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Freaking out! My first snake laid an egg- she was a virgin as far as I know!

Sounds very encouraging. Great news. An aspirated egg should be much easier for her to deal with.
Doesn't it? I'm very happy about how it went. I'm pretty sure she'll be fine. I know I still have a long way to go before she's completely healed up, but this seems promising, and I'm willing to work for her. I'm off to go buy calcium powder.
She passed the egg and I've found someone to take better care of her and the others as soon as she's to a healthy weight. Thanks those of you who have helped and goodbye.
People are messaging me that if I keep doing this I'll kill my snake and others. I just want her to have a happy life, and as people are saying, she'd be better in other hands... I really want to keep her but I think it would be selfish. I love her so much that if she or someone else got hurt I just couldn't forgive myself.
A retained egg can happen to anyone. How do you think everyone has learned that leaving the snake alone is the first step in managing delayed laying? SOMEONE, more than one someone, had to learn the hard way that snakes are best left to try to manage things themselves, to begin with, anyway.

I'm sure you're not going to kill your snakes. You, after all, took appropriate action and brought her to the vet, and she passed the egg, and now she's going to be fine.

I'd hate to see you driven out of keeping snakes just because a few people were overzealous in trying to help you...
People are messaging me that if I keep doing this I'll kill my snake and others. I just want her to have a happy life, and as people are saying, she'd be better in other hands... I really want to keep her but I think it would be selfish. I love her so much that if she or someone else got hurt I just couldn't forgive myself.

First thing, I pmed you but I never said that. And the mods here can look at pms if they want to.
Not to mention that I really wish you wouldn't leave. You posted in inquiry about me in the BOI last fall and I am so happy you did. I had never been mentioned in there before and it was so nice reading the nice things others posted about me!
I wasn't talking about your PM's starsevol. They have been polite, and kind.
I wasn't talking about your PM's starsevol. They have been polite, and kind.

I am glad. Now please stay, I have kept these critters for years but always learn new things here. You can do the same if you stay.

Edited to add, please please nobody tell Susan. I don't want her to die from shock!
I really want her to be happy. I don't know if I'll be able to bring myself to give up Xia but I really can't stay on this site any longer when people have become rude. If it ends up the home I evaluate knows less than I do I'm keeping her and in that case I'll likely just start over on another forum or make a new account. Sorry about this, I feel like such a drama queen and I hate drama. Thanks for the advice everyone! :)
Also, I'll probabily keep in touch with a few of you on Faunaclassifieds, namely Starsevol, Nancy, Bitsy and Robbes
I really want her to be happy. I don't know if I'll be able to bring myself to give up Xia but I really can't stay on this site any longer when people have become rude. If it ends up the home I evaluate knows less than I do I'm keeping her and in that case I'll likely just start over on another forum or make a new account. Sorry about this, I feel like such a drama queen and I hate drama. Thanks for the advice everyone! :)

Trust me on this, there are rude people EVERYWHERE. Welcome to the world!
Running away is no solution.

Now for heaven's sake, dismount off that drama llama!!!
Ugh. Sorry... I have a tendency to be overemotional. I mean, you are right, I can't run. I'm just so stressed out over the whole thing still. Xia just had me worried and this random bipolar moodswing thing is because of three nights of no sleep over this whole ordeal, coupled along with managing a road trip, a close family death and my washing machine flooding my house. Yea, stress turns me into a complete child, doesn't it?... Still, I want to take a break for a bit, not just from here but from everything. Guess I should schedule another vacation.
I just read this thread and am happy to read Xia is ok now. Please rethink giving away your snakes, you care so much you'll become a great snake keeper! I started keeping corns in 2005 and started breeding in 2006, and only this year I really found the strength to just trust nature with delayed laying, together with any other ilnesses it is the worst part of snake keeping and breeding! I don't know how old you are but I guess pretty young, right? I think by dealing with stuff like this and with different types of people advizing you, you'll get more mature. Running away and avoiding it is not gonna learn you anything. You seem willing to learn and care about you animals, that's exactly what you need to become a good snake keeper :)
Lyion, you're great. I'm new too and you've been learning a lot more than a newer keeper is ready for. You pulled through and taught the rest of us n00bs a lot too. I hope that you don't go.
Yea, I'll stay. i was acting very immature, and overreacting immaturely. And yes, I am rather young, probably one of the youngest on the site. No, I'm not young enough to be in grade school or anything, but I've barely started junior college. Yes, I still am not mature, and frankly am now embarrassed over my childish actions.