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the saga continues........

Thanks Larry, just that the live mouse fuzzy looked far bigger than the f/t pinks Lil was refusing (would be at least twice her diameter), and only resorted to the syringe because she had started to look triangular and had gone down to 9grams. Will go back and get the mouse tomorrow and give it a try, if Lil doesn't eat it one of the others will so it wouldn't go to waste. Is hard because feeding live so frowned on here in UK, but can ring around other local petshops to see if any pinks can be obtained. Not sure of legality but have been told is only ok if you can prove the snake won't feed otherwise.
Aha! can answer that one! Lizard maker is liquid that gives the pink the scent of lizard and can be used to convert snakes that want lizards for their first meals. I have only read about it being used for miami hatchlings, can't get hold of any to try on Lil, and she did start off successfully taking pinks without it.
Good luck with getting your snake to eat, I guess you tried scenting with tuna water/juice and/or braining the f/t and/or slicing the backs to help??

A tad of subject, but how do you prove a nonfeeder snake to a pet store to get/buy a live one? :shrugs:
Thanks Lenny, yes i have tried those things, with no success so far.
Not sure about proving she is a non-feeder, have kept detailed records of all the snakes feed/shed and weight from the start, but seems best bet is to find sympathetic petshop and do 'under the table' deal or get pair of mice and keep Lil going until they produce. Unless there is a forum member near me in kent who breeds mice????????????
Lil has gone up to 14 grams! am syringing the mouse puree into her every 4 days, she is digesting it nicely, no re-gurges, is pooping :) No luck with live pinkies around here, the 1 shop prepared to help had only fuzzies, so am getting my own breeder mice this week. Plan is to try Lil with a f/t pink on tuesday for the first time for 2 weeks, but still getting the breeder mice as back-up plan. At least I know that I can keep her going on the syringed mouse until she takes either f/t or live pink. Only used the blender for making ice-cream last summer, think I'll get a new one and keep this for the snakefeed. Once again thanks to all who have given help so far, J9
I have a cheap coffee grinder that I have used for grinding pinks in. Grinders are cheap and don't take up much space, although you still have to use water during grinding, and still have to put the whole mess through a strainer to make it go through most syringes.
am using adult mice for the blending process, then freezing little lumps of the puree in an icecube tray. figured there would be more nutrition in young adult as opposed to pink. have to chop the mouse up quite well before the blender can cope with it, and also futher grinding the lumps with the back of a spoon on a chopping board before the syringing. by hook or by crook am determined to give Lil as good a chance as I can. The shop owner has offered to swap her for another snow, but am totally stubborn about Lil :crazy02:
my baby girl is shedding today, and true to her 'problem child' status it is coming off in patches, so she is now in a humid box with a nice rubbing stone to help the process, am going to try her first f/t for a while tonight, and going to pick out my breeder mice as backup. there has been protest from my pro-rodent sons, have had to promise they can raise any really cute mice as pets, so am off to find the ugliest mice possible
so Lil just 'yawned' at the f/t pink, then sniffed it over a couple of times before coiling up. she is a much healthier 17 grams, and finally doesn't look skinny. the breeder mice are in love already, so hopefully 21 days until I can try a live pink, the female had sucessfully produced a litter at the shop, both mice are young and healthy. read an old thread showing nutritional comparisons, so am going to blend some chicks next, also will see if my ratsnake will like chick for a change. the plan is to not feed Lil for 5 days before the pinks are due, by then she should have built up enough that I can let her get a little hungry. thanks again, Kathy. Right from your first e-mail have been blown away by the time and effort you give to help someone who will never be able to buy any snakes from you (unless I ever win the lottery and relocate, in which case would be banging on your door!)
Try this

I haven't read all the post so forgive me if this a repeat but; try braining a pinky.
I totally forgive you, but yes I certainly have tried braining! The puree of mouse is what is keeping Lil going, am pining all my hopes on the breeder mice producing a live pink, and Lil taking it. have also tried tuna water, and scenting a f/t pink in mouse pee and am at my wits' end, will stop syringing mouse into Lil when the breeder mouse shows signs of pregnancy, so she may be hungry enough to eat a pink, in the meantime am syringing 5mls of mouse into her every 4 days, is stressing me out that my beautiful snake won't eat voluntarily, thank the Lord the other 4 have no feeding issues at all and are fat and healthy
Give ya credit

Most would've given up long ago. If you must continue to force feed you may want to try something different besides pinkies. George Van Horn at Reptile World Serpentarium force feeds some of his smaller venomous animals instead of normal food animals. He used to blender rodents and chickens. But now he uses good ole baby food. Not sure of the formula. But I can check with him.
thanks, not giving up, used to breed gerbils, guinea pigs and zebra finches, so have handraised rejected babies before, as well as various nestling birds, (and am a senior staff nurse )so seeing as Lil is now growing on this regime am going to keep going.Was blending adult mice because of better nutrition and have now added dayold chick to the mix since reading a thread which led me to the rodentpro comparison of feeders. The mice have been getting busy so am eagerly awaiting the pinks to try
Consult a vet

on the dosage of B12. Giver her some extra and it should stimulate her appetite. Try braining again.
If you're going to feed live food, keep it quiet. I see you're in the UK like me - I've been talking to people, and apparently feeding live food to snakes is now illegal in this country.
(quote)Legislation affects the use of feeder animals in the UK (the Protection of
Animals Act) and perhaps other countries as well. The UK law is not
particularly restrictive---it requires that live feeder vertebrates be used
only as a last resort and that the feeding process be monitored. Local US
jurisdictions may also have relevant regulations. Apprise yourself of the
local legislative situation as it applies to your feeding practices.

found this on a uk website, as I have detailed feed and growth records for all my snakes would be easy to prove is a desperate measure to get my snake to survive, rather than something I'm doing by choice. Also have all this thread, and on another forum, with the dates of posting all coinciding.
Good luck with your snow lady! Those UK law makers are really missing something I think; killing feedermice is not really nice for them too you know! Or is it also prohibited to kill them by freezing? That would be more reasonable... cause that's not necessary.
Have also got photo record of Lil, which shows how much weight she lost, my e-mails to and from the shop I got her from, so all in all am sure I could not be portrated as some blood-thirsty twerp! Have had threats, on another forum, from a ex who says he will report me, so is just a little bit worrying
weight gain pics!


Lil all skin and bones

Lil has started growing!