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Snake "Seizures"


New member
I have a question about how my corn snakes are acting.

Let me first say I always keep my adult male in the same cage as my adult female. This is because it is more cost effective for me, and I do not have a big room at all.

Well I have been noticing that especially around feeding time, the two will be roaming around the cage and when they touch each other they start "twitching", and they will continue this till one gets off the other.

I do not feed them together at the same time, I always separate them. So if anyone can let we know what they are really doing I would appreciate it.
Uhhh... it means that your males "likes" the female. If you don't separate them, you will probably have eggs at some point in the near future.
Umm Looking at your signature, it looks like you have 30 snakes? Are all of the co-habbed? I would really recommend doing a search on here for co-habbing. There are risks involved and I think you should know of them before you continue to have your snakes housed together for your convenience.
They have had clutches the past two years now. However, it seems like the female does it more. she twitches, and it almost always happens when I put them back together about a day after they eat. I always thought this was the female saying get the hell off me to the male.
Umm Looking at your signature, it looks like you have 30 snakes? Are all of the co-habbed? I would really recommend doing a search on here for co-habbing. There are risks involved and I think you should know of them before you continue to have your snakes housed together for your convenience.

I do not house all of them together. I house only the two adult ones together, the rest are all housed each seperatly in a rack system.
That is a stress behaviour in this situation. She's reacting defensively to the close proximity of another snake. Increased stress levels can increase the chance of regurge, egg-binding, and generally shorten the lifespan of an animal.
I would definitely separate them. As Shiari says, that is stress behavior. Not only that but you are exposing your female to over breeding and possible egg binding. Constantly laying clutches of eggs drains females of calcium. I would also say, from experience with a few corns my ex got a while back that were cohabbed, the male will over breed her and cause damage to the cloaca. Once again, equaling in egg binding when it keeps happening. If you have a rack system for the others I don't understand why you are housing these two together. Just put one of them in your rack.
I would definitely separate them. As Shiari says, that is stress behavior. Not only that but you are exposing your female to over breeding and possible egg binding. Constantly laying clutches of eggs drains females of calcium. I would also say, from experience with a few corns my ex got a while back that were cohabbed, the male will over breed her and cause damage to the cloaca. Once again, equaling in egg binding when it keeps happening. If you have a rack system for the others I don't understand why you are housing these two together. Just put one of them in your rack.

I keep them together because when I got my first ever corn snake, which was the female, about 4 years ago I had gotten it from a local pet shop. This pet shop did not know the sex of this snake/ know what morph of corn snake it was. Unfortunately I just wanted a snake and didn't care what sex or morph it was.
Then came my birthday about 5 months later and my dad had gotten me another corn snake, which was the male. Like the other one though I did not know the sex of the animal. Since I did not have a lot of room in my bedroom, I was told I could put them in the same tank and they would be fine. so for the past 3 and a half yrs. they have been sharing a 75 gallon tank.
Eventually the summer of 2010 the female had laid eggs. Once they hatched I had put them together but since have seperated them. Then they had breeded again this past summer, and they to are in a rack system.
So the whole reason why I have not seperated them was because they were in a 75 gallon tank, I have most of my available room filled in with a rack system for the babies, and I really want to keep at least one tank, so I can enjoy watching them slither all around the tank climbing up branches and stuff. I could get rid of the 75 gallon tank but then I would be missing out on watching them doing their own thing around the tank.
If I can put a divider down the middle of the tank I will, My snakes come first so if she is being stressed I have to eliminate this.
Thank You all for helping me out.
Or you can leave your favorite one in the tank and put the other one in a rubbermaid sweater box and put it anywhere you have room. Then when you get rid of the babies you can put the box on the rack.

I'm assuming you are going to sell the hatchlings, sorry if thats not your plan. But, if you don't have room now for two corns to have separate cages, how are you gonna handle it when all the little ones are big.
Or you can leave your favorite one in the tank and put the other one in a rubbermaid sweater box and put it anywhere you have room. Then when you get rid of the babies you can put the box on the rack.

I'm assuming you are going to sell the hatchlings, sorry if thats not your plan. But, if you don't have room now for two corns to have separate cages, how are you gonna handle it when all the little ones are big.

I am planning on selling the hatchlings, I actually already sold a bunch. I use to have 50 Corn snakes but thankfully I had bought it down to 30. I have a deal set up with the pet shop by where I live. Planning on bringing my collection down to hopefully 20.
just watched a video of two corn snakes mating and both of them were doing this twitching you were talking about so yeah i think thats whats going on
You can go to the DIY area and see people's ideas for making dividers. It looks pretty simple and not expensive.
A divider should work well in that big of a tank. Just be SURE not to use tape inside the tank. No matter how hard you press it down, the snakes always seem to manage to get stuck to it!