I kept my first corn snake as a yard collected pet in the 70's and to memory, I've produced at least one clutch of colubrids since 1999. I've been doing this for a while now and I have made a lot of mistakes that I have learned from. In spite of this, a year has yet to go by where I haven't learned something, so I would never say I have mastered keeping these "beginner pets." In fact, many of my most solid beliefs have changed in recent years. A few of my notions have become more concrete, of course. I may write further on any of these topics later, but just off the top of my head...
Things I've changed my mind on, and no longer believe:
1) A varied diet is beneficial to corns.
2) "Hobby" snakes lack the vigor of earlier generations from wild.
3) Bloodred has a tendency to be weak genetically.
4) Inbreeding has innate negative consequences.
5) There is some, even if minor, benefit to live or pre-killed vs. frozen mice.
6) Homemade racks can be built better and cheaper than commercial racks (at least by someone with my skill set).
7) 7 to 10 days before feeding or handling a reptile is needed to let them settle in to a new enclosure.
Things I feel more strongly about:
1) They need exercise!
2) Feeding outside the enclosure isn't the greatest idea for many snakes.
3) Given a proper temperature to move to, they will not burn themselves, even with "too hot" of a hot spot.
4) A percentage of babies that hatch should never be bred (subjective as that statement is).
5) UVB lighting is not needed for snakes. (In fact, it can be harmful)
6) Most health issues with captive snakes are temperature related, and the industry makes few products for people with one reptile. (as a pet shop owner, I can't offer an economical entry level thermostat-controlled snake viv.)
7) Cohabitation is a bad idea.
That should get the ball rolling. I suspect many of you "old-timers" will agree with some of these points and take issue with others, I'm curious as to your thoughts.
Things I've changed my mind on, and no longer believe:
1) A varied diet is beneficial to corns.
2) "Hobby" snakes lack the vigor of earlier generations from wild.
3) Bloodred has a tendency to be weak genetically.
4) Inbreeding has innate negative consequences.
5) There is some, even if minor, benefit to live or pre-killed vs. frozen mice.
6) Homemade racks can be built better and cheaper than commercial racks (at least by someone with my skill set).
7) 7 to 10 days before feeding or handling a reptile is needed to let them settle in to a new enclosure.
Things I feel more strongly about:
1) They need exercise!
2) Feeding outside the enclosure isn't the greatest idea for many snakes.
3) Given a proper temperature to move to, they will not burn themselves, even with "too hot" of a hot spot.
4) A percentage of babies that hatch should never be bred (subjective as that statement is).
5) UVB lighting is not needed for snakes. (In fact, it can be harmful)
6) Most health issues with captive snakes are temperature related, and the industry makes few products for people with one reptile. (as a pet shop owner, I can't offer an economical entry level thermostat-controlled snake viv.)
7) Cohabitation is a bad idea.
That should get the ball rolling. I suspect many of you "old-timers" will agree with some of these points and take issue with others, I'm curious as to your thoughts.