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New member
I don't understand why there are so many people on this site that feel it is neccessary to be so harsh and rude with the comments they leave. We are all here because we share a love for our animals and what we do. Some of us have more knowledge to share and some of us have a lot to learn. We learn from each other here and share our joys and sad times. The most important thing we need to share is respect for each other. I very sure that when Rich created this site he never wanted it to be a place were people bash others for the questions they ask. I respectfully ask that everybody here use good judgment and common respect for each other when they respond to the threads of others. We are all adults here. I would also respectfully ask the operators of this site to warn people for the rude behavior and hold as many of them accountable for those unproductive actions...

Thank you all,
I see this on any forum I've been on....I think it's a mesh of different personalities, that don't necessarily mesh well.
I'm not justifying it, & I get your frustration.

There are many here who are focused on learning from others, helping some when we can, making new friends & showing off our babies. :)
This is not the first, nor the last thread about this... from time to time someone will rub another the wrong way... that's the "price" of being in a forum- many people, different opinions, belief systems and so on...

It is by far one of the more civilized forums I know... and that's why I spend so much time here even though I am not from the US nor do I even keep cornsnakes :p
You are also dealing with the written word where the lack of tone of voice, inflection, facial expression and other forms of body language increase the likelihood of a misunderstanding in the intention behind the words. Smilies can help a little, but too often, it is simply how one person interprets what another has written that causes an issue on this forum. And if you are referring to perhaps one of the heated discussion threads, such as any dealing with any form of political topic, then good luck with keeping it completely sickeningly sweet and civil!
Nicely said and I agree.. But there will always be conflicts between people with conflicting personalities.. Unfortunately..
With diversity comes controversy. This is a diverse board. Ages, genders, political beliefs, the way they were raised, the morals they hold dear--or don't. I prefer civility and kindness (see my signature). However, not everyone thinks the same way. It's one thing that keeps a board interesting, if occasionally frustrating and/or infuriating :).
This is NOT the most heated board I've ever been on... far from it. It is an excellent mixture of polite/calm while still having the freedom to debate people, and it's moderators take good care to curb excessive attacks or sniping. When I first signed up, I never expected it to be simultaneously a tight, together community and at the same time one that isn't afraid to speak it's mind to each other. I consider it a pleasant surprise to have found somewhere that I can not only nerd out about snakes without getting "ewwww"s and "nasty"s but also jump into roaring political debates. I hope you know that, if someone has hurt you in some way you feel goes beyond light ribbing and debate, you can always report it to the mods. But for the most part I think you'll find that no one has anything personal against whoever they're "harsh" to, just speaking their minds freely about a topic.
While I agree with your sentiment, I also agree with everyone who has said that this is a very civilized board. The internet is generally a rough place. Face-to-face confrontation is much different from comparatively anonymous confrontation. When people can hide behind a computer screen, they feel more freedom to say whatever they want, so many forums I have been to simply degrade into flaming and nastiness. I've noticed much more bluntness than rudeness here, though that might just be me.