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Metal in a mouse...My Poor Festivus

Beth, I'm so glad he's improving! He's so fortunate to have you to care for him, and to have had a vet who knew his/her business with snake!
He still looks about the same, and is still acting like normal. I just hope he eats on Friday! He was on hoppers but I'm thinking of trying a pink so his throat won't have to stretch very much...
That sounds like a good idea. Not stretching a healing incision is bound to be a lot better than stretching it. Too much pain might put him off feeding in the future.
I think I'd be treating him with kid gloves for a year! It sure wouldn't hurt to feed multiple tiny things until you're positive he's completely healed.

But with people, when they've have GI surgery, it's routine to test the next day for a leak, and if there isn't one, they start eating. Even a big surgery like gastric bypass or when part of the esophagus is removed and the stomach pulled up to reconnect- they are eating for sure within a week.
He still looks about the same, and is still acting like normal. I just hope he eats on Friday! He was on hoppers but I'm thinking of trying a pink so his throat won't have to stretch very much...

Sucks, I cant even imagine how this happened. How a piece of wire/hardware cloth even got on or in a mouse and then lodged in a snake. That's crazy. I hope he does get better, he looks like a pretty cool snake. I would also go ahead and give him another week off of eating. Then give him something pretty small.
Just my $0.02
On Saturday the vet who did the surgery on him said he should be able to eat in 2-3 days, but I'm still waiting til Friday.
I have a huge magnet I'm keeping in the bathroom now, and I plan on passing it over every mouse from now on....

Nanci, the info about people eating so soon after surgery is very encouraging! I just hope he's not afraid of his food from now on.....he was an eating machine until this happened!
I have a huge magnet I'm keeping in the bathroom now, and I plan on passing it over every mouse from now on....

I don't want to sound discouraging, but I was thinking of all the other things mice could eat besides pieces of metal.
Couldn't a piece of hard plastic have done the same to poor Festivus esophagus? :awcrap:
I would think he won't associate what happened with feeding- I hope- because he probably doesn't remember, and maybe the anaesthesia helped with that!-but if his next meal is painful, he might then associate feeding with pain. So it's good that you are starting out tiny, and like Mike says, if anything looks even slightly off or not quite healed, I'd hold off another week and reassess. He's in such good condition he can spare a week or two.
I don't want to sound discouraging, but I was thinking of all the other things mice could eat besides pieces of metal.
Couldn't a piece of hard plastic have done the same to poor Festivus esophagus? :awcrap:

This was a piece of hardware cloth, a piece of the cage. And it was way too big for it to have been eaten by the mouse. The mouse was a hopper, fully furred but tiny, and the metal was 1/3" wide. It was stuck in the mouse. most possibly buried in the mouses body. I don't think plastic would have pierced his throat like this did, it looks like long thorns or spikes and is rusty. I didn't see it, but who LOOKS for something like that?
I will from now on, though...
Oh Beth, I only just saw this, I've been away, but I can't imagine how scary this must have been :eek:

I'm so glad to see that you managed to get the little guy sorted at the vets and I truly wish him a speedy and full recovery!

(((hugs))) to you too, I thought you might need them ;)

Best wishes,
I can not even imagine what it was like to see him like that! You are lucky to have someone that could help out. I hope he makes a speedy recovery.
I'm so glad to hear that he is holding his own. He looks much better in his pictures than my imagination was flying off to. I'm glad of that!
Glad to hear he's doing better! *hugs* What a terrifying thing to have happen.
How's he doing this morning, Beth?? I guess it's hard to check on him in the morning- he's probably sleeping. But still!
Thank you so much everyone!
You guys are so supportive and wonderful.
I appreciate it so much......

Nanci, the swelling looks to be almost down this morning.
He fought at meds time, he seems to have plenty of strength, at least.
All day Sunday I kept expecting to find him belly-up....

The incisions in his neck have turned black, not in a bad way though.
They look like they are scabbing over and starting to heal.

But I won't breathe easily until he takes a pinky on Friday.....