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Search results for query: *

  • Users: Nanci
  • Order by date
  1. Nanci

    SOLD Cinder Lava Stripe Yearling Group

    I'd like to see these guys as a group. There are 2.2 cinder lavas poss het stripe. YES, 2 female cinder lavas. The rest are 4.1 lavas poss het cinder stripe. There are some bright orange and red lavas, and some cream and orange-red lavas, which I like to call lava-canes, or candy lavas. The...
  2. Nanci

    Rich Z- I Think I Can Solve Your Squirrel Problem!!

    I cannot love this enough!! g4rUY32M5F4
  3. Nanci

    North Florida Weather Today

    The national weather service has issued a Particularly Dangerous Situation Tornado Watch for a large portion of Florida. They have never, ever issued one for this area. I am packing up my dogs and bird and seeking shelter, since my home would not be safe. How are you doing up there, Rich???
  4. Nanci

    Happy Inauguration Day Eve!!

    Trump's speech after his welcome concert!!
  5. Nanci

    Daytona, Who Is Going???

    I am!! Arriving Friday, leaving Sunday. Staying at La Quinta on the beach. Not planning on buying anything!!! I've only bought a snake at Daytona twice- Noah the BOA years ago, and Ruby Two, bloodred stripe from Rich Hume, last year. Oh- but I'll be buying books and T-shirts, etc...
  6. Nanci

    Cinder Lava Stripe, First Shed

    It's too hot to take her outside. Here she is!!
  7. Nanci

    Why Rattle, Snake?

    REALLY cool research!!http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/1564394.pdf?_=1469622835861 ABSTRACT.-A comparison of the acoustic characteristics (power spectra, intensity) of rattling sounds made by 13 rattlesnakes representing 6 species revealed that rattling conforms to the same general pattern...
  8. Nanci

    World's First???

    I think so!! Cinder Lava Stripe!!
  9. Nanci

    All Set Up For Eggs!!

    It's laying time!! I have new Squamata Concepts egg boxes, but I'm not risking a potential world's first by trying substrateless incubation for my first time. Going with my tried and true Hatchrite covered with orchid moss. I did melt a hole in the container so I could get a probe in there...
  10. Nanci

    Real Life Ouroboros!

    First- I don't want this to turn into the %$#* storm it did on Facebook. The issue is resolved, the snake is well-fed, I just quickly took this photo before disengaging him, because let's face it, we're very unlikely to ever see this again. I was feeding all my adult males Saturday, and my...
  11. Nanci

    Peppermint Tessera - More Green Than Pink!

    This isn't what I expected, at all! And of course it's impossible to capture the color. These aren't altered at all, except for the one I used as a cover photo on Facebook.
  12. Nanci

    Lava het Cinder Males (And Fat Bloodred, Shedding)

    These are a few examples of the color variations.
  13. Nanci

    Need Horned Frog Help

    So I've inherited an adult male horned frog, on zero notice. I have some questions, though! It looks like he wasn't being kept quite right, both in terms of diet and habitat. I'm attempting to correct that. He is in a 12 x 12 x 18 (high) Exoterra, because that's what I had. He has a...
  14. Nanci

    If You Could Inherit Anyone's Collection...

    whose would it be? I saw that question on a colubrid page on Facebook, and scrolled through the answers thinking, are you crazy? NO MORE SNAKES!!! But this morning, it crossed my mind again and I had an answer. Carol Huddleston's collection would be very tempting! Steve Roylance was a...
  15. Nanci

    Cornsnakes Gone Wild!

    So I'm sending off a pair of yearlings next week, and I wanted to shoot video of them because it seemed easier than photographing them together. It did not go as planned! https://vimeo.com/138852524
  16. Nanci

    Peppermint Tessera Female

    She had shed twice, and eaten lots of meals! Very sweet personality.
  17. Nanci

    SOLD Peppermint Stripe Male Yearling, Last one!!

    SOLD- THANKS TS!! Peppermint Stripe Male, big yearling, (on weanlings) possible homo or heterozygous Hypo $300 shipped Shipping is FedEx HOLD AT LOCATION Last pic is the grandsire, Heart Attack, with a hatchling peppermint stripe.
  18. Nanci

    Peppermint Tessera!

    My first hatchling of my first clutch is a Peppermint Tessera!! Pretty excited to hit the target morph with the first hatchling!! Thanks for looking!
  19. Nanci

    Remote Incubator Temp Monitoring

    Just set this up today! I'll be able to view the incubator probe temp remotely, on my phone, iPad, or any computer. It also has an alarm set for the max temp I set and will e-mail and text me if the max temp is exceeded. This makes me feel a lot safer leaving the eggs unattended. I've had...
  20. Nanci

    Cornsnakes.Com Breeders List

    This list is here to help members find others who may have what they want. Some links are to websites/forum but others are to an email account. Guidelines for Breeder List 1. Must be a Contributing Member of Cornsnakes.com. 2. Must be actively involved in breeding of cornsnakes. 3. Must be a...