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Your least favorite

For me, my least favorite morphs are any with red eyes. Not sure why, but I just can't seem to get past it. Although, there is a beautiful amel at my reptile shop that I've had my eye on.....I think my favorites are the really nice normals with complex (not clean) colors and hints of stripes. Also the bloodreds and caramels (which don't seem very popular so far on this thread).
I _love_ red eyes! The eyes of lavabloods that look like opaque red blood droplets. The pink eyes of snows/opals that look like watermelon Jolly Ranchers. I also like blue eyes with ruby pupils, white zombie eyes and green eyes. Even bright orange eyes. Oh, and those glittery silver eyes that look like mercury.
Not a red eye fan at all either. I don't have a single amel in my collection. I just love the dark eyes. No plans on getting any either unless they come out of breeding projects and even then they are very likely to be sold. Even when I had pet rats I didn't like the red eyed look. But that didn't necesairily stop me from getting rescues with red eyes.
My biggest dislike is creamsicles, they look like cornsnakes, but they aren't!

Not a huge fan of regular amels, hypos, anerys, and snows but I do have a snow motley that I originally had for sale and just had to keep. I think motley changes everything!
I wouldn't go out and _buy_ an amel (without hets! :), but then I hatched Candy Cane. From the second his little red nose poked out of the egg, I was doomed. I refer to him as my Three Snakes In One! Amel, Candy Cane, Reverse Okeetee. Possibly the best snake personality ever, which is no surprise, since his mother, Cherry, is my favorite snake ever.

I have a couple almost-sunglows, too, that are really nice, IMO- Adlai and Azaria.


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I second Cathy on this one. Vomitmels = blech. 'Normal' snows also hold little appeal. Most of the white snakes in fact do little for me, though I must admit to liking the really extreme powders
I don't really care for bloods, maybe those are one of them that you have to see in person to appreciate? All of the others though I like to some degree.
I don't like dilutes or Ultramels. Both of those just look like a normal with something wrong with them.
I didn't think I would like Amels, until I got one for free- she is a stunner and a sweetie.
I have no interest in Motley or Caramel/Butter morphs. Maybe that will change.
My favorite morph so far is Plasma. I love stripes, too.
I have a pretty Lavender that I really love. At first I was like, lavender? That's kind of a weird color for a snake. But, Akemi here has some GREAT pink tones, and she's just a pretty girl. I've got my fingers crossed that she will be ready to breed by next season, but she's still pretty small, so my guess is she'll be a 2012 breeder.


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I absolutely love color, so the white and/or pale snakes seem boring to me. I'm not fond of red eyes either; they seem so unnatural. So, I wouldn't have picked an amel for my second snake. But she was a rescue and she just charmed me. ;)
Haha, rescues have a habit of doing that. I've NEVER been a fan of California Kings, but somehow, Butters just has been growing on me since I got him. I purchased over 200 dollars worth of corn babies from a local vendor with GREAT reptiles, and he threw the Cali King in for free because he'd been sitting there by himself for so long. They said he bites and is mean. He has not once struck at me unless he was trying to get his food, haha, and he's never done anything "threatening" towards me while I handle him. He's such a silly boy. I'm not a fan of black and white at all, but he's just too darn cute. Granted, he's not a corn, but still.
cant think of a corn i dont like but i can say that of all snakes, i just cant get behind a rosy boa. they are too plain looking for me,which is why i prefer corns!
Ultra- that's another one. I just don't really get the attraction. Well- I'll see a big adult and think, that's a really pretty snake, and it's cool in some combinations, but- it doesn't interest me much. I don't have any representatives of ultra.
When I started to look for a snake for a pet , ( years ago ) and once I decided to get a corn snake I did not realise how many different types of corn snakes there was ! I want to have them all !!!....but if I HAD to choose it would be any thing with red eyes .
Plain anery, plain amel and snow. Anery hatchlings are so pretty all black and gray, but then they get brown. I think I'd like them more if I didn't think they look way better when they're small. Amel is just kinda boring, but anything slightly off of plain is great like reverse okeetees which are beautiful. Snows just need something more, like strawberry which is why salmon snows are soooooo pretty.
I'm not big on striped snakes of any kind..

I clearly remember that stage in my corn morph appreciation development! Unfortunately for my pocketbook, I now like stripes more than any other pattern...They grow on you!
Almost all of mine are red-eyed snakes....LOL...!!! (Or the plasmas with ruby pupils.)
I just realized, but not all.
I have three very red bloodreds that are not amel. And a granite stripe that is very nice. And an anery motley that is very nice, uniform, and hurricane motley.
I like good diffusion, stripes, and good uniform motley pattens.

My cayenne line ultramel bloodreds and my golddust bloodreds and cayenne line fires are my favorite (maybe) snakes. Although my sulfurs, butter stripes, and ultramel stripes, and sunglow motleys (and stripe) are also very near and dear to my heart.

If pressed to respond to the original post (title of the thread), my answers would be most similar to these :
I think I finally thought of mine. Normal-patterned charcoals and aneries. I like the stripes, and I like them combined with lavender or bloodred, but not so much alone.
My biggest dislike is creamsicles, they look like cornsnakes, but they aren't!

Not a huge fan of regular amels, hypos, anerys, and snows but I do have a snow motley that I originally had for sale and just had to keep. I think motley changes everything!

I do have one BG snow, and one avalanche...but they are exceptions and very very special. LOL.

And I am sure many people like reverse Okeetees....but those are my very very very least favorite.
I cannot explain why, I just can't. Extreme reverse okeetees are even worse.