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New member
Since joining the forum i have noticed that Cornsnakes obviously have a huge following......Now a question do you g uys take a lotting of ribbing and teasing cause you don't keep.....oh say pythons for example? I have to tell you until recently cornsnakes did nothing for me and i only kept a few as breeding projects for my children.........but i'm slowly changing my mind set....

So dish guys do you get teased? for keeping corns?

Nah, we just beat the snot out of anyone that teases us. :grin01:

Honestly, no I can't say anyone has ever teased me about the kind of snake I keep. The simple fact that I keep snakes seems to be a good reason to tease around here. :rolleyes:

I don't get teased about keeping corns but I do get the response "That's nothing! I used to have a burm" Then I always ask why they don't have it any more and of course they say because it got too big! Some guys get the attitude that the only snakes worth talking about are the big ones because a corn snake isn't manly. The biggest snake I have is a ball python and the crap that comes out of them is plenty big enough for me to clean up. I can't imagine cleaning up after a burm!
I've gotten a few responses like this one:

Them: So what pets do you have
Me: Snakes, Rats, Mice, and a cat
Them: Oooh, what kind of snakes?
Me: a few cornsnakes
Them: oh, I thought you meant you had REAL snakes, like a big old boa.

I always have to laugh when people say stuff like that. They just assume that all snakes are big and mean and ready to eat people. Or sometimes, occasionally people will be like "oh, my brother had one of those" or whatever. So I guess I've had mixed responses.
weaver said:
... because a corn snake isn't manly....
Just ask 'em when's the last time they ate a raw mouse?

... I can't imagine cleaning up after a burm!
:laugh: We recently met someone who said he wouldn't keep a snake that crapped bigger than he did. So, that's the new house-rule! ... That, and "nothing large enough to swallow a cat."
Most of the people I know are too in shock that I am a girl and keep snakes to even think far enough ahead to give me **it that they aren't "big" snakes. They can't seem to get past the fact that persons of the female persuasion can not only like snakes, but handle and keep them as well!
Most of the people I know have either had snakes in the past or currently have one of my cornsnakes, so I really don't hear any teasing. On the rare occasion I hear a stupid comment about snakes, I usually tell them I have the cornsnakes as pets and to breed, but the boas are part of my security system. In fact, one is still on the loose in the house...probably all snuggled up somewhere digesting the last person who made a snide comment about my snakes.
Susan said:
Most of the people I know have either had snakes in the past or currently have one of my cornsnakes, so I really don't hear any teasing. On the rare occasion I hear a stupid comment about snakes, I usually tell them I have the cornsnakes as pets and to breed, but the boas are part of my security system. In fact, one is still on the loose in the house...probably all snuggled up somewhere digesting the last person who made a snide comment about my snakes.

:roflmao: priceless!!!
ArpeggioAngel said:
Most of the people I know are too in shock that I am a girl and keep snakes to even think far enough ahead to give me **it that they aren't "big" snakes. They can't seem to get past the fact that persons of the female persuasion can not only like snakes, but handle and keep them as well!

I get the same deal from people because I'm female.

But the worst... the absolute worst... is that those same people automatically assume that because I have snakes of any kind, piercings, and tattoos, I must be homosexual. :confused: :angry01:

Not that it matters if I am or not, it's just making a generalization like that because it's the only way they can fathom a woman owning a "manly" pet, especially if it's one their afraid of, just angers me beyong belief. It's another one of those stereotypes that people seem to cling to. :blowup:
It's easy, I just tell them corn owners don't have compensation issues. :sidestep:
carol said:
It's easy, I just tell them corn owners don't have compensation issues. :sidestep:

Oh my god - this thread has me rolling.... remember what they say about size....

I've had Boas and Pythons and they simply aren't as interesting as corn and rat snakes. At lease to me. My Boa tried to eat all sorts of stupid things, just was rather dull.

Funny, funny, funny!!

Since joining the forum i have noticed that Cornsnakes obviously have a huge following......Now a question do you g uys take a lotting of ribbing and teasing cause you don't keep.....oh say pythons for example? I have to tell you until recently cornsnakes did nothing for me and i only kept a few as breeding projects for my children.........but i'm slowly changing my mind set....

As a man, no one nothers me about corns, if anything there is a fascination, and if it was an issue to sdomeone else, forget them, thats there issues, I don't need a big snale to prove I am manly... A breeder that I have bought corns from rides a Harley.. Oddly enough, there was a point when I meet up with the Dude at a Harley Dealership to pick up some corns from him.. Long hair and beard..

This is me.. Not holding a corn here, but another colobrid.. Personally I don't care to what people might think about me keeping corns, contrary to what some seem to think.. This is certainly a real snake, wanna feel him squeeze the hand tight? Seems to constrict a lot tighter than the BP's I have..


Yea, so no ribbing here.. Regards Tim of T and J
Oh my god - this thread has me rolling.... remember what they say about size....

Thank you Tonya.. You summed it up well.. I don't need a big snake... :eek1:

That's a BEAUTIFUL snake Tim. Wow! Perfect banding. I think it's a shame when people want to be cool by owning the large snakes and then can't keep them because of their size. They make no real commitment to owning it so when it becomes inconvenient they give it away to another idiot that wants to be cool. Sad part is, those snakes often end up being neglected. With colubrids you can enjoy every part of owning a snake without all the inconvenience.
Drizzt80 said:
I just get teased for being a corn-pimp and showing off corn-porn.


True that! I've learned to be careful opening threads at school. Not everyone is as impressed with hemipene pics as I am. :grin01: My favorite is when people say "ew", when they hear I have a snake, which is fine, their own opinion whatever, but then they say something like "oh it's slimy." siiighh.
The other thing I thought of.. My corns are big enough to keep my mother in law away.. Well originally anyhow.. :grin01: :sidestep: \

Regards.. Tim of T and J
wow this thread went in a whole different direction than i originally intended....I simply meant that most people tend to view corns as a beginner snake.......I personally don't keep anything larger than Morelia Bredli and common BCI's (Burms and Retics never did much for me anyway)...I personally keep a lot of various Asian elaph such as beauty snakes which i personally think is going to be the future of the hobby and the next big thing.

they are much more challenging or i should say harder to keep....I tended to think that most people started out with corns and moved on as their skill increased as a keeper! I never started this way myself i started off with pythons.....was just looking for opinions...as i never really kept and bred them so i was amazed at the loyal and faithful following they seem to have.....
