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Friggin cats


New member
I don't know why but one of my cats has it out for my other pets. First my gerbils, and tonight my male kingsnake, while he was in my hands no less!

Anyway he got a small nick on the side of his neck, and while its not bleeding I'd like to know how to treat it so it doesn't cause trouble later.
here's the best photo I could get.

You can see where she nicked him right behind his jaw.

Well, maybe you shouldn't have let the cat get so close...? Or better secure it and/or your other pets?

Anyway, hydrogen peroxide will do well. Vaseline or Neosporin with no pain reliever will also help. I've also treated an older wound on an adult rat snake with globs of honey every few days and had good results (and sticky fingers). I personally like the honey best.
My cats are fascinated by my snakes as well, and the one that hubby brought home that had been fending for herself for a year will kill and eat any escaped snake if she finds it. The other two have found escapees but just look at it and maybe give it a quick touch with their declawed paw. I try to discourage the cats from being too interested, especially since the one likes to move the tubs is possible. I don't know how she does it, but she does. The only snake they are allowed to watch is Pinky, my red-tail boa. Pinky would like to play with the kitties as much as they want to play with her, if you know what I mean! ;)

But as already mentioned, clean it with peroxide and apply some Neosporin (or generic equivalent) to it...and maybe trim your cat's claws or use Soft Paws (Click Here for Link).
Your cat does not "have it out for your other pets"...not at all.
Your cat is a ....cat.
Rodents and reptiles are natural prey for a.....cat.

That is like saying "my pet lion has it in for my other pets. Today he attacked my zebra"......

When you have animals that are naturally prey and predator, you are supposed to keep them completely seperate......
Starsevol is very right. You should put your cat away when handling your other small animals. I have to put mine in a separate room because he goes crazy. Plus I've seen him chase and kill small garters before.
My cats are total curious with our reptiles. But I make sure when I have the snakes or lizards out. They are swooed away or told to get back. We train them with a water bottle. It works wonders.
They seem to know that the reptiles are off limits because when I come in a room and they are stalking a tank, they look at me and take off!
Good Luck with the lil fella.
OMG my cat would hate soft paws, he can't even deal with a cat harness, he thinks he can't walk properly. I always trim his claws, but its way easier to just put him in another room for a bit when the snakes are out.
OMG my cat would hate soft paws, he can't even deal with a cat harness, he thinks he can't walk properly. I always trim his claws, but its way easier to just put him in another room for a bit when the snakes are out.

They seriously chew and lick for all of 15 minutes and then they don't care. If you trim his nails, he won't care about the softpaws. I've never had a cat that would tolerate a harness.
She snuck into the room where we keep the gerbils AWAY from all the cats. She knows I have no peripheral vision and snuck up behind me where I couldn't see her (we even put a bell on her so she couldn't do that) to get at the snake. I promise I'm not trying to put my pets in danger intentionally. You guys act like I want to pay ridiculous vet bills for no reason.

Anyway I'll get some neosporin/hydrogen peroxide while I'm at work tonight.
Also felt I should add, no one appriciates being talked down to like a child. Accidents happen, this is the first time in nearly 10 years of snake keeping this issue has cropped up, I have never spoken down to anyone on this site and I am rather annoyed to see it happening to me, or anyone else for that matter.
Also I wasnt serious about the cat having it out for my pets. I'm aware that it is a predator and thats just what cats do. It's just frustrating, when I had to deal with gerbil surgery, because of her, two weeks ago.
My kitties like to watch "cat tv" but have not tried to come near me when the snake is out...I put my dogs away when I take her out because they are SO nosy!!!! The cats could care less, but if they did try to come around when I have the snake out I shoo them away...they don't need to get in her business, especially my Floyd-meow...since he killed my crested a couple years ago :headbang: :awcrap:
Also felt I should add, no one appriciates being talked down to like a child. Accidents happen, this is the first time in nearly 10 years of snake keeping this issue has cropped up, I have never spoken down to anyone on this site and I am rather annoyed to see it happening to me, or anyone else for that matter.
Also I wasnt serious about the cat having it out for my pets. I'm aware that it is a predator and thats just what cats do. It's just frustrating, when I had to deal with gerbil surgery, because of her, two weeks ago.

Meh, you made it sound like what happened was your cats fault.

..........it wasn't......
@Zombiegirl, I definlily shoo the cats away, she just doesnt seem to think the rules apply if I cant see her, reminds me of a toddler honestly. Shes really too smart for her own good sometimes lol.
I have the perfect way to keep cats away from my other critters..
I won't own a Friggin' Cat.. haven't owned on in 20+ yrs..
I know cats can be very sneaky and very fast when they want something. Today was the first day I took our baby Nathair out to handle him. Of course he was very fidgety and would freak when I went too close to his head or brush his tail. Typical hatchling behavior and a bit of a handful. So I was really paying attention to Nathair and did not notice one of our cats nosing up toward him. Happily nothing happened and I was able to push the cat away but it happened pretty quick. Suddenly he was right there!

I would use the neosporin and keep an eye on the wound.
I have the perfect way to keep cats away from my other critters..
I won't own a Friggin' Cat.. haven't owned on in 20+ yrs..

I could say the same thing to people with children, but you know, thats crossing the line.