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  • Users: surfrkidTS
  • Content: Threads
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  1. surfrkidTS

    Anyone familiar with Camera?

    I have a Canon PowerShot A80 and its been doing fine for me for a long time. All of the sudden, it went from downloading images that were 1024xwhatever to 600x400. whats the big deal! I wanted my big pictures!
  2. surfrkidTS

    Heat Tape

    First of all, I am building a rack and need to know how to hook up heat tape to a thermostat. :eek1: I don't know which thermostat i am using yet but the heat tape needs to cover the bottoms of a three level rack. Help appreciated! pics even better!
  3. surfrkidTS

    Website Help!

    You all have great quality websites and i really need some help. I'm sick of the freewebs.com websites i've been using and want to know how you guys are setting up your pages. I was thinking of getting MS Frontpage but it is awefully expensive and i would have to pay alot for a domain name. I am...
  4. surfrkidTS

    catching wild herps

    anyone have any neat (non violent of course) traps that can be used for frogs, lizards, or snakes? I plan on getting pictures of local herps to use for some biolgy studies at my school, and need to find more reptiles! any help would be appreciated thanks tyler
  5. surfrkidTS

    Corn or Cal KIng

    Well, i was scoping out some of the things sold at Prehistoric Pets in California, and besides being ridicolously expensive, i did find this: http://www.prehistoricpets.com/gallery/view.asp?request=images&img=Dsc00606&id=258 It is called a Cal King, but i think its actualy a hybrid. what do...
  6. surfrkidTS

    Hypo Okeetee update

    This is an update to the thread http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14890 I snapped these pics this morning while cleaning his cage :) (my new favorite picture) (headshot edited from picture above) This picture wasn't posted because of its quality(blurry :-puke01: )...
  7. surfrkidTS

    Amel update

    although i only have three snakes, i love taking pictures of them. Sorry if they aren't intresting or if you've seen my snakes a million times, but i like to share anyways :) (today was headshot day)
  8. surfrkidTS

    head patterns

    ok, i m pretty stupid on this subject, and i know what most of the head patterns look like, but can i have a list of them and with how they appear on the corns? (Like 50% mother head pattern and 50% father head pattern in clutch.) Heck, i don't even know if head pattern is genetically...
  9. surfrkidTS

    I just have to share

    I can't help it, i just must share. i just recently starting using imageshack.us for my picture uploading and it is great!!! no amount for how many pics u have as long as they are smaller than 1024 k. its wonderful! BRILLIANT! (does a little dance) as soon as u press the upload button it...
  10. surfrkidTS

    Novalsan Shelf Life

    I bought some novalsan and absuloutely love it, but after about three weeks i see little blue chunks at the bottom of the container, i shake it up and they don't go away, but they might just be coloring. Any ideas?
  11. surfrkidTS

    double chinned corn

    dang, my amel got fat fast. Now she has kind of a comical double chin, but I don't how to make her lose weight. I have cut down on her feeding, but for the rest i'm confused. Snake arobics in order? :dancer:
  12. surfrkidTS

    Okee Hypo pics and Amel pic

    heres the pics i took of my hypo okee. I had less then five seconds to take them before he was making a run for it. He ain't the nicest little guy, but very pretty and definitly fast. and my amel who was posing at the time I really need to get a belly shot of the hypo (cuz he has...
  13. surfrkidTS

    '02 Okeetee

    Some pics of my '02 serpenco okeetee. enjoy i know she never really got in a *new* position, but i liked the pics anyway :)
  14. surfrkidTS

    Disappearing/Moving Kinks

    My kinked okeetee was kinked right at the third spot from her neck. This morning when I took her out, i decided to feel and see if it had gotten any larger. I was startled to find that it moved almost three inches down her neck! :sidestep: It scared me because I thought something must be...
  15. surfrkidTS

    you know its time...

    for a new hide when you see this... :rolleyes:
  16. surfrkidTS

    Long shed

    Well, its been 9 days since my female went blue, and she is still blue! Nothing has changed around here as far as humidity or anything to i don't know what is wrong with her. Nothing has changed: temps, humidity, or feeding. I guess she'll shed when she feels like it but 9 days of being blue...
  17. surfrkidTS

    Identify California Snake?

    Ok, it was definitly someones pet, but we caught this in my grandparents backyard. First "wild" snake i have ever seen in my area. I;ve held it and it seems to be extrememly tame, but i don't have room to keep it so it goes to the animal rescure tommorow. I wanted to save it and keep it, but...
  18. surfrkidTS

    Hurricane Francis

    ITS COMING! AHHH. Rich, i was wondering what you do when hurricanes come your way. Take everything in the basement and hide? I've been following the storm via ABC News and the Weather Channel, and the media is making it look pretty big. I hope everyone in florida will b ok :awcrap:
  19. surfrkidTS

    rodent pro

    I just wanted to know how many people liked rodent pro. Last time i ordered there was alot of poopie in the bag and one mouse split in half. Unforunately i didn;t see that it was split in half until i thawed it so its guts kinda got over the place but anyway... I like rodentpro cuz they're...
  20. surfrkidTS

    Okeetee feeding pics

    Heres my two okeetees eating their little feast. Heres the male(hypo okeetee), he bit me a few times before i got him in his feeding container. <img src="http://img13.exs.cx/img13/986/xerxesheadshot.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" /> <img...