So, when are the purple corns coming? Oh, when someone breeds that "blue" gene into normal corns, I guess those will make "purple." (hooray...)

As for this, "As of yet, they are not sure what actually produces the "blue", but it is genetic..." IMO it speaks volumes.
I think I remember the email, but can't remember my reply. Probably depended on the photo sent. Pretty hard to tell things by photo. I get a lot of emails and photos asking for ID or best guesses. It is getting to the point where you can't even visually ID a hypo anymore, let alone anything that could be unusual. The one posted on the forum didn't look too impressive. Maybe that person will post a bigger, better photo here so we can all see it. So much depends on lighting, too.

I have had people ask me for a blue corn like the one on the Manual cover. I hadn't noticed it when it was first published, but the Miami phase does sort of have a bluish cast on the front of the book. Sure wish it looked blue in person.
I say no blue!

I am very skeptical of "new" morphs anymore. I also saw that ad and while they are nice looking snakes, I would NOT call them BLUE by any means. Someone will still buy those snakes under the pretense that they are actually a new blue morph that may bring in lots of money. Who knows? It very well could be but I doubt it. Its not the first time nor will it be the last. Everyone loves to see unusual looking versions of existing morphs AND the thought of more morphs is exciting, HOWEVER, it is easy to get caught up in it all.

Too many people are far too willing to take our money. It is hard to differentiate between honest sellers and frauds. In fact, I won't buy off the internet anymore unless its a highly recommended seller. Otherwise I'll take my chances at the reptile shows where you can at least see the animal in person.

Take a minute to check out the intriguing thread on fauna's BOI about the fraud commited by Carolina Reptile Exchange....they sold countless numbers of normal ball pythons as being het for piebald (among many other bad things). Anyway, hets are another issue all together!

I think its healthy to be skeptical. Heck, I am still somewhat skeptical of the lava corns, especially since my friend bought a hypo last year that could easily pass for a lava without question. In fact, it could very well be a new form of hypo...LOL. I don't know the history behind how many lavas were sold to the public or if the hets ended up anywhere, but its identical. However, its his 1st and only corn and is a pet not a breeder so he's not looking to profit from it or test breed it.

It's scary to think its easy to get ripped off but it simply happens way too much with reptiles anymore. WE MUST CONTINUE TO BE CAREFUL AND LOOK OUT FOR EACH OTHER!! Look for the THREAD ON THE BOI that I mentioned above!...its like a good book, you won't be able to stop reading....i promise!

ps...the above blue color is what i would expect to see on a true 'blue' corn!

The photos are bad I know, but I am inclined to be a little more open minded. I think we should talk about the possible genetics involved and not be worried at this point about getting ripped off. Nobody has to buy anything if they don't want to. It is very hard to talk about the genetics involved if the person who has them doesn't know either. It would be nice to get some more information from the breeder about their crosses with other morphs. Did they cross it with and anery a and b homo morph and get normals, or just get anerys and no "Blues"?

This photo appears to be a comparison photo I hope. The one on the left does look to have a deluted background color like one of my Lavenders I have.


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Comparison photo Lavender and ?

Here is a comparison photo between a Lavender Corn and her odd ball Lavender sibling. I do not know what the genetics involved are or if it is reproducable, but the difference between these Lavenders is simular to the difference in the above Anery Motleys.

It does sound like the "Blue" Motleys are reproducable, so that would indicate that some type of genetics is involved and not just a deformity in the egg or something. I am going to try to track down some more info.

It is very unlikely that we will ever see a "BLUE" Corn. I do agree that its application in this case will never be accepted. Blue is used quite a bit to describe colors in other animal groups. Blue Rats are not blue, but a blue steel color. Blue Healers are not "BLUE" either. Are Lavender Corns really Lavender? Well, kind of. It is an appropriate name though. Some Lavender Corns are more lavender colored than others.


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Double Homos? Motley too of course.

I was thinking of the possible genetics of the "Blue" Motleys and began to contemplate the idea that they were homo anery a and lav or Homo anery b and lav. I remembered a thread in Rich Z photo gallery Lav/Anery A and just read through it. It doesn't seem clear what a homo lav/anery a or homo lav/anery b looks like. Lavender may cover up anery a or it may not, I am not sure yet. It is hard to tell a homo hypo/amel from an amel, but in some examples it can be seen.

Clint posted a photo of an "anery a I think" and got the responce below. This is more evidence that it may be reproducable at least. I will let Clint post the photo here if he wants to, but it does have a simular look to the "Blue" Motleys and lets not forget that the Motley gene lightens the color a little so I would expect them to look a shade lighter.

Hey Clint!
That youngster up there looks a lot like the "New Blue Motleys" that I've seen at a few of the shows out here in Texas!
A definite blue cast to it.
Very pretty!

I do hope you can find out some info on these. I don't think I'm being closed minded in expecting something that is advertised as Blue to be Blue :D

Personally, I would love to have a blue corn. Blue is one of my favorite colors.

I think if your going to bring something to market you should have all your facts and theories lined up. Just my thoughts:crazy02:
Let me Explain

I was just informed of this thread, and thought it best to register and explain these snakes..
I purchased this pair from Louise Stevens @ Bayou Reptiles.. Yes, the are the same ones that were in Tinley Park.. They were at that show.. Louise explained to me a little about these.
First off, Bayou Reptiles have an adult pair, maybe trio of these snakes.. WHEN I SAID THEY WERE GENETIC DARRIN,,i meant when bred together, all babies come out looking like the parents.. THE PICTURE IS CRAPPY, I KNOW. WE ARE WORKING ON FIXING THAT AS WE SPEAK!!!
From what Louise has told me, they have bred this color into a Ghost, Pastel, Anery and i believe one other, and have not come up with anything.. The colors on these guys are definately a bluish color.. Nowhere in my ad did i say they were a Sky Blue, or Royal Blue, did I??
Once again, Louise informed me that she had shown these snakes to Kathy Love, and Kathy proceeded to advise her on what other color morphs to try and breed it to.. Everything she suggested, they had already tried..
I did not say THAT I HAD PERSONALLY TALKED WITH KATHY.. Louise even told me that Kathy had taken pictures of them..
As i said, I AM GOING SOLELY ON THE INFO GIVEN TO ME BY THE BREEDER. I have had one member on here email me, and i gave him Louise's email addy to talk with her himself..
I am under the impression he will post his findings on here after he talks with Louise..
What bothers me most about this thread is we are a business with a solid reputation.. Why in the hell would we try to sell an imitation morph?? I was 100%%%% honest in my ad about what the breeder had told me.. I have done several shows with them, and I have ABSOLUTELY no reason to doubt what they are saying..
As far as ChaosKat's comment, please read the thread on the BOI entitled Golden Serpent 2000 Inquiry..
She had absolutely no proof to back up her allegations, furthermore, she stated she had these snakes for 9-10 MONTHS before anything happened to them... HUH???
She complained that the snakes were screwed up, with cyst's on them, yet she has no proof to back up that she even got snakes that looked as bad as she said..
She stated she emailed us about it, NO PROOF..

I thought that with all the crooks and con-artist's that are in this business today, someone's good reputation would stand on its own, but I guess not..
I would have really appreciated if someone other than ONE person would have emailed me to ask about them.. Then maybe we could have cleared this up..
I guess thats just a LITTLE to much to ask from some people..
As far as ChaosKat's comment, please read the thread on the BOI entitled Golden Serpent 2000 Inquiry. She had absolutely no proof to back up her allegations, furthermore, she stated she had these snakes for 9-10 MONTHS before anything happened to them.

Please keep the BOI discussions on the BOI. ;)
This snake is the result of breeding a Lavender het amel, anery A and possibly anery B to it sibling Lavender het amel, anery A and possibly anery B.
It is homo Lav and what else I don't know. I'll tell you what though, I'll be danged if I can get the colors to show up in pics. Would I call it Blue.....maybe!

As far as the name goes.....I don't think they have to be a certain shade to have a color used as a name. All Lavenders are not Lavender, all Butters are not the color of Butter. In my "OPINION" If it is reproducable, give it a name (who cares what, Bloodreds aren't all red). I see no problem or deciet in the ad.

This gun is BLUED!

Blue is on topic....right?
I will agree that the ad didn't say what shade of blue. I guess I'm just being simplistic in expecting something blue . Maybe some new pics will shed a new light on this.

Clint, that is a cool looking baby. I wish I could say it looked blue on my monitor. I know that some colors are hard to capture. I truly hope a blue corn is in the near future. I'm just a skeptic at heart and will take a wait and see attitude:D

Nice blue Colt;)
hope these pics are better

Here are some pics i just took.. I hope they are better.. The pics are of a pastel next to one of the blues.. Just like a Blue Doberman, it is more of a grayish-blue..
I dont know if a Lavender was involved.. I thought I had asked Louise about that, maybe i didnt..


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and the last one..
I know they were selling these in Daytona this past year like hotcakes, so they must be a little something..


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I was just curious if you have any pics of the adults? Or if your able to get them. Hatchlings change so much as they grow up.
more pics/parent

I just recieved these pics from Louise at Bayou Reptile.. One adult was in blue, so they took pics of the other adult, and two of their babies.. They take better pics than i do..



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