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I think I have made a final choice.

this is very true and thats why almost all teens act like complete idiots i myself also have this problem at times but most of the time i think a week or 2 before i get a new snake like my kingsnake i got 2 months ago was at the pet store for 2 and a half months and i finally decided that i was going to get her so i think in some cases you mature in your late teens but most of the time your in mid 20s before you grow up.

your about to turn 16? and you have that many keepers? i have 14 right now but some are 09 hatchlings i havent had an oppurtunity to sell or trade yet and right now im just trying to focus on getting boyfriends for them (cuz i ended up with all female snakes somehow)...

so before you start snapping back at everyone thats gets on you about your impulsive actions you should think for a little while. now i know how annoying it is when people try to tell you something you dont want to hear (especially when you feel they dont know the whole story) but alot of people on here have been where we are right now and know exactly how it is. if your planning on going to college you better really limit yourself until you graduate.

i know there is hundreds of different kinds of snakes that you would probly love to have but your 15 you have an entire lifetime ahead of you to worry about it. try focusing on getting through school and being able to make enough money to feed all these snakes before you get them

sorry to just butt in like this but i think some things had to be said

This coming from one of your peers. Excellent post!

Would rep you but apparently I've given too much out in the last 24 hours.
This attempt to convince David is futile and will cause undue strain on both the opposing side and himself.

David- none of us here has the right to regulate or limit you in any way- do as you see fit. I hope you are putting the welfare of the animals in a high-enough regard. My personal opinion is that you do tend to jump into things but it's not something I can nor is it my right to change.

The only issue I do have is when you try to antagonize/condescend/hint that your are better than others because you chose certain snakes- people here have spent a deal more than you on snakes, they simply decided not to keep the species you're into- it doesn't make you better.
IMHO- and you can take it or leave it, your choice, it is that very attitude that makes it a bit hard for many readers here to separate your attitude from your ability to keep snakes- their bad experiences with you reflect on how they view you as a whole.

So, as some have already stated- you need not need anyone's approval when choosing your future snakes.
Be prepared to have to deal with posts that may be less to your liking due to past posts you made.

I assure you that once you "walk your talk", things will change.
If your mum supports your growing collection, then good luck and I look forwards to seeing them when you get them. (I'm in the oppposite position to you, I have an agreement that my boys take care of my animals when I'm away or too busy!)
I REALLY can't believe I'm going to post this. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. I really don't see what the big deal is about David getting RR's. They get a few inches over 6 feet. Big whoop. Yeah, they're fast and nervous, but so are hatchling anythings. If he has the time to work with them like he says he does, he can calm them down a bit and get them more used to handling.

A lot of people comment about the size of his collection, and what he's going to do when he gets into college. He says he has a plan. Good for him. But seriously, every time he starts one of these threads, the same things are mentioned, and he goes ahead and gets what he wants (for the most part) anyways. I figure if he wants to get something, we might as well be supportive for the animal, even if we don't necessarily like David or the things he's doing. :shrugs: Just IMO.

Please pardon my oblivious ignorance in this matter, I've never seen even a dicken, could you show me a photo of one, and provide more information on how fast ? they are? What size tubs does one keep them in, etc/Thanks, dp


I see where you guys are going but what you need to understnd and grasp is I have a plan. I know about what will happen. It is very unnerving to get all these repsonses. Rick brings up an excellent point. Why I am getting slammed into a wall? I love asain rats. I can tame asian rats. it takes time but the breeder himself has pictures of his with both his radiateds sitting very contently in his hands! He told me asian rats get a bad rep because when they first became recognized in the hobby they were mostly imports and people thought all of them were like that.

SERIOUSLY disagree. You can't "TAME" any snake. You may calm them down, but they'll never be truly tame.
transitive verb

1 a : to reduce from a wild to a domestic state b : to subject to cultivation c : to bring under control : harness

2 : to deprive of spirit : humble, subdue <the once revolutionary…party, long since tamed — Times Literary Supplement>

3 : to tone down : soften <tamed the language in the play>

(I'd think they can definitely be brought under control).
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Define "tame." Do you mean "domesticate?"

Yep. At least, that's my version of it. Some of my snakes deal with handling better, and are calmer, but I would never call them "tame". If I called them tame, I would let my guard down, and not be ready for the unexpected. By calling them "calm", and not "tame", in my mind, it helps me keep my guard up. Even though some do seem downright tame. But those are gentle giants (like my lovely BCI lady).
Some people on here have expanded their collections hugely. Who knows what's around the corner for them? Will they be able to afford unexpected vet bills?
Robbie, I hope you don't mind but I'll use you as an example, did anyone question how you would house and feed your snakes as you've got more over the last few months? And how would you feel if they did?
How are people thinking it's ok to judge David in this way. If his mother is ok with his snakes, then he's good to go. She will be supporting him, helping with expenses, helping with the care.
you need not need anyone's approval when choosing your future snakes.

True, but then they aren't really his "forever" snakes. Every animal he takes in will be a future burden to him mom, as she will be the one taking care of them when he goes to college. I truly believe that 15 is to young to be able to know what the future holds. When I was 15, heck, when I was 18 I had no "life plan". What ended up happening was I got an opportunity (a random, out of nowhere opportunity) to live and work on the other side of Canada for a month. I took it, and I never left. The thing is, if he has a collection that size, and ends up *not* wanting to live with him mom forever, will he limit himself to taking care of his pets first? Or will he grow some wings and fly out on his own, leaving is zoo behind? Neither option sounds that great.

I don't reply to most of his threads because you are right, he doesn't need our approval. But it doesn't mean I don't think this is a bad idea. Snakes aren't pokemon, to be discarded when they no longer fit your life; they're pets. Not to mention, being on your own, barley scarping by is pretty normal for people entering their 20's, I couldn't imagine having the burden of 16 - 20 snakes on top of everything else (plus, good luck finding an apartment that will allow all that).
Some people on here have expanded their collections hugely. Who knows what's around the corner for them? Will they be able to afford unexpected vet bills?
Robbie, I hope you don't mind but I'll use you as an example, did anyone question how you would house and feed your snakes as you've got more over the last few months? And how would you feel if they did?
How are people thinking it's ok to judge David in this way. If his mother is ok with his snakes, then he's good to go. She will be supporting him, helping with expenses, helping with the care.

I don't mind in the very least! I know I've expanded quite a bit, especially over the past year and a half that I've been on this forum. But I do have my own plans in place, as well. If questioned, I would explain my plans to them as I had to do on a different forum. But honestly, if people have a problem with how my collection is expanding, I tend to ignore them unless they point out a valid concern, it doesn't matter how many times I have to explain my plans. Although at one point, I'll put my plans and preparations in one post, and then just go back and quote it if someone questions me or my actions again. That would be a lot to type out every time!
I don't mind in the very least! I know I've expanded quite a bit, especially over the past year and a half that I've been on this forum. But I do have my own plans in place, as well. If questioned, I would explain my plans to them as I had to do on a different forum. But honestly, if people have a problem with how my collection is expanding, I tend to ignore them unless they point out a valid concern, it doesn't matter how many times I have to explain my plans. Although at one point, I'll put my plans and preparations in one post, and then just go back and quote it if someone questions me or my actions again. That would be a lot to type out every time!
Thanks Robbie! Then there's Torsten too. I've not heard a single word against his collection and even read posts showing total approval (including one from Rich)
Thanks Robbie! Then there's Torsten too. I've not heard a single word against his collection and even read posts showing total approval (including one from Rich)

But he's LOADED! :laugh: He definitely has the means to care for 'em all. Or even pay someone to do it when he goes off to uni. :roflmao: (That is how you say it in the UK, right?)
I can't see the point of questioning anybody about their plans..... I'm older than most of you so I know better than most of you how plans can change..
No matter what you think your plans are now, they will alter as circumstances change throughout your lives.... You may loose a job or loose a partners income or you may connect with another species you haven't even considered yet....
One thing I do know is, the younger you are when you make definites, the more chance you got of not following them......
And teenagers have plans that they have thought out and know they are doing the right thing....
Luckily we now have the internet so we can all look back through old threads and pull them out in years to come and quote from them... LOL
And teenagers have plans that they have thought out and know they are doing the right thing....
Luckily we now have the internet so we can all look back through old threads and pull them out in years to come and quote from them... LOL

Very true. That's why one of the points in my plan is "EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED". Which means money set aside for emergency vet bills, an "escape plan" for switching to travel tubs in case of a hurricane or other predictable natural disaster, etc.
Very true. That's why one of the points in my plan is "EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED". Which means money set aside for emergency vet bills, an "escape plan" for switching to travel tubs in case of a hurricane or other predictable natural disaster, etc.
You can never plan for the unexpected, by the very nature of the word.... It's unexpected.
You can plan for things you may expect, it's the ones you don't expect that throw everything into chaos.
True, but then they aren't really his "forever" snakes. Every animal he takes in will be a future burden to him mom, as she will be the one taking care of them when he goes to college. I truly believe that 15 is to young to be able to know what the future holds. When I was 15, heck, when I was 18 I had no "life plan". What ended up happening was I got an opportunity (a random, out of nowhere opportunity) to live and work on the other side of Canada for a month. I took it, and I never left. The thing is, if he has a collection that size, and ends up *not* wanting to live with him mom forever, will he limit himself to taking care of his pets first? Or will he grow some wings and fly out on his own, leaving is zoo behind? Neither option sounds that great.

I don't reply to most of his threads because you are right, he doesn't need our approval. But it doesn't mean I don't think this is a bad idea. Snakes aren't pokemon, to be discarded when they no longer fit your life; they're pets. Not to mention, being on your own, barley scarping by is pretty normal for people entering their 20's, I couldn't imagine having the burden of 16 - 20 snakes on top of everything else (plus, good luck finding an apartment that will allow all that).

I hear ya, but it's still trying to predict what he'll do... who knows? Maybe he'll surprise us all?
People change, we can't foresee how things will go... nor can we guarantee that every snake we take on will remain forever under our care.
In a way, it's kind of sad- but that's the very nature of the hobby sometimes- since it's a low maintenance animal, with such variety, you are more and more likely to keep a bigger number of them- which means that as individuals they are somewhat diminished sometimes- unlike dogs.

In a perfect world, I'd like people to think of snakes as a commitment as dogs are- you don't bring dozens of them, and they are with you for life(or at least that's the general goal).

As much as I respect and love snakes though, I too have had to experience the keeping of several snakes which I later sold on because that was the only way for me to get hands on experience...
David, I have to agree with the people who're saying "nay". There's a difference between getting a pair of easy-going, small Hognose snakes and getting a pair of large, moody, and quick rat snakes. It's like getting a King Rat snake instead of a Corn snake... It's great that that choice worked out for you, but what if you ever had to sell your king rat (or is it king ratS now?)? No one would want it. And what if you didn't stay local? You can't be sure your mom will REALLY want to take care of YOUR big, moody snakes. I don't care how much she likes snakes, you still aren't guaranteed that she will want to take care of them. Part of why I'd been thinking about selling Lucy, my Taiwan Beauty, is my mom is afraid of her. My mother LOVES snakes, even has her own boas and has been talking about getting her own Hognose snakes, but I would never expect her to take care of Lucy--even though the bulk of it is just tossing her an f/t rat every two weeks and switching water dishes while she's busy with the rat.

As for why people seem to "pick on" you more than anyone else? You pride yourself on picking out the biggest, toughest snakes you can find. As I recall, you've insisted, in the past, that you were going to get a Savannah monitor. A Blood python. The King (aka "Stinking Goddess") Rat snakes. Probably more, if I paid more attention to your past threads. There's a vast difference between a 15-year old getting a Savannah monitor, and that same 15-year old getting a beardie. It's the same difference between getting a Blood python over a Ball python. Or a King rat, Radiated rat, most Asian rats in general, over a corn snake. Boa Constrictor Constrictors over Hogg Isle BCIs or Rosy Boas. Do you see the pattern? The point people try to get across is, the big stuff can WAIT. How much time will you spend in college? 4 years? Maybe 6? When the average lifespan is rising every year, and even now is 80-90 years, that's just a blink of an eye. Even though it feels like it, it's not that hard to just wait until you're done with college. You have your entire life ahead of you, you don't have to accomplish everything while you're still a teenager.

This is an extremely mature statement (wow, am I condescending or what?)and I commend you on raising some valid points.

No one seems to question Torsten or Taylor about how many snakes they buy...

Hmm, I dont recall ever being told to slow down either, Tho I do try to stay with what species I can handle and how many. Tho the numbers are getting up there.

Neither Taylor, Torsten or Kyle post in a drama-whore fashion on what they are adding to their collection. In fact, I only see them post after the purchase with some beautiful snakes in photos. Once it's a done deal it's too late to try to dissuade them. In fact, see Mike's statement below:

David, here's a good tip for you... Stop saying what you are planning or thinking of getting.... Make up your own mind what you want, then post it when it's settled in....
I never ask advice on here about things I am planning, and I sometimes don't even post them up here when I have them....
It's the way forward.....
Sorry, Jenne...you know I love ya to bits, but at this point, I don't see David as the one being the drama whore. Every time he posts anything, he seems to come under attack. Someone needs to take the "kick me" sign off the poor kid's back and let him live life the way he and his family see fit.

If everyone wants to attack people for lack of knowledge, go on down to your local pet store and jump on those people for their impulse buys. Attack the people buying pet store puppies or GOLDFISH that are being purchased with a half gallon tank to keep them in. Geez, David and I haven't always been on the best of terms, but it gets tiring to watch every thread he makes go on and on because everyone else knows what's best for him.
Sorry, Jenne...you know I love ya to bits, but at this point, I don't see David as the one being the drama whore. Every time he posts anything, he seems to come under attack. Someone needs to take the "kick me" sign off the poor kid's back and let him live life the way he and his family see fit.

If everyone wants to attack people for lack of knowledge, go on down to your local pet store and jump on those people for their impulse buys. Attack the people buying pet store puppies or GOLDFISH that are being purchased with a half gallon tank to keep them in. Geez, David and I haven't always been on the best of terms, but it gets tiring to watch every thread he makes go on and on because everyone else knows what's best for him.

You must spread some reputation around before giving to LBoz again.
Thanks for defending me guys. I got knida upset last night by all the stuff going on. People don't realize there are otehr members on this forum that have huge collections and or of equal or slightly older age. I am not a drama whore. If I was I would go ahead and post an gettin a kobra thread. I have a plan do all the adults have plans. Sure you are not in school but what if you lose a job? I am getting these amazing snakes. I am actually going out to get tubs, bedding, hides and waters tonite. Show is on the 7th of November.